Demon Lord

Chapter 124: Beauty Hijacked (2)

The following text:

Chapter 124 The Beauty Was Robbed (2)

I was upset by these messy emotions in my heart, but I heard footsteps coming from my ears. Benjamin looked up and saw the priest Ethan standing at the door--

"Master Bishop, Lord Bishop."

He greeted him, but with a weird expression on his face, it seemed that he had just seen something incredible. Seeing Benjamin looking at him, Ethan stammered and said, "Sha— Mother Sally, she ... is back. "

"came back?"

Benjamin stood up sharply, and a stone in his heart fell to the ground: "Where is she? How come back?"

"I-this is what I want to tell you," priest Ethan swallowed. "She was escorted by a team of ... a team of knights, as if ... of the Lucifer family, that ..."

"Knights of the Luxi Fron family? I saw that the Titus and Wellington knights appeared in the square, and they are probably them."

Benjamin waved his hand, prepared to step out of the room to meet Sally, but listened to the priest next to him in a low voice: "They seem to be scouts ..."

杰 Benjamin, who had already taken two steps, didn't hear her, turned her head and asked in wonder: "What?"

"I mean, they, they seem to belong to the Luxi Fron family ... scouts."

When Ethan's words fell, Benjamin's expression looked like he was punched, and he exclaimed in surprise: "You say it again? Scout?"

"What happened? Benjamin."

Rubens, who was buried in a letter, was startled by his voice, raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No-it's okay. It was a nun from the monastery who just returned here. I'll check it out, Lord Bishop."

He replied a few words respectfully, but the shock and confusion on his face could not be concealed. His eyes and Ethan looked back and forth several times, apparently what was in his mind, but he couldn't believe it. He strode out of the monastery, muttering indistinct words in his mouth--

怎么 "How is it possible ... How is it possible ..."

I was still thinking about the captain of the scout squad. Now I heard Ethan said that a scout squad of the Lucifer Fron family escorted Sally back. There is a kind of inexplicable ... thriller in this "coincidence".

At this time it was dark, the torch for lighting was lit in front of the monastery, and the street scenes were blurred in the dim environment, but when Benjamin stepped out of the front hall of the church and looked forward, he immediately became Widened eyes--

He swallowed, spit, and turned to ask the priest Ethan who followed him, "You said these people ... are scouts?"

The latter nodded hard, and the voice replied dryly: "They, they did introduce themselves ..."

"Have you seen such a scout?"

Benjamin's mouth was twitching. He felt that the chaotic assassination of today had caused his mind to be chaotic. At this time, when he saw this group of knights like steel jungle, his brain was a little short-circuited.

Twenty-nine scouts were equipped with neat armor, blood-stained round shields, and even gaps cut by swords. Although the overall equipment was not as good as the well-funded Templars, the battle-tested blood The anger came to his face, and when he looked far away, the formation was neat.

Their silent attitude makes people feel weird.

Bishop Benjamin took a breath and stepped closer, but saw that the neat team "slammed" and began to separate towards the sides-under the orange light of the torch, the long swords on the waist of the knights flashed cold, and when the horses moved, The sound of armor rubbing with invisible oppression ...

Priest Yisen followed the bishop, but at this time, because of the movement of these knights, he suddenly stopped instinctively.

Sally, under the leadership of Soderlor, Sally rode out of the middle of the team until the front of the monastery gate, and the two men rolled over one after the other and slowly came to Benjamin.

"Master Bishop, hello."

Soderol greeted him in a formal way, but he had no other words except this sentence, and the rest of the scouts were riding on the horse without moving, and there was no intention to see the bishop to salute. .

This obviously represents an attitude.

The priest's face changed a bit. He had not seen any aristocratic personal soldier in Hollier City so arrogant, opened his mouth to say something, but was glared by one of the vicious veterans, unconsciously. Swallowed the words.

When Sally stood still, instead of saying hello to the bishop, she turned around and whispered to the scouts: "Thank you for your escort."

Then she turned her head and saluted Benjamin: "Master, I am back."

This attitude, after all, made the atmosphere in front of the monastery look embarrassing. Since Benjamin "run away" with Roddy, Sally has always been a little indifferent to him, and after experiencing such things, Benjamin also understands all this It was all my own mistake. I opened my mouth and wanted to say something, but when I saw Sally's robe that was stained with blood, her eyes were condensed, and she sighed, "It's all right ..."

His voice was a little hoarse, and he lifted his eyes and swept away, but he did not see the expected figure-and Sally next to him seemed to see what Benjamin was thinking, but said without any taboo: "Today is Luo Captain De brought someone to save me, but he thought he had many misunderstandings in the teaching party, so he didn't follow up. "

I heard it from outsiders, this sentence was just a simple statement, but when Bishop Benjamin heard it, he really felt that he was slap hard with an old face ...

Sally's meaning is very obvious: It is Roddy who rescued the tide to save the crisis, and it was Roddy who saved her from Francis ... People can do this, and what did you do?

In the face of such "blame", Benjamin really has nothing to say, and he really regrets it-but he can achieve the position of a bishop and he is not a narrow-minded person. Although he is a little embarrassed at this time, he does not What kind of humiliation or anger will occur-after all, it is Roddy who saved his life and Rubens's life.

Fortunately, although Sally was angry, she was not mean. She also knew that she could enter the monastery to avoid Francis's assassination. After all, because of the help of the old man in front of her, she said a few words in a gentle tone, leaving a step for Benjamin, and the bishop was naturally happy to answer it. The priest Ethan took Sally back to the monastery.

Then, he stayed in front of the gate, facing the twenty-nine scouts who had not left yet.

德 Sordall, who had not spoken, raised his eyes and glanced, and remained silent, while the remaining scouts were still riding and looking down at the bishop.


When Benjamin wanted to say something, when he opened his mouth, he just saw the indifferent expression of Soderlor's machine, and suddenly felt like he shouldn't talk too much nonsense. After considering it for a moment, he whispered, "For me, Luo Captain Dee said thanks, and I owe him a favor. "

Such a low profile is not easy for a highly respected bishop.

Soderlor's face never showed any extra expression, but he nodded, and even a few words of farewell, the meaning was "I will tell him" or something-after turning around and boarding the horse, he and the scouts Almost turned around and disappeared into the night.

Looking at their back, Benjamin sighed and shook his head, seemingly ridiculous for some of his thoughts long ago: "How can it be a simple character with such a man ..."

When Xie stepped back, he thought of the blood on Sally's robes again, took a breath, felt the faint **** smell in the air, and whispered: "It seems that the battle of the Roussillon family is completely over."

The scouts left, and the bishop turned and returned to the monastery. Silence re-enclosed the open space in front of the monastery, but from beginning to end no one noticed the tall figure standing in the shadow not far away.

The Wellington Cavalier, with a beard, didn't seem to be interested in the departing bishop at this time. Instead, he looked at the group of scouts who left in an orderly manner, and froze his beard with interest, whispering to himself: " A little doorway ... these guys. "


愈 The darker the night, the mist gradually grew in the city.

Not a hundred meters after the scouts left the monastery, Rody's figure appeared silently in the team-he actually always followed the team, but he just hid aside when he was in the monastery just now.

Speaking of which, Roddy has always felt uncomfortable with Benjamin-even after dispelling misunderstandings with Sally, it is difficult for him to eliminate the original feelings of the bishop, but now it can be resolved in this way. Words can be called "all happy."

He was angry ~ ~ Benjamin also admits that he owes humanity, which is already the result of doing good to Roddy.

He wondered where Benjamin's relationship could be used in the future, and he led the team towards Campbell on a wide road-this action was his personal claim, so there was no Duke's House to reimburse.

"What's next?"

Sodroll asked holding the reins.

"Stayed here for a while, so I know of some cheap hotels, let's go comfortably and rest, tomorrow's things will be said tomorrow, you all do well today."

Roddy touched the money bag around his waist, but he also sighed, feeling that he had already spent almost the money made on the scales of the Kemala Beast, and hurriedly asked, "How much did you spend this way? How well are taxes paid? "

"All the way to go all the way smoothly, that is, the tax is higher in the town of Kig, but after hearing that we are scouts of the Luxi Fron family, we still give a discount."

Soderauer's words also resonated with Ruger next to him, he said: "Viscount Tranka is estimated to be poor and crazy, that kind of tax is very abnormal, so it is estimated that no one will go to the town soon."

"It can only be like this if you are short of money, nobles, only a small part is good at business." Noddy nodded, but remembered his previous ideas about earning money ... no more money, this team can be Really have to ask for dinner, "Yes, have you paid attention to the price of wine in Kig Town?"



One more today, please do not hunt down, tomorrow two more appropriate! Do not always use the tone of the water meter to urge the book review area. The sequelae of staying up late the day before yesterday are still there. I am more dizzy.

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