Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1071: Fifty-nine change

Although the first engineering troops arrived were not combat units, they were still important forces in the army. In the previous war against the Karen royal family, the role of the "Engineering Company" was obvious to all. Therefore, after the war, this independent company received a very high military budget for research and training.

In other words, this is the least expensive team in the current army system. Not only the soldiers are full of spirits, but the various surveying and mapping tools transported by the plane are stacked next to each other. Master Man was stunned.

As high-ranking mages, they had been shocked once by the suffocating plane, and even scared themselves to add several layers of shields when they landed.

And now looking at these soldiers with strong expressions and wearing uniform dark green military uniforms, Anderson has an inexplicable illusion that the other party is a mechanical ...

In contrast, they were both embarrassed to call the "regular army" those Rasiman soldiers who have recently tried to attack the city.

"Master Anderson, come here."

There was Roddy's voice in the distance, and Anderson took a nap and looked back. He hurriedly walked towards the tent, but at the same time he couldn't help turning his head to take a closer look—the huge transport aircraft had moved to the side of the airport, the rotating propeller stopped slowly, the technician took the tools and started to inspect and maintain, Two small reconnaissance aircraft just hovering above the sky began to land on the empty runway one by one.

The smooth landing of the body showed its self-confidence, and made Anderson feel a little numb in his brain, which had been shocked countless times.

When he stepped into the tent, the first thing he heard was Soderlor's words: "It is expected that the second transport aircraft will arrive in four hours, and the special forces will arrive sequentially after the third batch. The reconnaissance aircraft will carry out reconnaissance missions from now on. Three days ago, Master Kardashian led the research department to develop a new artillery shell dedicated to siege ... "


Anderson couldn't help but swallowed hard, and Roddy turned his head and looked at it, and said, "This is my army commander Soderlor-this is Rasiman High Master Anderson. They helped build it. "

After saluting the two sides, Soderlor said: "The team of the Karen Kingdom will launch an attack today, but we have not established contact with the nearby Rahman army. In order to prevent any oolong incident at that time, I hope Anderson Master, you can help me communicate with each other in advance. "

"This is fine, but I need to contact the council ..."

Before he finished, Roddy interrupted: "You don't have to contact the council, you can directly inform the head of that force. I just inform, not negotiate a common attack."

This remark was quite strong, and also looked down on the Rashiman force. Anderson froze and reacted-if he waited to contact the council to wait for the result, he wouldn't know if he could give an exact reply after three days.

But for Andy's decision, Anderson felt a little weird: "But ... do you rely on these soldiers to attack Rasha?"

Anderson finished speaking, and found that Roddy and Soderlor both looked at him calmly. He suddenly understood his words, and apologized embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy, but ... just ..."

"There is no need for Master Anderson to worry about these things, we will deal with them."

Roddy politely sent him away, and then told Nata and Soderol to talk about the deployment of Rasha City-although a lot of information has been reported on paper, Soderlor specifically called four at this time. The staff members, holding their respective books already prepared, asked about the vague details of the battle plan.

The characteristics of "many people and strong power" are undoubtedly revealed here. After each staff member is responsible for a combat task, the use of intelligence is far more refined than Roddy imagined.

In order to avoid omissions, he specifically brought in the Tuk prisoner of war, McGrath, to make sure he was foolproof.

Soderol is unquestionably skilled in sending troops. The staff took out a map of Rasha City that had been accurately drawn, and began to fill in the new details in the tent.

After the two-hour conference, the structure of the gates, the width of the streets, and the personnel in the opposing core command post of Laxia City were all clearly understood by Soderol ...

"In addition to taking down the city, I hope to capture the opponent's commander or deputy commander while keeping at least a bag of debris. You can determine the specific action plan. My Shadow Hatchling can support the battle at any time."

Soderol March Ceremony: "Yes, Prime Minister!"

The pre-war meeting finalized the objectives of the battle. Based on this, Soderauer and the staff corps developed tactics, which were eventually signed by Roddy and became the final action plan.

The arrival of "Albatross" quickly made this temporary airport busy. Before dark, the engineering company had set up the combat headquarters. Now the siege company has been assisted with a high percentage of mages—three mages from the Karen kingdom, using the prepared array to fight the entire airport. Spell cover was set up with the camp, so those Turks in Laxia City could not find the lights and the landing planes at all.

The Albatros transport plane took off after the maintenance was over. With a high-level magician on the plane, Rody didn't have to worry about the crash. As the second and third transport planes arrived in sequence, the originally empty site was quickly filled with mountainous supplies.

This time it was not the army that was shipped, but the weapon.

Roddy looked at the boxes in front of him with the numbered shells and was inexplicably excited.

The Battle of the Kingdom of Karen ~ ~ is the historic beginning of the "hot weapon", but there are also many problems exposed during its use-all said that war will quickly upgrade weapons, at this moment The "cannonball" in front of him and the "cannon car" that has not yet been assembled are obviously "evolved" a large number of new generation weapons.

The transport aircraft's carrying capacity is limited each time, and the entire "artillery vehicle" cannot be packed in space. Therefore, this large weapon can only be disassembled into parts for transportation, and then carried and assembled by the accompanying artillery company.

The icy gun barrel, the chassis with wheels, and the rows of magic arrays with mysterious lines are all very different from those that Roddy first saw. After the members of the Dragon family joined the research department, the optimization of the "French Array" was actually strengthened more than the simple gun tube material. When the first gun vehicle was assembled, there were five pairs with strong off-road and load-carrying performance. The road wheel stunned Roddie ...

He really couldn't confirm whether this was Kardashian's deliberate spoofing or coincidence, because looking at the "down plate" structure, Rody inexplicably remembered the already legendary "May 9 Magic Modification" tank in his impression.

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