Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1204: Bloodless Blade

While Talia was struggling to recite the "examination materials", a battle had just erupted in the territory of "Kassat" thousands of miles away.

It was dark at this time, and the number of human troops assembled outside the "Fortress of Luz" was more than 6,000. This is the fourth group of troops that came to attack after the "orc regime" in Sauron occupied it.

The first three teams that came here all came back to death, but this time the leader, Count Scania, was obviously well prepared. After arriving outside the fortress today, he dug a trench and cut a tree. Making ladders and construction vehicles, seeing the gates closed and scarce figures on the walls, the Count of Scania was full of confidence. He even roasted whole lambs leisurely in the center of the camp. appearance.

These countries in the eastern part of the Karen Kingdom have been struggling for many years, but when they are really fighting, they are always "small fights". Fights with a scale of more than 10,000 people can be called "epic wars", so there are now more than 6,000 people. The attacking team has been called an unprecedented "super troop" in recent years-Lord Earl has burst into confidence, and has even ordered: "Necessary to break the city within ten days!"

But as the count ate and drank, ready to return to the camp account to rest, there was a strange call sign behind the camp.

"what sound?"

He turned his head and looked at it. The indistinct bonfire light can only reflect the figures of the farmers in charge of the logistics troops in the rear. They are basically villagers who have been called up along the way. Although the temporary camp is trying to be regular, the personnel are scattered and just returned. There were cases of verbal discord and brawls.

"Master, it seems that there is an enemy ..."

The guard next to him said, because the sound in the distance had gradually turned into a mourning, and suddenly there was a flare of fire-for a moment, as if a red sea wave slammed in the darkness, a bang. The large pile of grain was ignited instantly, and then the spreading sea of ​​fire quickly caused the soldiers to panic ...

"A mage attacked? What the **** is going on ?! Pasti! Let people stabilize the team, don't run around! Array!"

The Earl of Scania loudly ordered that he was not a military idiot, knowing that he must have been attacked, but in the darkness he could only obscurely see some shadows in the distance, but he could not see what was going on at all-but Just as the guards around him had just gathered, the howling came suddenly from the side.

That was the sound of hundreds of giant wolves screaming together. At the next moment, as if something suddenly broke the dark barrier, a large group of wolf cavalry appeared without warning in the western position of the entire queue, and it was at two hundred. Charged at a distance of meters!

The entire camp was only excavated in the north. The ground was still level because the west was too late to start work. In fact, after the wolf cavalry rushed into the side camp, the Count Scania realized that even if there was a trench, Can't stop each other!

Because the orcs and wolves in front of him were beyond imagination: the wolf's shoulder height was more than two meters, the huge wolf's head was more horrible than any Warcraft he had ever seen, and what worried him most was ... The knight's body is covered with simple but extremely solid metal armor!

Many of the panicked soldiers raised their weapons to resist, but as a result they were struck by the side of the wolf, they flew out instantly, and fractured their muscles on the spot.

Their weapons bounced directly on the wolf's armor, and many people were even trampled by the wolf. After experiencing the blessing of the Sauron witch doctor spell, the lethality of this group of wolf knights is not weaker than some small Yalong Warcraft.

In terms of quantity, more than two hundred wolf cavalry is worthless to the position of six thousand men. But the orcs in the dark, with their mounts weighing more than three tons, and covered with two or three layers of iron armor, they easily tore off the unprepared line of defense, didn't stay, and went straight to the center of the camp.

These orcs didn't even think about the impact of their own impact force. During the fierce collisions and screams, the blood filled the wolf's body, but the wolf knight holding a steel spear kept the direction of the impact and killed directly. Entered the central area where Count Scania was located.

There are already more than a hundred soldiers lined up in the defensive array here, and the earl is firmly protected-but more than a dozen wolf cavalry rushed to the past regardless of their care, even if the brave guards stood in their way and tried their best. Life dragged down the first wolf cavalry team, but the subsequent second wolf cavalry team still leaped up, trampled on the crowd that was no longer in formation, and came to the count without hindrance.

The three mages next to Count Scania desperately released the fireball, but the armored orc warlord rushed in front of them without hindrance when his body was bombarded with two layers of armor, and the steel spear in his hand was forward. The stab, a guard and the Count Scania penetrated at the same time.

At this moment, time seems to be still. But the violent overlord jumped from the scarred wolves, slammed the steel spears in his hands, and after the two were thrown away, they swept the heads of the two mages.

At this time, the other wolf knights who had followed up had completely controlled the situation, and after seeing the Count penetrated by a blow, the soldiers who had fought hard had lost their fighting spirit and stood there dumbly ...

Warlord Tabor throws away the bent steel spear, picks up the severely wounded earl with one hand, and tears the opponent's head in an extremely brutal way ...

Just now I was talking about the count who enjoyed the food and laughed. At this time, the head was connected with a few vertebrae, and the body was thrown away.

Without any extra words, the core guards scattered on the spot and shouted "Master is dead" around, meanwhile, the four or five hundred orcs who followed the wolf cavalry slaughtered the scattered soldiers like bulldozers ~ www. ~ The lighted tent in the camp illuminates the sky, and the moraleless resistance soon came to an end. The orcs, like monsters, not only traveled by themselves, but also brought them reared by them for days Enough obedient thousands of "assistants"-with the help of these humans, they easily dispersed and captured more than 2,000 soldiers. The rest were either killed or scattered in the wilderness.

On daybreak, Sauron walked on the ruins of the **** and scorched camp and held a funeral for the six wolf knights and eight wolves killed in the battle.

Later, he executed three aristocrats in the enemy team who had been yelling at the scene. When the brains smashed by the chain hammer splashed into the mouths of other nobles, the young honours who had originally thought of “mixing military merits” at the scene were completely thorough. Scared to pee.

They begged for mercy, hoping to be loyal to Sauron.

The chief warrior did not embarrass them, and kindly accepted the loyalty of these people.

After that, he looked towards the south.


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