Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1072: Something that changed the way of war

December 6.

In the early morning, when Houdini woke up from the comfortable bed, the scene in his dream seemed to have not dissipated, which made him look at the delicately decorated ceiling in front of him for a moment.

For a wizard who had once entered parliament in Rasiman, coming to a strange country and serving as "the chief magic adviser" should be the most important turning point in Houdini's life.

He thought it would take a long time to adapt, but fortunately for Elson, all the start-ups were not as difficult as he imagined. But for more than a week, he was completely used to his position.

Houdini's residence at the moment is located in a villa next to Pashare's Tower. It is not as large as the manor, but it is enough for a mage. He rubbed his eyes, then stood up and looked out the window: today there is no gentle sunshine, the thick clouds in the sky are constantly falling snowflakes, but after entering the constant temperature enchantment on the edge of the city, it becomes a fine rain silk, letting the vision Everything seemed wet. The neat and beautiful high-elf buildings looked exceptionally delicate in the rain. Those mages in the distance who rushed to the magic tower early to prepare for the lecture were holding the papers and laughing in pairs, everything seemed calm and orderly.

Houdini looked away and got up to the study, but picked up the quill to record the dream last night.

As a "prophecy" wizard, he was like a normal person and sometimes had strange dreams. Therefore, his “premonition” of dreams has always been ignored. However, when Roddy proved in person that his dream had "reference meaning" more than ten days ago, Houdini began to record in detail all the things he had ever dreamed of. He originally only wanted to verify it. Later, Houdini found a problem: he now either does not dream, once he dreams, he will unknowingly consume mana, so that he always feels tired after getting up.

"The third time."

He took notes and wrote about the dream: he stood in a river in a dream and faced a small waterfall. The originally gentle river flowed down, but he always felt that he was being dragged down by a force. Go, this power made him feel palpitated, and finally was awakened.

The dream is not much, and a few words are recorded. Houdini wrote and shoved the paper into a briefcase aside, ready to bring it to Roddy when he went to the tower. Speaking of which, this time Elson City can survive the crisis smoothly, and much of the credit lies in Houdini's dream. So Roddy has ordered that all of Houdini's dreams should be recorded in this way and handed to him for analysis.

I don't know if it's useful, but Houdini can really feel that his strength of prophecy is steadily improving.

After washing and using breakfast, Houdini stepped across the street. At this time, the third batch of supplies from the port just passed in front of it, and the snow-covered carriage was connected into a series. The various magic crystals that had been transported had already been in place. Now they are all unique cloths of Rasiman. And spices are obviously expensive specialties used to sell to nobles.

The simplest one-in, one-out, Elson City's profit will be recorded ten times. If this ratio is maintained every year, Houdini simply calculates that the trade surplus is definitely an amazing number.

Of course, the premise is that the southern port can be successfully constructed.

However, judging by the current momentum, Houdini really can't think of anyone who can stop Roddy's progress.

"I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I always feel that Lord Victor ’s remarks about the origin of spells are really trivial. The more I think about it, the more I gain ... This level is really unspeakable."

"Hey, I did n’t sleep well for three days when I went back.‘ Magic ’is a mountain in my eyes, but in the eyes of the Dragons, it seems like a stone that can be picked up and observed at will. This gap in height is really terrible!”

"I look forward to today's speech more and more."

Above the demon tower, the figure of Coswold Dragon has disappeared, and after entering the hall on the first floor of Pashal, the sound of the discussion of the mages nearby can be heard. Most were centered around the lecture or "academic open class" of the Frost Dragon Lords a few days ago.

After all, these mages did not expect that they were just coming to participate in the "exchange meeting" between their peers, but accidentally received a live instruction from a dragon lord ... Regardless of whether they had gained anything before, after listening to Victor ’s speech, They are all feeling "this life is worth it" without exception.

Houdini only felt that Roddy's ability to "leverage" was too strong, and was also surprised by Victor's ability to speak so well. You have to know that even ordinary wizards do not casually take out their theories and make public speeches, let alone one of the most powerful people in the world?

However, the fact is that Victor not only gave a lecture, but also said that there would be a weekly lecture on different topics, at least four times!

This shows that in the next month, the other party will stay in Elson City alone. This means that Elson's "magic authority" in the future will be firmly established!

After the news was released for a week, the number of mages flooded into Elson directly increased to five hundred, and the total number of magic apprentices has exceeded two thousand. Such a scale has made Houdini feel an unprecedented wave ... He used to think that the Karen Kingdom was a magical desert, but now it seems that if Elson City can make good use of its resources and authority, it will not exceed Rashid as a whole. Man, it is quite predictable that he will be tied with Governor Ruier City on the "city master reserve" for at least ten years!

These wizards will not stay in Elson, because Elson cannot afford so many expensive magicians. But after Elson's existence as "authority", in the future, in the field of "magic", he will have the advantage of almost a commercial monopoly. What is the greatest benefit? From Houdini's point of view, whether it is reselling magic props, raw materials or even scrolls or selling knowledge, the one who earns the most will only be the one with the "monopoly" right.

From now on, the city of Elson has existed: it has set standards so that all magicians must use Elson's market as a reference before doing any business. This is a pricey fortune. Based on this alone, the entire Everta need not worry about any financial problems in the future.

Houdini admired Roddy's thinking in his heart, but as the current "Elson's chief magic consultant", what he needs to think about is the content of the second talks that will be held today.

Even Victor couldn't help get Camilla out of the "ball of imprisonment", so Hodini, the wizard, became the perfect candidate to assist Roddy in the talks. Thinking about today's talks, he took the memo in his hand and pushed the door into the conference room on the top floor of the magic tower.

"Master Houdini, didn't sleep well last night?"

It wasn't Roddie who asked, but Victor, who stood at the window overlooking the city.

This is Houdini's convincing point: the other party is clearly at the apex of this world, but he is gentle and polite when speaking, and he is nowhere higher than those superficial nobles.

"It made you laugh, and it was a bit ashamed to say it, I think it was a dream."

Houdini gave a present, and immediately found Kardashian and Roddy chatting while holding a set of leather armor and shortbow. He felt a little strange, but listening to the words of the two, he quickly realized that it was a "gift" given by Victor to Roddy.

"Oh? Then I'd like to congratulate you, the fog of the future has finally disappeared before your eyes."

When Victor saw Houdini puzzled, he explained patiently: "The ability to spy on the future lies mainly in your state of mind, and it also depends on some luck. I guess you have recently undergone a major change. Fortunately, you have carried it over. As for the substantial improvement of the state of mind, you can unconsciously see the future in the dream. However, although the ability has improved, the mana reserve has not kept up, and it is somewhat out of touch. "

The reason why Rahman's "Prophecy" is not seen by most people is that at the level of Houdini, it has already been regarded as "top" and up, everyone is exploring, and there is no mature path to take. . But Victor's strength and vision far surpassed that of human beings. With a few words of high-profile construction, Houdini was so impressed that he was grateful and thanked again and again.

"Experience is not much help. In fact, Green Dragons are better at this kind of thing, but ... it's hard for me to even see them."

Victor smiled with ridicule. Apparently, the green dragons seemed a little cold inside the dragon clan. After he had spoken, he turned to Roddy, "What, but still satisfied?"

"I won't say a lot of thanks, Lord Victor." Roddy took Houdini's paper about dreams in the past, and tucked it into his pocket at random ~ ~ continued with a smile: "Efta is willing to cooperate fully with the Frost Dragons."

The set of leather armor in front of him is obviously a work of the dragon family. The name shown in front of Roddy is very interesting. It is called "Rody's Guardian". This obviously shows that the maker is completely customized for Roddy, not a random number. .

Its material is the bones and skins of the "Merga Beast". This kind of Warcraft blood is slightly inferior to the Dragons, but it has similar defense and magic resistance as the Dragons. The level of this epic leather armor should be around advanced 52, but there is no need to wear a level. Whether it is armor, resistance, or attribute enhancement, it exceeds the previous Dragonscale Leather Armor by a large margin.

The short bow, known as the "Concussion", is wooden, very light to carry, and approximates the shape of a recurved bow. The material was not recognizable by Rordi, but it felt clearly violent magic waves. According to Victor, this is the unique, precise and unusual craft that he made the dragons of the clan imitate the craft of a small country that is good at bow making on the mainland.

The reason why it is called "Concussion" is that in addition to its terrible attack power, this bow also has the special effect of "15% stun when attacking".

In other words, from the beginning to the end, this set of equipment was personally built for Roddy by the Frost Dragons, and its significance and importance have been self-evident.

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