Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1161: Lol

"Well, don't look at me with that expression."

Meilin Sera watched Roddy look a little dare to talk, stopped the action of cleaning up the circle, and turned to laugh: "Why did you become such a timid look when you were the Prime Minister? Before, you were not talking and laughing in front of a group of dragon lords. What? "

Roddy touched his nose. He wasn't actually afraid of anything, but felt a little bit embarrassed: Melinzela had so much hatred with other dragons before. When they came here, the two sides almost quarreled about it, but how could he Unexpectedly ... After the Tuke incident was over and Sally was cured, Melinzela offered to go to Hollier City for research.

In the face of victors and other lords, they are not gimmicks at all because both sides are representatives of forces and they think about things from different angles. But in the face of Merlin Sera ... Rodi is more a personal emotional factor to determine. He was afraid that Merlin Serra would feel uncomfortable after going to Hollier City, which is full of other dragons, but he did not persuade him. Her position was not good for a while.

"I, I really don't have much success in magic, so I don't know much about Rashiman's current academic level."

He whispered a few words, but was immediately spotted by Melindra: "Okay, I know what you are worried about-Rashiman does have a fair academic environment, but I have already Seeing their ceiling, it doesn't make much sense to continue flowing. "

She put the last set of martial arts in a wooden box for packing, raised her hand to seal it with a spell, and said earnestly: "Although the mages of Rasiman pursue the 'truth', if they do not study theology, I am afraid this The process is much longer than imagined-they are full of resistance to theology, and even denigrate everything that is related to theology, which in itself is equivalent to adding too many political factors to the academic atmosphere. In my opinion, it is like It's like walking on a lame leg. "

Roddy naturally understands this kind of thing. Rasiman's foundation of the country is based on opposition to theology. If they let the hatred go and study theology now, it is equivalent to shake their own foundation of rule ... even if it is beneficial, the mage They will never do it.

By simply following this line of thought, he understood the thought of Melincela, and secretly let go: "So it is ..."

"What are you worried about? Wouldn't you be afraid I would fight with other dragons over there? Am I so naive?"

Meilin Sera looked at him with a tilted head, and continued, "Still speaking-you are worried about a majesty, a priest, or a female bodyguard holding a bow every day ... Oh, and there is a frosty giant who is crazy Princess Dragon? "

She didn't dare to answer her words, and changed the topic stiffly: "No, that, I was mainly thinking ... if you have a more suitable research direction, I will let the research department give you more funding to provide research funding or something, Anyway, they are all their own, and they must be treated specially, right? "

"You finally said something conscience."

Of course Melinzela could see that he was unwilling to talk back, but in the final analysis, she was really a little upset at heart, so she always joked about this with Roddy ... But when she was serious, she looked serious: "I still intend to continue to study the elemental plane, but the current direction lies in the 'transformation'-not in-body transformation, try from outside the body first, for example, I want to see if I can draw energy from the elemental plane and directly charge Can go into that spar. "

After she said, Roddy immediately held her back: "Well ... cann't the charged spar avoid the influence of the" Forbidden Magic Domain "?"

"It's just an idea, and it needs to be verified, but this effect is indeed possible."

Meilin Sera looked at Roddy with a little pride: "How about, is this research enough to give me some subsidies?"

"More than enough ..."

Roddy rubbed his eyebrows and smiled bitterly: "You are completely a strategic research target, and you can set up a separate department to study the power of the 'Elemental Plane'. In fact, the Dragons have always been involved, but they are The achievements in this area seem to be far from the height of Solomon. If you can show them your current skills, I think that the dragons will definitely not resist the follow-up research under your hands, after all, this situation is not rare now . "

Melincela was surprised: "Don't you deliberately tease me? Aren't there many dragons in Hollier?"

As a result, Roddy looked at her like that and blinked: "Did you have been a 'human' for too long, and forgot how many guys in the dragon family are touching the fish?"


With such a reminder, Melinzela remembered the original Shadow Dragons. There were also many wastes waiting for death, doing nothing, and learning nothing. She patted her head with her hand, and sighed, "It seems that I really think so well over there, and thought that it was all lords or elders doing research all day."

Roddy laughed: "The lords and elders are indeed there. The former lords like Queo are also writing papers all day, but the overall level of the dragons is uneven. With your level and ability, I think that some people do n’t like to use their brains. There is no problem with guys working for you. "

"Let a bunch of enemies come to work under my hands and it sounds good."

Melinzel said something casually, but found that Roddy was still talking and was afraid to answer.

She knew that this guy was actually concerned about herself, and said: "Don't think about that much, I actually want to explore the truth now-I thought you were just guessing, but the demon that appeared in the battle, speaking ... much like my family A missing elder. "

"You mean ... the guy whose head was cut off by me?"

Roddy remembered the demon lord of the huge Shadow Dragon clan, "Victor they have moved the entity to the half plane, and said that they are going to freeze and study it carefully ... I thought about asking you to see it, But-with those lords, I'm afraid you can't hide your identity. "

After listening to her, Melincela didn't react much, she just lowered her eyes and replied: "Then wait until they don't hide their identities and they also value me ~ ~ she said raising her hand Use the magic to make each luggage wooden box float in the air and step out.

Roddy followed, and she walked out of Durrell with her, and took the horse-drawn carriage in the city to the outside of the "Sky Mothership", and then passed through the "entrance" in the middle of the city through the French array.

Before and after arriving at the transport plane, Melinthera realized that Roddy, who had been following her, actually entered the plane with herself. She raised her eyebrows: "Don't you stay here to have a meeting with them? I remember you have a lot of things."

Roddy smiled: "Taking you back is the last thing."

Melincela's ears suddenly turned red, but her face didn't show anything, she nodded, "This way ..."

When she was sitting in a chair looking out the window, she found that she was always smiling in the reflection of the glass.


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