Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1203: Ass and standing squad

"Don't ... die?"

"More terrible than death."

Sylvia's answer made Talia do not know what to say for a long time. She knew that the "demon attack" was serious, but if it seemed that the treatment failed, the consequences were far more complicated than she thought.

Silvia didn't talk much, took her away from the half plane, this place is a place to relax, and even has various instruments and game props, but Talia prefers the already set up laboratory here ——Even if there is not much valuable material in it, the conditions are obviously much better than in the mage tower of Master Isen.

"If you are applying to become a worker in the magic tower, then you can subcontract some simple experimental tasks and get a salary, which should be enough for you to do some basic research."

"Really? Great!"

"But to apply here, you need to pass several exams."

"Exam? What exam?"

Talia is full of energy and can't wait to participate now.

"In addition to basic common sense and spiritual power, there are some basic geography and common sense about the Karen Kingdom. So, I will go and get you some materials needed for the exam. This is free to borrow , The date is ok. If you don't need to stay here, go back to the bedroom first? "

Talia quickly responded, and returned to the bedroom happily, taking the initiative to lock herself in: "Mr. Silvia, I'll wait here!"

"Okay, I'll be here in about half an hour."

Silvia nodded and turned to leave.

At the top of the magic tower, the dragon lords who watched this scene were shocked with inexplicable expressions-it was not difficult to lock up a weak demon monarch, but let the other party actively run into the "prisoner" and obediently Wait, you have even regarded the "devil" as your own enemy. This step is not a simple move or a trick ...

"She ... is it possible to act?"

Lord Victor couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, so the contract is an agreement between her and Edith Arcanist. Now we are in control of her at all times. When her heartbeat speeds up, we can monitor at any time."

After seeing the plan going smoothly, Roddy asked Krups: "This guy's magical talents must have been seen by everyone. I won't talk about how to do it, but I hope you don't leak any holes."

The lords nodded silently, but no one spoke about the ticket ... They were all very careful in the face of the Demon Monarch.

"By the way, I heard Kardashian say that the 'Strategic Weapons Research Department' has developed a law matrix that can keep the elemental spar burning. This has to be studied specifically? Isn't the existing law matrix able to achieve this Purpose? "

"Maybe there are some differences in the actual effect?"

There was some speculation in Roddy's mind, but he knew that Victor's words actually suggested that he hadn't seen Kardashian for a long time-he had been staring at Talia after running for a long time, Kardashian With his team, he went to the barren mountains and mountains to conduct strategic weapon research. Victor obviously wanted to make the relationship between the Frost Dragons and the Roddy forces closer in this way.

Even if it sounds like this is a naked use of affection, when standing in such a position, he can only choose this way. After all, the relationship is closer than other dragons, and the support and resources received will be one point ... every gap can be Expand the sphere of influence of your clan power in the future.

And Roddy also responded to his face very well: "Then I'll just go and see tomorrow, Talia's side ... I'll leave it to you guys."

On the second day, Roddy, who had eaten breakfast, didn't hesitate to take the car and went directly to the test site of the Strategic Weapons Research Department.

Nafi has returned to Elson City to assist her mother Camilla to improve the floating tower of the "Hovera", so besides Rodi, besides a whole guard, only Nata looks like a bodyguard.

At the same time, after getting up early, Talia hastily entered the half plane after eating, and began to work hard to read the thick books that Silvia brought her ...

There are two books on common sense in spells, which are basically missing out for Talia, and the rest of the books obviously surprised her-because it turned out to be a "history textbook".

The above first briefly described the tragic and catastrophic results of the "High Elves" in the face of demons, and then outlined the development of the "Karlen Kingdom" from scratch.

In the end, it tells a lot about the current family history of "Sally I" and the whole process of obtaining the support of the entire kingdom ... Of course, it also includes information about "Prime Minister Roddy", but the proportion is small, and the whole is derogating "Charlie The incompetence of the "Second Age" regime, and the substantial improvement in the current national level, have proved the rationality and superiority of the "Sally I" regime.

Of course, these things are not specially prepared for Talia alone. In fact, the current screening of "public servants" in the Karen Kingdom, the first thing to test is the content in these books, whether it is brainwashing, or the united front of ideology In addition, this is actually something that every regime will do: Only by winning the support of the people and maintaining a stable situation can we talk about "development" again.

And since Talia woke up, the only contact she had with those books in the Galan family study—the content she had read at the time ~ ~ because of "memory cleaning", there were only some vague impressions, but Because everything was prepared by Roddy, the "history" she sees now is familiar, without any sense of disobedience.

Now she no longer doubts her "Talia Galan" identity, instead she concentrates her attention on the knowledge of the book.

But wanting to remember something, reading and understanding are the first steps, so Talia unknowingly accepted many theories and concepts in the book, and through these books, she also gradually realized ... The ability to sit in the half-plane to treat the "demon invasion" without spending any money is ultimately because of the miraculous breakthrough and development of the Karen Kingdom.

Without the Dragon, do n’t even think about these things; without the Sally I ’s struggle with cabinet members from scratch, the Dragon will never choose to cooperate with humans in the final analysis-strength is the last word. Lia agrees.

Such ideas are not directly instilled in the books, but are the conclusions that Talia thinks and draws after reading. And in the subsequent reading, she has unknowingly stood on the perspective of the "Karlen Kingdom" to look at various issues ...


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