Demon Lord

Chapter 128: Akasha's Desolation and ...

The following text:

128 Akasha's Desolation and Determination

For Akasha, who always lived in the southern part of the kingdom, the "orcs" were always just a symbol of ferocious greed among the bard population. They are bloodthirsty and militant, and even eat live people raw, powerful and brutal ... human beings are completely weak dregs against orcs. If they do not have good weapons, they can hardly match!

But these two guys who do n’t know what power they belong to have even entered the orc kingdom! ?

卡 Akasha felt her head messed up all of a sudden, even wondering if she had a hallucination-and while she was in a trance, Roddy and Soderlor's conversation continued.

"Such a big conflict broke out between 'Rose Cross' and 'Viper Cross'. I could have been completely out of the way, but I still decided to call you to participate ... Speaking of my state at this time, it was actually the same as when I went to the Orc Kingdom almost."

Sodroll raised his eyebrows and asked a little puzzled: "Are you afraid of Francis? He--"

Roddy waved his hand: "Remember when I went to Finks Village to let you evacuate the villagers? Why did Sally agree to be so happy? Because she also knew that the orcs attacked the village was the information provided by Francis."

"He is a traitor. He will do such things now and in the future, so we must kill him."

Speaking here, the atmosphere was a little silent.

"In short, what can be done, I think it still depends on the person's current" state ". For example ... I have finally earned a little extra money, and I am a step away from training the first cavalry regiment in the kingdom, and I feel very comfortable. And you have the motivation to do what you do next. "

This is the tone of jokes. Regarding the idea of ​​"Knights", Roddy once said that, but Soderol is still a "normal person". He never felt that this group of scouts could become the "kingdom first cavalry regiment." , And said with a smile that these things are too nonsense.

Akasha overhearing them beside her frowned—they seemed to go beyond the orc kingdom to kill the war so easily ... Could it also have killed an earl? !!

伯 Count Francis? Isn't that the eldest son of Duke Lucifer?

If others say that, Akasha will never believe it, but they can hear their tone, but it does have something to do with it-if this kind of thing is used to deceive, it is just a casual conversation between the two. Speaking of which, Akasha's heart was horrified ...

Maybe it's true?

"So much has happened today, and Rose Cross is probably slowing down ..."

Soderauer turned to the central role of today's incident. "These religions are very gentle in the impression. I didn't expect such a big movement this time."

"It ’s a big draw, religion—hey, it ’s better to gather resources and give people brainwash than the aristocratic Lord Krisso. That ’s the same for the Viper Cross, but it ’s a little bit too much.” Roddy sipped and leaned The back of the chair said casually, "A lot of things are bright and shiny, but the interior is actually dirty. I don't say anything like" Rose Cross ", just saying" Viper Cross "is definitely a bottomless pit."

"Do you still know them?"

"Know some ... the sect is peaceful on the outside, very extreme inside, and people who do n’t understand start to think that this is a kind of good sect, but after you go in, you find that the water is deep and hot, when you find yourself a thug and a terrorist, I ca n’t get out of it at all. If I could say that this sect disappears a day earlier, it benefits the kingdom. ”

The two people usually chat in this way. Today, they are a little excited after the war, and they talked a lot. Soderlor is often curious about Roddy's novelty and profound ideas, but if it is not absorbed or convinced, it is not enough. After all, he is a person with a mind to think. Some things are empty, similar to "Viper Cross "Vicious and ruthless", he would not believe without evidence.

But he didn't believe it, it did not matter, but Akasha's heart caused a huge wave ...

什么 What kind of captain is this person? How could you know the Viper Cross so well? !!

If the previous words just made Akasha stunned, then what Roddy said at this time completely made her feel "identified"-Akasha as a high-level "priest of light", Therefore, it was reduced to following the "Viper Cross" to engage in terrorist activities, after all, it was precisely because of the "high-pressure rule" within this sect!

Penalties and threats, this is how countless believers embarked on a path of no return.

Akasha's senses of Roddy suddenly changed a lot, at least the feeling of being understood made her original "evil feeling" disappear a lot, and her heart began to guess the identity of Roddy ...

Is he the captain of a cavalry regiment or a direct family member of the great aristocracy? Or the Captain of the Private Guard?

Countless possibilities emerged in my mind, but were completely shaken by Roddy's words later--

"Okay, Sally will write a note for us after this is over. Whenever there is a chance, we do n’t have to be a scout in the village every day. Damn, the orcs let us kill them almost, and they patrol An egg. "

He complained boringly there, but Akasha swallowed well ...

Scouts, they turned out to be scouts-isn't this unit the lowest in the military system? It's even the proverb of "cannon fodder"!

听说 "I heard that the pagans in the square today are very powerful. Are there any magicians in those pagans?"

Sodroll asked about today's battle in the square.

"Four or five magic spells, the most powerful one is 'Priest Shadow'. When he meets him in the face, he is waiting for death, but at the time he continued to cast spells against the two old **** sticks, and I took advantage of it-the burst arrow It works really well, you can do it in one shot. "

"If you say so, I also think that the equipment of the Rose Cross is really good. When you fight with the mercenaries this afternoon, you can obviously feel that their guys ..."

The two began to talk about the weapons of the Rose Cross Armory, while Akasha lying on the other side felt a little suffocated—the man who shot Gallup with an arrow turned out to be him!

I thought I was saved by a few humble little people, but I never thought that these people were so cruel that they couldn't be more cruel. After a while, "kill the earl" and "kill the witch doctor", there was no story in the bard's mouth. That's so ...

对 "By the way, I've been disguising myself as a bard, some time ago, I made up our story of orcs, nothing, and I didn't expect it to be very popular-hey ..."

When I heard this, Akasha felt that her eyes were black and she almost fainted again.

The intermittent chatter gradually weakened, and apparently after a busy day, Roddy and Soderlor were hungry enough, and stood up and prepared to eat:

"Should anyone watch here?"

她 "She? Seriously injured like this, just find someone to guard at the door."

The two walked out of the room while chatting. When the wooden door closed, Akasha felt only that her mind was full of complicated ideas-she never thought that the bottom soldiers, such as scouts, would be ignored by others. To do such an exaggerated thing, especially that Roddy was able to kill Gallup ... it really scared her completely.

After these emotions were gradually calmed down, Akasha's heart poured out, but it was a little lonely and sad.

I watched others struggle for their goals and achieved results, but they were disappointed and even seriously injured. This difference of feeling made Akasha really uncomfortable. Although she did not fully agree with Roddy's "state" after listening to it, she also felt some reason-because for Akasha herself, her state has always been "adversely accepting", which is why she is today This end.

If you think about it, you have hardly ever tried your best to achieve any goal, even when he wrote that letter to Rubens hesitated and thought about it. After all, her "confusion" at this time caused her heart to be completely absent. What goal-all actions are just instinctive "to avoid evil".

Akasha used to avoid thinking about why she would end up like this, but at this moment, Roddy's statement has finally made her realize her biggest flaw ...

Confused, helpless, fearful, in the final mood, her mind gradually raised the first unusually strong desire for a long time—

Run away here!

Leave here, no longer under the control and use of religion, no longer deal with these upset people and things, away from all troubles, away from all of this!

想法 The idea was like a seed rooted in my heart, and soon sprouted, and Akasha immediately put into action.

After her fingers were barely able to move, she silently sang the prayer of "low-level recovery surgery" ~ ~ The soft golden light enveloped the body, slowly recovering the wound on her body, the pain gradually subsided, and the arm fractured It was slightly itchy, but because the level of divine magic was not high, the serious injury was not immediately recovered, but after two or three low-level divine magic treatments, the back wound was basically healed. When her arms were almost fully active, she immediately released the "high-level recovery", which immediately restored her body to a seven-eighty-eighth.

This is the power of the "Priest of Light" in the recovery department. The player joked that the "nanny" is not a sham, as long as she can't fight, she can always recover quickly-just because of excessive blood loss, Akasha's head is still A little dizzy.

Footsteps came from outside the door, and Akasha, who had just remembered her, immediately lay back again, and the intermittent conversation showed that this was a scout who had shifted to guard his own. After the latter entered the house, he sat in the chair at the door and everything He returned to silence.

After ten minutes, Akasha, who had never dared to move, slowly turned her face and looked around to confirm that the scout was sitting there with a weary snoring, and chanted a prayer softly.

神 The role of "Divine Art: Soothing" was originally to calm people's extreme emotions such as excitement or anger at some moments, but when cast on ordinary people, it had a similar effect to "hypnosis".

Although Akasha has never had a “decisive and decisive” mentality, her research on divine magic has never fallen, and this may be the only thing she is willing to devote herself to—such as “divine magic: soothing” can hypnotize. The ordinary magician would never know.

Watching the guard's scout fall asleep under the effect of divine magic, Akasha tried to overcome the dizziness after too much blood loss, pushed the door and went out ...


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