Demon Lord

Chapter 155: Layout and crisis (below ...

The two old men in the study, one is the high-level of the largest denomination in the kingdom, and the other is the great lord who guards one country's territory. On the perspective, vision, experience, political experience, and size, I am afraid they are placed in the entire kingdom. All are excellent.

Because of this, when Roddy took everything out, they ... are the ones who can really smell the disaster.

Roddy tells everything he encountered: the outposts established by the orcs outside the village of Nolan, the arrogance of the wolf cavalry slaughterhouse, the collaboration of Francis and Sarrota, the astonishing number of troops in the orc kingdom, "Roham's Hammer "A peace plan for human territory ...

Angmar had heard these stories intermittently from other populations before, and also vaguely felt that it seemed to herald some information-but when he put together the clues that Roddy said, his back was instantly spread. Sweaty

No one in this room is a fool, and Roddy has no need to make up lies to deceive the two. Various examples, combined with the inadvertent "proof" of Sodroll and others before, have made Roddy's original assumption Instantly become real and believable ...

Orcs, perhaps really ready to attack the Karen kingdom.

The map of the territory was turned out by Angmar and placed on the desk.Rodi was not polite, but raised his hand to draw a few possible offensive trajectories on it, and Duke Angmar's forehead immediately appeared fine sweat beads. ...

"The orcs do not carry heavy weight. They are like locusts, and they destroy everything along the way."

"The mobility of the wolf cavalry allows them to radiate all the villages from here ..."

"Human beings will be killed or even used as food. I have encountered such things."

"They will replenish the coveted equipment here, then borrow chickens to lay eggs, and start to produce armor suitable for their size here in preparation for continuing into the kingdom."

"Some of the fortresses here may be able to resist it, but if the other party comes suddenly, it can only be the end of siege and waiting for death-in the case of unexpectedness, how many weeks of food can be eaten in the Fortress of Conceton? How many combatants? "

When the sentence was spoken from Roddy's mouth, the atmosphere in the study was almost freezing. Angmar's beard trembled a few times, but she closed her eyes and let more sweat shed. She took a few steps back and sat back in the chair ...

In just a few minutes, he seemed to be ten years old instantly.

Rubens's gaze looked in the direction of the orc's invasion, and he was about to say something, but he didn't look up and swipe his finger-"After the territory of Everta, here, here, here, all The diocese of Lithuania has collapsed and there is no other end. The aristocracy will seek peace, the war will be delayed, and there may be a turnaround, but the orcs have tasted the sweetness ... "

"Unless they are killed or scared, they will never return to that barren grassland."

It wasn't Roddie who spoke this sentence, but the Duke of Angmar, whose face was green and clenching his fists.

By now, Angmar no longer thinks about why Roddy did these things-he can realize what the information he has access to now means, and he is even more aware of what Roddy has done in the orc kingdom. What a profound meaning

Regarding Roddy, although there are many things that cannot be seen through, Angmar has already understood his main intention ... After knowing these, the doubts in his heart have disappeared and replaced by the "sorrows" evoked by Roddy awareness".

"It seems that time is running out ..."

Angmar whispered what Roddy had always wanted to say, then closed her eyes slightly and lost in thought.

Rubens squinted and looked at the map for a long time.Although his position was not a lord but a high sect, he also understood the consequences of the orc invasion of the kingdom.After he figured this out, he didn't talk nonsense, and he just reached out from his sleeve and took it out. A metal emblem was shoved into Roddy's hand, and a piece of parchment was pulled out and looked, but it was crumpled.

"The emblem is held. When there is an emergency, you can use it to negotiate with Benjamin to move the Temple Guard here."

"This list was originally a temple soldier who was guarding the Duke's House, but you took the task of dealing with the undead, and I should assign them to you-but now ... I will give you a new list when I go back, Twenty Templar knights, and twenty Templar guards, you have full authority. "

"I will report you a 'Temple Guard Captain's vacancy, and I will solve the internal problems of the denominations involved," Rubens raised his hand, rubbing his eyebrows, and continued firmly, "Don't excuse these, you have Helped me, helped too many denominations, these are all I can get out of now. When I return to the denominations, these things will be reported. "

This is not only a reward, but also a good disguise.

"You are willing to take it seriously, because of your trust in me." Roddy accepts the emblem from Rubens, "If you say this elsewhere, it is tantamount to laughter, no one will believe it."

"But one more person believes it means one more chance"

Angmar stood up, although the old body was still thin, but the decision to kill only the lord was instantly revealed-"I hope ... we have time."

For Roddy on September 27, it should be regarded as the first turning point he faced after crossing this world.

When returning to the bedroom late at night, Roddy's tense nerves were slightly relaxed-the box in his hand was placed on the table, he sat on the bed as if collapsed, and rubbed his eyebrows, finally, Roddy finally had Time to examine all the "harvests" of the entire incident.

Except for the experience and prestige that have been counted before, the most useful material is the short bow, wrists and rings left by Magda.

Opening the display bar, Roddy reached out and picked up the short bow with a faint blue light. When the palm touched, there was an arc-like halo flashing on it. Holding a piece of ice.

[Ice Crystal Spike]

Epic Bow

Requirements: 370 strength, level 3 (advanced class)

Damage 47466

fl2 agility

9 strength

Effect: Add 10% ice damage to each attack

Effect: There is a certain probability to slow the target by 3%

Talent: "Enhanced Nether Shot" 2 points

"The prayer of High Priest Isengor is engraved on the bow, symbolizing the eternal glory of the King."

Capturing the body of this short bow, Roddy froze and nodded, but sighed ...

Is it well equipped? Well, it can't be better. It can be used at advanced level 3. It is purple "epic". The effect is stronger than one and the damage is higher. The ice effect can't be praised. This special effect of the control system It is the favorite of long-distance professionals. In the past, it was such a bow that can shoot sky-high prices at auction houses.

But the only drawback is also obvious: you can't use it yourself.

The bow is not like a sword. Even if the sword is not level enough, it can still be used forcibly, but this bow ... Rodi stretched out his bowstring and found that he had used milking power to bend the bow slightly. In radians ...

"Damn, it doesn't work without attributes."

I whispered a little, and looked carefully at the bow. As a "master of the bow", he still had a way to let himself use this bow ... knocking on the bow, and playing the slingshot again, roughly confirmed After the bow body material, Roddy breathed a sigh of relief-lowering the bow string, polishing the bow to reduce the required strength and level, and he can use it quickly.

Gaze turned to the bracers, and he couldn't help but sigh that Magda was not bad, even the most inconspicuous bracers were epic

[Frost Iron Bracers]

Epic Leather

Bracers (Attributes decreased by 6

Requirement level: Level 3 (advanced occupation)

0 Dexterity-

6 Constitution

20 strength

fl2 spirit

Special Effect: There is a very low probability of causing the "Frost Slow" effect when attacking.

This equipment Rody had seen before, saying it was leather armor, but it was inlaid with several pieces of "frost iron", so it added a special effect, which is also a pp weapon-now there is only one pair of wristbands, so the attributes are only half. But if it is split and reworked, the raw material level is left there, and whatever you want to do, the attribute must be better than your current level 4 wristband.

If these two things are not surprising to Roddy, the last ring really made Roddy feel that he was very lucky ...

[Ring of the Eagle's Eye]

Fine ring

Use: The next time you cast "Nether Shot", the damage is increased by 2%

Cooling time: ij hours

This is the "core skill enhancement ring" in the mouth of players, that is, equipment that is specifically targeted at skills, only requires occupations that do not require levels, can be encountered but not required, and each one can almost sell a "artifact" at a good price.

Although the grade is blue, this equipment often sells more expensive than those purple epic weapons because they have no grade requirements. This has extremely wide applicability. The more advanced the ring is, the more rich it is. Although it is only aimed at the basic skill of "Ning Shen Shooting", it is also enough for Roddy to be surprised.

"Nether God Shooting" is one of the core skills of the Ranger. As a skill used in the first arrow of the hand, it has a great chance of hitting the critical hit with a variety of bufs, and 2 damage is increased, Definitely a big number in case of critical strike

Holding this yellow and black, eagle-eye-like ring, Rody put it on his hand without saying a word, looking at the new icon that appeared in the skill bar, he was relieved with satisfaction ~ ~ The emblem given by the bishop of the Governor, the metal carved cross roses and crosses are exquisite in candlelight-accompanied by this emblem, is a sudden addition of "Title: Captain of the Temple Guard" in Rody's "Title Box" .

[Captain of the Temple Guard: When leading the Temple Guard, the overall attack power is increased by 0]

Below is a line of green instructions: When conditions permit, you can start a regional recruitment process and mobilize the regional temple guards to assist in operations within 30 days.

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