Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1160: gap

Chapter 1160 The Gap Audiobook Fiction Listen Online

However, the Rahman Parliament did not realize that, now that the Eskar country is asking for money, it is tantamount to grab gold coins directly from Roddy's pocket.

Even if they think they have requested very little, how can Rody pay for this group of guys who haven't been busy from start to finish? Is it just that bit of food provided by Laxia City?

"Need me to talk to them?"

Soderlor asked Roddy, but the latter waved his hand: "Don't worry, wait and see."

Rordy read the transoceanic letter brought back by the transport plane, frowning on some "little problems" in the Karen Kingdom during this time, thinking about countermeasures, but looked uninterested in Rashiman.

The results of the subsequent negotiations were quite dramatic. After receiving the notice of compensation, the small countries involved in the war were all struck by lightning. Of course, there was no anti-water at all and they did not recognize it-after all, their covenant with the Ezca State itself Unreliable, he was fought in a fight, many people did not say, but also compensated the tax for years or even decades to the enemy. If the compensation is true, the real national strength will be greatly reversed.

Therefore, this group of Wuhe people basically chose to be headed turtles, playing with various reasons one by one to delay, and secretly waiting to see if the Eska State would use them for surgery.

As for the changing relationship between the country of Eska and the Kingdom of Karen, they couldn't even bother to study it. For small countries, the failure of a war often directly leads to drastic changes in their domestic political situation. The most powerful "Dask State" is the most obvious: within one week of the "Trace Agreement", the military The general took a direct coup, stormed into the palace, killed the current king, and announced that he had taken over the state power.

Then the first thing the general called "Budako" came to power was to declare that he would not recognize the contents of the "Trace Armed Compensation Agreement."

Rasiman was waiting for Roddy's news. When he saw this scene, the truth was expected. But they didn't say anything at all, and they all waited to see how such a thing ended--

Roddy's response was simple.

On the third day that the Dask State announced that it would not recognize the armistice agreement, Roddy wrote a letter to the other party, "persuading" the general to adhere to the agreement.

Under the secret urging of Yudola's people, a copy of the letter was "accidentally" circulated. Even the small people in the market thought it was ridiculous: Roddy said that he would give the other party three days to give an accurate response and it would not expire.

Everyone believes that the Karen Kingdom can play such a small country, but no one believes that Roddy will really do it because the cost is too high.

Even the Rahman Council just regarded the content of this letter as "intimidation". It is really uncharacteristic to laugh at Roddy in private, because this method has not achieved its purpose, but it has been ridiculed. .

It turned out that, as they had guessed, General Budako did not accept or refuse, but sent a vague response, apparently ready to continue.

When the matter is here, everyone has no intention to continue watching. Rather, the mages of the Rahman Council are very relaxed, because they rarely see Roddy eating, and they bet that this guy will be really angry. Spend huge sums of money to conduct an airborne raid ...

However, the garrison of the Karen Kingdom in Rasha City was quiet and terrible. Until three days later, Roddy suddenly issued a statement jointly with the Dask State, stating "The Kingdom of Karen supports the Mosley royal family's legal rule over Dask, "We will establish a friendly cooperative partnership with each other, open trade and mutual access."

The Rahman Parliament's collective circle that was waiting for Roddy's compromise: Did the air strike really go? .

Another day later, three other countries near the Dask State announced at the same time that they were ready to settle war reparations immediately, and they must fulfill their content in the agreement and so on.

Speaker Jeremy quickly mobilized the intelligence agencies to report back the collected information, and it was not until three days later that what happened in the Dask State finally reached Rasiman ...

It turned out that after the vague statement of General Budako, the army of the Karen Kingdom was encountered the next day-this time not a soldier dropped by the plane, but a city floating directly above the palace.

It is rumored that day the sacred light shone across the city, and civilians saw miracles from Tabris.

These words are naturally rendered by Yudola people.

However, as if the primitive man was facing an alien spaceship, after all, General Budako declared defeat after a brief inability to confront. The expeditionary force that landed subsequently took over the palace, and quickly embraced a 14-year-old princess who was said to have royal blood and ascended the throne.

The most incredible thing about this whole thing is the floating city that shocked the whole city after the rumor "miracle appeared".

Mage Rasiman thought of the "floating tower" as soon as they heard it, but how could they not think that it was Roddy's hole card, after all, they knew how much energy it would take to drive a city, and this was the battle once. The amount of money is estimated to be over 100,000 gold coins.

And without waiting for them to think more, on the same day that the news came, Roddy's "Sky Mothership" appeared three kilometers outside of the city of Druir and revealed his figure.

Later, he politely submitted an application for "close to the dock" to Du Ruier City, and said that he had important business discussions with several dragon elders.

This time the discussion lasted for six days, and Rody controlled the "Aircraft Mothership" to fly a circle in the middle of the sea. Process, and let them visit all the buildings on it, confirming that the power source of the entire sky-sky mother ship is not magic, but a word that the wizards are most unwilling to hear: divine power.

And this also means that ... the core floating technology of "space carriers" is not something they can master.

Several dragon elders actually followed Roddy just to help set the scene. They talked with Rashiman's mages about simple ways and methods of "responding to the demon." The atmosphere was friendly and enthusiastic. None of the yin and yang strange words appeared.

Since this day, the Rahman Parliament has never mentioned the war compensation of 100,000 gold coins.

The gap is large enough that they have lost their desire to catch up, and now they just want to maintain friendly relations as much as possible, and the day of the province was razed to an unknown level ...

Therefore, the next thing will be close to the form. Soderol's mission is not only to fight, but also to formulate the issue of the replacement of the on-duty army in Esca.

The most important thing in the colony was the garrison. In order to prevent the instability of the regime, Roddy did not appoint a person like the "Governor" to take over directly, but it is conceivable that Yudola's position of "high priest" is only temporary. It won't be long before taking control of this will eventually become Roddy's true confidant.

And all of this is no longer necessary to continue to worry about Roddy. In early April, Roddy accompanied Melincela to her laboratory and helped her simply clean up the various instruments here.

What made him relieved was that after so many incidents, Merlin Serra chose to go to Hollier City and continue to be exposed to cutting-edge magic research.

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