Demon Lord

Chapter 127: Night talk

The following text:

Chapter 127: Night Talk

After the words of the Knights of Wellington had been spoken, he had been carrying the powerful Duke of Angmar for a brief moment since he woke up, and then his eyes drooped slightly. After exhaling slowly, the voice asked hoarsely: "So, he's dead."

In the years of fighting side by side, in fact, the similar words have been asked by the Duke of Angmar no less than ten times, and the objects of question have also changed a lot-those knights who have fought together have died one by one, whenever someone is killed The Duke of Angmar uttered such words lightly ...

This time is different, because his only son died, Francis Roussillon.

No matter how accustomed to death, in the face of such news, the old duke's mood was complex and indescribably sad. He reached out and pinched the bridge of his nose, and his wrinkled face slightly trembled-- When you raised your eyes, you could still see what Titus and Wellington looked like when they were young, but when the vision is clear, you can see the marks left by the years on these two young knights.

Everything is changing.

Similarly, he also remembered the figure of the little boy who once smiled and liked to ask this and that-but the inner doubt also came with it: in the past few years, what did he go on? What kind of road will lead to this irreversible result today?

His face looked as if Angmar, who was a few years old, sighed, but there was no extra emotion to show.

Titus no longer laughed aside, and the Knights of Wellington stood up and sat aside. After the maid left consciously, he began to talk softly about everything he saw ...

The process was not long, but the Duke of Angmar asked for an hour, and when he heard the news that Sally had chopped Francis into meat sauce, the Duke, who had always received all the information calmly, shook. Shaking her head and whispering softly, "She won't do this ..."

"Maybe it's related to another person."

Wellington thought about it and continued softly: "I want to say, that scout captain ..."

Time passed slowly, and at about midnight, Akasha, who was located in a budget hotel room in Campe District, finally woke up.

The eyelids moved, and the severe pain from her right arm made her gradually recover from coma.

A faint voice was heard, and Akasha's hearing returned to normal first, and she wanted to open her eyes, but her two eyelids still couldn't lift up, and her body was extremely painful-so long after she realized To myself lying on a soft bed.

My chest is a little stuffy and my throat is dry, but these feelings are not comparable to the pain in my arm ... The pain doesn't matter. What scares Akasha most is that she can feel a pair of hands moving back and forth on her arm. Touching it, there were some chattering voices in the ears.

"... you have to find a better splint when you break, do you know this?"

I have a voice that seems very casual, it should be the leader, a tone of "I say you listen".

"Remember some doctors said, but I only understand the problems on the bones. She is more complicated and I am not sure."

The young man's tone answered with a little caution.

"Rug, what do you think?"

我 "I? I think it's OK to just straighten up and bandage it ..."

声音 This voice is a bit rougher and should be over thirty years old.

"If you break like this, I will straighten and bandage you, then you don't want to take a sword in the second half of your life."

A total of three people, as if using themselves as textbooks, are saying something here. Akasha feels like a lamb to be slaughtered. She is very embarrassed in her heart, but her mind is so horrible that she hasn't remembered why she was here. I want to move, but I ca n’t help it ...

她 "She's lucky, her bones didn't pierce her skin, or she'd be in trouble if she was infected."

"What is infection?"

"You do n’t understand what you said. Anyway, you have to remember that in the future, there will be wounds on your body. Rinse them first."

Akasha listened stupidly, and gradually remembered why she was hurt: the secret wound, the wound on her back ...

Is he caught by them from the secret road?

I couldn't think of any other possibility in her heart. She thought these people were the "Rose Cross" for the first time, but the words that she heard later made her stunned--

"I also said that I was delivered to the monastery today, but I just went to the house to install it in the evening, and it is not suitable now. We will send it tomorrow. It will be no problem. The group of magic sticks will treat her with divine magic. Just make sure the wound is clean. "

说话 The talking man stretched out his hand and wiped it with a towel on his back, and Akasha's heart was immediately filled with indignation--it's over ... he saw his back ...

"Well, let's get the splint up now, and Soderlor will help me and hold her by hand-yes, Ruger, clip the board-crooked ... too crooked, coming over-well, bandages … What about bandages? Grandma, Soderall, behind your butt— "

Afterwards, Akasha could not hear her at all, because the severe pain from her arm had made her faint again.


When Aunt woke up again, Akasha felt as if she was buried in the soil, unable to move.

Her eyelids twitched slightly, and she finally opened a thin slit lying on the bed: into the dim candlelight under the dim candlelight, and there was a small spider web in the corner. .

There is a strong **** smell between the nose and nose, but it is also mixed with a touch of herbal smell. The head is cushioned by a pillow, and a stale breath is blowing. It should be a cheap hotel ...

The consciousness recovered a little, the scene of the assassination flashed in front of him, and finally stayed in the secret passage.

Anyway, I was saved ...

Thinking about this in her heart, Akasha didn't have much rejoicing emotion, because she soon realized that she was about to face a crisis: the strangers who rescued her seemed to have to give herself to the monastery ... The thought of the overarching bishop who ordered the arrest or even attacked her directly raised a few complex emotions in her heart.

Do you regret it? After all, I got rid of the "Viper Cross" after all; anger? Angry, Rubens's attack made Akasha's anger as uncomfortable as burning a heart-but the thought of revenge was immediately shrouded in weakness.

The status of "Bishop of the Governor" is basically a big mountain for Akasha. Now he wants nothing, no power, and no strength. Even if he is found, he may be killed in minutes.

There was a little unwillingness in Yun's heart, but she finally realized the reality-no matter what, finding a stable place to live is the first priority.

卡 Akasha tried to move her fingers and was pleasantly surprised that her fingers could now move slightly because of the splint fixing-which means that she could almost cast a weak treatment!

But just as she was preparing to cast, the door was pushed slightly open ...

"It's almost a busy day, Ruger, and asked a few people to pack the stones, and we'll have to rely on these for dinner."

"Captain, this thing is so valuable?"

"This is not your concern, I think about making money-go back to sleep first, don't forget to arrange a vigil."

He is those three people again!

卡 Akasha remembered the treatment before her coma, and her face was a little hot: I wonder if he had the opportunity to do something else ...

She can't confirm what happened to her until now. In short, her body is wrapped in bandages like a mummy. The side effects caused by excessive blood loss are still ongoing. Going on—it sounds like the guy named Ruger went back to rest, while the guy named Soderol and the “Captain” stayed here.

"The team is in a good shape, and you can see that you were not lazy when training."

"All are proceeding according to plan. By the way, on the twelfth, Nolan Village came with a batch of horses, and we solved them. It is estimated that no one will dare to go there to rob food in a few years."

"Is anyone injured?"

"Small injuries, it's almost all right now, but today there was still some loss in this battle. Although there were no serious injuries, it will take a while."

"This can't be avoided ..." The captain sighed and then breathed a sigh of relief: "Anyway, this thing is finally over, we can breathe a sigh of relief."

After a moment of silence, Akasha silently prayed to let them leave quickly, but then found that they seemed to be getting more and more active.

"Captain Roddy, actually speaking, I always have a problem ..."

After hearing this, Akasha knew that the captain's name was "Rodi".


"Since we arrived in Nolan Village, these things we have done now come to mind ... I feel incredible. I have always wanted to ask, what belief supports you to do so many things?"

"Conviction?" Roddy was also a bit bored after the war relaxed, and felt that it was okay to talk with Soderol at this time.


"Yes, that's the state." Roddy thought about it and continued: "For example: What is the state of the farmer?"

Sodroll was unclear, but did not interrupt him.

"Every day you farm, you think about the harvest every day, you basically don't know anything else-such a" state "is numb and ignorant, because farmers basically don't know the knowledge that they have no access to. It's nothing more than planting land and paying rent. "

After a moment's pause, Roddy's words not only attracted Sodroll, but also made Akasha frown.

"Maybe his state is like this for life, but if one day he starts to learn continuously, accumulate a lot of knowledge, know a lot of new things, what will happen?"

Soderol frowned and thought about ~ ~ Answer: "Where might this knowledge be used, such as being a noble, not farming?"

"Yes, his state at this time is like a germinating seed, starting to have a growth direction-because his state wants to go up." Roddie paused, seemingly organizing the language, after a long time, He said: "In fact, people are like this, the more you see and understand, the more complex your own state is, and the more you want to do ..."

"I took you to kill the mess of the orc kingdom, and slaughtered their witch doctors. What made me do this? In fact, my state at that time was essentially ... fearing."

"Afraid of them?"

"No, I'm not really afraid to face them. I'm afraid of all the influence these guys may have on the kingdom land in the future-those things that make me fear, and this state of fear supports me. Lead you out of that grassland. "

After Roddy said these words, Soderol frowned and lost his thoughts, while on the other side, Akasha lying on the bed was completely speechless and even involuntarily opened up. I have a small mouth ...

They went to the orc kingdom and killed ... happy?


PS: These days may be a chapter, because I suddenly found that some of the content in the manuscript is complicated and needs to be deleted, and the next big plot is deciding which one to use. Today this picture has also been changed for a long time. There was a plot where Roddy sterilized Akasha with spirits, but later felt that it might not be reliable. After checking it, it was found that wine with a concentration of less than 70% had no antivirus effect at all. So it was temporarily deleted. The update will not be interrupted, but these two days may not be able to make two changes and say hello to you.

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