Demon Lord

Chapter 157: Incident

The following text:

Chapter 157

Eron calendar 588, October 17.

The withered yellow leaves covered the forest land. Late autumn is getting late. Although the winter cold has not yet arrived, when the clouds are overcast, the gentle winds of the past also become humid and piercing.

The temperature in the forest at night was approaching the freezing point. Most of the animals who were desperately searching for food at this time had disappeared. The large quiet language forest has become much cleaner than in the past. If it is still active, except for some animals that have not sent enough fat and are worried about winter, there are only human mercenaries who are still active, and those wood elves who live in this forest. .

十 At a distance of ten kilometers from the edge of the forest, Elsa Village, which belongs to the wood elves, was broken by a sudden event on this day.

I said that this is a village. In fact, it looks like a forest from a distance. The wood elves all live in the tree holes dug out at the bottom of tall trees, so their buildings can hardly see any artificial traces. If you walk in, you will see a densely packed tree, each tree trunk is two or three meters above the ground with a small tree hole, and the wood elves live here. In the regular space opened in the tree hole. The largest tree hole is the entrance. The so-called "door" is a wooden cover. The smaller tree holes become ventilation windows. In winter, these small tree holes are blocked by the elves to keep them warm.

In the past years, the elves have hunted enough prey to prepare for the winter, and have basically seldom come out. However, at this time, there were some quarreling noises in the open space in the center of the village. You can see a dozen young wood elf looking excited and saying something to an old-looking elf ...

"be quiet!"

The voice of the village chief Brudy was almost drowned in the words of these elves. At the age of ninety-three, he had a beard, dark brown hair with many leaf fragments, an old face with wrinkles, and bags under his eyes. Deep and big, holding a wooden stick full of crickets in his hand, seeing these younger juniors still noisy, he frowned: "I already know what happened, but when I have not made a decision, you and What am I noisy ?! "

"Village! These cunning humans must not be at ease!"

"Village chief, join other villages and leave them a deep lesson!"

"Insult our clan, we will pay!"

"Just! Pay the price!"

In the face of this messy call, the village chief Brudy's face was very ugly. He simply raised a wooden stick and chanted a spell, then slammed into the ground and cast a large range of "Ningshenshu" — —After the turquoise light unfolded suddenly, the affected wood elves immediately became quite quiet, and their heated expressions gradually calmed down.

"What's the price? Do you want to start a war?"

He hated iron and steel and pointed at the young elves. There were several elves who were scolded and bowed their heads, afraid to look at his eyes, but some of them were very unconvinced. The youngest of them had a stubby neck. , His voice widened: "What happened to the war? Village chief, we will not be afraid of humans!"

"Do you think war is the same as hunting? Do you think you don't need to be afraid of any enemies in the forest?" Brudy raised his wooden staff and knocked on his head, "wheezing" with a crisp sound, " But it was a mercenary regiment who came over to pick things up. Do you want to destroy the Karen kingdom? Really it was seven hundred years ago? "

When referring to "seven hundred years ago", these elves collectively stopped silent, their heads dangled one by one. The elf who had been knocked on his head still wanted to stiffen his mouth, but in the end he saw the fierce look of the village chief's eyes. Swallowed back the words, and whispered, "They hit Ax! If Nata hadn't arrived, I'm afraid these humans would drag Ax away ... You also said that humans would take the wood elves When-when the goods are sold! "

"I'll find someone to deal with this, but it won't be up to you now ... Hugo, go and call Nata, I'll wait for her in the tree hole in Aix."

Hugo swollen with a few packets on his head whispered that he looked seventeen or eighteen years old. It was the age when the young man was impulsive and good. Although his mouth was no longer stubborn, his resentment against humans was obviously She put it on her face, and after taking the order, she stretched her face, and walked towards the tree hole where Nata was.

The wood elves who had gathered here before disappeared directly. Obviously, they were very obedient to the prestige of the village chief, but in the conversations in twos and twos, they still showed hostility towards human beings.

Here, the village chief Brudy has come to the tree cave of the wood elf called Axe. The round space has more than ten square meters. The pure wood room always has a faint wood fragrance and round windows. On, dim light came in, and the bandages on Ex's head were clearly visible. Brudy walked over and sat by the wooden bed, frowning and asked, "Why did this happen suddenly? You said those humans attacked you for no reason?"

Ax, who was lying on the bed, though thin and small, was a good young hunter in the village. Elsa's hunting team is basically a group operation, but today he ran to chase a wild boar. Because it was in the area near the village, Ax relaxed his vigilance and easily caught up and killed the wild boar. But how do you know ...

"They don't know where they came from. There are many people and they are fierce. I don't understand what is said. The leader is very big and very powerful-"

Ax was embarrassed and angry, rubbing his head while saying, "I can't stop his attack at all, that guy moves fast and ruthless, I ..."

听 "Listen to Hugo, they still want to take you?"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Nata's arrival, followed by a team of people to help, I'm afraid I'll be dragged along all the way--" He said here with a look of fear, "What do humans want to do? ? They have never been here before. "

"It may be a little trouble, it may be a big trouble. Anyway, you must be careful when you leave the team recently." Brudie, the frowning village head, is actually confused, and is preparing to comfort a few words, but he heard the tree hole cover was "banged" "Bang", then Hugo's head came in, and his voice shouted in a panic: "Village! There are humans outside the village!"

"what happened?"

Brudy's old faces are screwed together—is this group of humans still prepared to say that it doesn't make sense? !!

"What's the panic? I'll go and watch, and let Lando take the people ready for battle."

The wooden stick was a brace. Although old and scary, Brudy did not have a slight delay, and the meteor strode out.

At the same moment, in the tree hole in the corner of the village, Nata, holding her bow and arrow, looked out of the window with some surprise.

Since having met with Roddy in the forest more than a month ago, Nata's daze has increased significantly-the two arrows taken from the steel-tailed leopard have been placed in front of the small wood At the table, every time a hunter came back to see it, she could not help but think of that guy's precise and swift arrows ...

Since that experience, Nata has been working hard to imitate Roddy's amazing rate of fire and calmness when hunting. This change has made her level rise a lot compared to before. A deadly prey was brought back to the village, and the old hunters in the hunting team were somewhat surprised by her "progress"-but such praise made Nata even more upset ...

Only she knows that this so-called "progress" is so playful in front of that guy ...

Because of Roddy, she became interested in human beings, and even developed curiosity inside her. In the past, Nata, who was as cold and rigid as her face, was hardly interested in something, but for more than a month, she found that shadow was completely lingering in her mind.

为什么 Why does that guy named Roddy speak Elf? Why does he always feel like he is familiar with himself?

After thinking about it, Nata's gradual humanity does not seem to be as "greedy" and "shameless" as the village chief Brudy said-but the idea just changed a little, but it is completely changed today.

An hour ago, when Nata returned to the village and saw Exx overthrown by several humans and was about to be towed away, she had to use bows and arrows to make "communications" with these vicious guys!

When it comes to the safety of the wood elves, Nata will never hesitate—if some humans had shielded their arrows and decisively dropped the injured Axe, then turned and ran away ~ ~ Nata must be I have to catch up and leave a few people to talk about.

When Rescue was rescued, Nata looked at the blood on his head, but her heart was suddenly lost ... Roddy's original performance made her think that all human beings are friendly and peaceful, even if there is a little Not the same, humans should not have the intention to actively harm the wood elves--

But ... why?

为什么 Why do these humans attack the wood elves? Why did you drag Exx away?

Isn't that the guy named Roddy?


The words outside the tree hole interrupted her thinking. Do n’t even think that it was Lando who had just returned to the village. Everyone in the village knew his intentions, but Nata did n’t really want to start with someone. What an emotional life. But because there are not many people, Nata's temperament is cold, but she doesn't turn her face because of Lando's entanglement. At this time, she doesn't speak, and Lando leans out of the tree cave and enters with a smile on her face: Don't mind if I come in? "

Su Nata's gaze swept away, and she turned back without expression.

This was a "don't mind" answer for Lando. He got in through the mouth of the tree. The movement was light and silent. At this time, he was wearing a well-cut sackcloth robe with simple hair and no hair. , But the sturdy and slender figure is placed there, really called the divine anomaly.

I just had no interest in seeing him cool, Nata just stared at the arrows left by the two Rody on the table.

(To be continued)

PS: Go out for a day, and go home to take a break and take a trip. Recently, it has been a change.

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