Demon Lord

Chapter 123: Beauty Hijacked (1)

The following text:

Chapter 123: The Beauty Is Robbed (1)

At twilight, the atmosphere in Hollier seemed very simple.

The incident today is so **** that the city has fallen into a state of martial law almost from the afternoon-the external name is "hunting the heathen", and the words of comfort are "the situation has been effectively controlled", is it true? Yes, civilian gentry and even nobles are hard to know. After all, this kind of thing only involves religion and does not have much impact on the interests of the nobles, so they are naturally too lazy to care.

But if someone does a wall view, someone will be stunned.

Akasha, who was desperately running at this moment, only felt that her legs were almost numb.

It's hard to describe her mood at this time. I don't know if she should be angry or aggrieved, or blame or regret. In short, when mixed together, she only feels that the blood in her body is cold.

After finally making up her mind to break away from the "Viper Cross", she suddenly encountered such a thing, which was really an unacceptable result for Akasha-because when everything was messed up, she didn't understand why what!

Akasha felt very innocent: she provided Gallup's intelligence to Rubens, and she did not cooperate with Gallup to attack at critical moments, but finally promised to join the "Rose Cross" and wash off the charges of Lu Bens, even attacked himself directly with divine magic on the spot, and even ordered the soldiers to hunt down all his men ...

When she saw the temple guards rushing towards herself and her subordinates, she was really ashamed, leaving only the instinctual consciousness of escape in her mind—because she had the status of "recovery department" and advanced "priest of light", In the end, he successfully escaped from the cover and went all the way to the relatively remote Campbell area of ​​Hollier City.

After the sun goes down, there is no street light in the gloomy Campe District. Her state at this time can be described as "touching the dark", but Akasha walked here because she clearly remembers that "Viper Cross" used to It took me half a year to dig a secret passage here-and find the entrance to the secret passage, she can escape directly from the city of Hollier!

As for where to go after leaving the city, she didn't even think about it at this time. The only thought in her mind was not to be caught by those temple guards ...

Akasha narrowed her eyes to recognize the blurred scenes around, and barely had the tavern lights reflecting the outline of the surrounding walls, and she could confirm that she should be several hundred meters away from the entrance— — And just then, a loud drink came from not far away: "Who is it ?!"

Akasha is not an old fox like Gallup. She has always been a priest who abides by her duties. No matter whether it is the city government or the scheming, it can't compare with the group of guys studying in China. I ran away in a panic for a while, and couldn't think of any other way of coping--

"There is someone there! Catch him!"

The following words came to prove that Akasha's judgment was correct. The two temple guards had originally planned to search the Campbell area and left. I didn't know how to make a fool and found a suspicious target. They immediately stepped forward. I took a big step to catch up-in terms of physical strength, the three Akasha are not comparable to this professional soldier, but her memory is extremely outstanding, and she is familiar with the Campbell area that has lived here for ten days, those Hidden horns were researched very early, so she turned left and right into the narrow alley, and found a low wall slit and drilled into it ...

Because she was wearing cloth shoes, Akasha's footsteps were not loud, and the armored temple guard ran up and rang, so the guard did not catch her stopping to hide. Quiet and quickly ran away from Akasha's eyes-

"Where have you been?"

"It should be over there!"

"It's a fork in the road, look for it!"

The two footsteps gradually left, but Akasha did not dare to act lightly. She held her breath and waited for a while, and climbed out quietly after confirming her safety. Then she touched the wall toward the tunnel entrance that was only 200 meters away. .

Be calm.

Akasha said to herself, the slightest movement in her ears affected her nerves, but when she thought she could safely walk all the next journey, the sudden pain from her back suddenly made her Stopped-

"His ..."

Han's flushed cheeks suddenly paled because of continuous running, and she immediately understood that the pain was a curse from Bishop Ghakad!

"The Punishment of Flogging" opened her back directly and broke a gap!

"Do not come early or come late ... **** it!"

She cursed, but also knew that she could not cast any divine magic at all now, because even the simplest "primary recovery" in this dark environment would flash a dazzling light, and guarding the temple guard who was hunting her In terms of it, this is definitely a death hunt.

So Akasha immediately decided to go on with the pain—when the wounds appeared on her back, Akasha almost hurt her lips. She usually sits in a chair and waits for the curse to end, so she can still bear the pain, but now she is running desperately. The pain when touching the wound is many times greater than in the past, almost making her shout.

However, under strong willpower, Akasha ran for two hundred meters forcibly. When she came to the entrance not far from the secret road, she felt her eyes darkened and her legs couldn't move. Already.

Vigorous exercise caused the blood flow to speed up, and the back was not a fatal wound. At this time, she was faced with an unavoidable problem: if she stopped bleeding, she would probably die from excessive blood loss.

"Coming soon, coming soon ..."

She worked hard to support the last ten meters of running out, but she still lost control in the end.

But she didn't give up on it. She gritted her teeth, stretched out her hands, and strove to support her body. The back of the robe had been soaked with flowing blood, but she could not care about the bleeding, but she closed her eyes and touched a wooden door with her memory. Immediately press the weight of the body and push it away.

The secret road built by the "Viper Cross" is in this abandoned residential house not far from the city wall. Because of the overall failure of the operation, this channel has not been used by anyone. So when Akasha entered here, everything It remains as it was when construction was completed.

Almost crawling in, Akasha reluctantly closed the door, but did not have the strength to fasten the bolt. She moved her teeth little by little to the fireplace in the bedroom of this house, and reached out and dragged a loose stone slab— A dark hole immediately appeared inside the fireplace ...

This is the entrance to the Tao.

And Akasha had done almost all her strength to do this step. She just wanted to raise her hand to cast a "recovery", but she didn't know that because of excessive blood loss, her arm supporting the wall was soft. The entire person lost control and planted directly into the secret passage!

The steep **** of the entrance was more than ten meters long. Akasha rolled all the way and she felt a lot of pain and snoring. She tried to reach out to stop the tumbling trend, but in the dark, she heard the sound of "cracking" and cracking bones. The pain comes from ...

I have a broken bone.

Akasha's heart suddenly referred to her throat, and panic spread. The divine art could not be released without the gestures of both hands. Now she has more than ten wounds that continue to bleed. Makes it almost impossible for her to speak ...

She moved her fingers hard, but found that there was no response at all from her palm under severe pain.

**** it! How could this be! ?

Is he going to die in this unknown place like this?

Before coma, Akasha thought unwillingly.

Time back to half an hour ago.

气氛 The atmosphere in the "Rose Cross" monastery is serious.

Although the pagans have been punished, such attacks are not good news for the sect in the final analysis-the madness of the enemy has caused great casualties within the sect, and has also affected many civilians, causing nearly six Ten people were killed or injured.

I'm afraid this negative effect will take a long time to disappear.

Although the term "crisis public relations" does not exist at this time, it is obvious that the senior members of the "Rose Cross" sect still have similar processing experience and ability. Although it was late at night, the streets and streets had been posted with public notices about today ’s fighting—mostly writing words such as “Pagan crimes are unforgivable, they have received their due punishment”, of course, because of the illiteracy No small, the silver coins allocated to those speakers are already in place. Early tomorrow morning, oral descriptions of the incident will appear in the square and various areas of the city, and by this, Rubens can directly "qualify" this matter. And minimize the loss, rendering the entire event into a positive event that "Rose Cross" foiled the "Viper Cross" plot.

In the "spiritual home" room of the monastery, Rubens was sitting in front of the wooden table writing letters one by one to Cardinal Card, to the temple, and to this sectarian authority. His men, from the afternoon to the present, have hardly had a rest-and compared to his busyness, Bishop Benjamin now seems a little "free."

He is holding out an arrow produced by the Rose Cross Armory.

When the news of Sally's disappearance came to her ears, Benjamin immediately noticed something wrong and sent someone to look for it immediately. UU read the book but because she ran too fast, she sent the temple later. The Cavaliers didn't know where to start, and even they were still in the city until now. They didn't know she had left the city long ago.

Benjamin was a little bit worried because he also learned the news: Francis was also missing.

The struggle between the brothers and sisters is clear, and because of it, he did not participate at will. There are naturally some considerations and trade-offs that belong to politicians. , Which has caused such a mess today ...

Recalling today's war, although he tried to suppress the fear in his heart, the feeling of facing the death still made Benjamin feel that he had made a "very wrong" decision before: the thought that he had deliberately misunderstood Rody Sally, some feelings of "regret" gradually rose from the bottom of her heart.

But what use can regret be? Who would have thought that this little-known little character could have turned the whole situation with just an arrow, and even prevented the foundation of Holy Cross's "Rose Cross" from being destroyed?

Now speaking, Benjamin is not even qualified to judge Roddy—because if Rody hadn't killed Gallup, he would have died already, where would he sit and think?


PS: Yesterday the codeword was written at 4 o'clock. It was a tiring one, and today one more. You need to go back to blood and blue. Hope you understand. When I was preparing to upload in the evening, I found that the file saved by rd was lost, and I almost scared the urine. After a long time to find it, my legs were still trembling ... I felt that my whole body was bad. Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets! Game classification hope everyone can make this book a higher position!

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