Demon Lord

Chapter 181: Master and apprentice, nurse

Observing magic crystals usually looks at three points: color, shape and volume.

With bright colors and high transparency, the elemental energy contained in it is pure. The shape is regular and the surface is flat and smooth, the structure is firm and contains high energy.

In terms of volume, the "magic crystal" is not bigger and better. For higher-level Warcraft, the magic crystal produced is smaller.

Roddy is very familiar with these points.After all, as a player, Warcraft, who has personally killed, does not say that he can contact the magic crystal when participating in some small copies, auction houses and making leather armor, short bows, and the magic crystal that he handles. There are 10,000 without 10,000 and 8,000, so most magic crystals can be roughly seen at a glance.

According to his expectation: the magic element of the fire element of level 45 H6 must be orange-red, but the magic crystal held in his hand at this time is bright and transparent, and is completely the same as high-purity transparent crystal

Its volume is only the size of a pigeon egg, and it is definitely the best stage of this level. The shape is also strong and sturdy. What is weird is that there is a smaller regular tetrahedron "crystal in crystal" in the magic crystal.

"What is this?"

Seriously, Roddy has been playing the game for seven years, and he has never heard of such a strange magic crystal. He opened the property bar and looked at it again--

"The Magic Crystal of Sakura the King"


The item level is "excellent" blue, but the name makes Roddy frown ... The name of the magic crystal in the game is always the same, whether it is dragon or lizard, when it is displayed in the list, it is "magic crystal" Two words, no other difference

Roddy feels that his rich knowledge of games always seems to be incomprehensible in this world, but even so, he will not be digging into the horns, and he will return to find a professional such as an enchanter to determine the content of the elements.

With this in mind, he turned to the wood elves who were cleaning up the battlefield.

Brudy's advanced career is "Guardian of the Forest". This is not an INBAK industry. Players cannot choose it, but it is a unique title of the Wood Elf. Basically, it is a weakened "Druid" in Roddy's eyes. Therefore, although he was seriously injured, the village chief could barely stand up and maintain order through the treatment of "recovery" of the natural department.

After rough statistics, the Wood Elves killed nine senior hunters in this battle, and more than a dozen were seriously injured.This is a terrible loss for Elsa Village-losing the main hunter, the food in the village next year Supply is likely to be greatly affected.

When the bodies of human mercenaries were piled up, the complexions of the wood elves were abnormal. Some were angry, some were pale, and some were young, and spit several times.

Lando was very injured, but was squatting aside and rested under the effect of recovery. Nata's body was wrapped in bandages from Roddy's body, and she seemed to have regained her sense of indifference and indifference. She was holding a long sword while looking at the human mercenaries, and occasionally found that there were still dead, so she silently went up to make up a sword. In the blood splashing, her expression was cold and scary.

On the other side, Akasha, who was holding a tree like a fool, seemed to finally ease over. She gasped slightly with her head down, apparently also finding the wood elves who were cleaning the battlefield. However, most of her eyes stared at Roddy, but when Roddy looked at her, she hurriedly avoided ...

Roddy wasn't interested to talk to her because he still had work to do at this time. He came to the mercenary who had been shot in the thigh and showed a harmless smile. "There are some things I want to ask you. You can choose to answer or not answer."

The other side had been scared silly for a long time, and said nothing.

"Tell me where your mercenary regiments are, and why you are here. Don't think about lying, to be honest, I can't kill you."

This kind of aggressive mercenary is also lacking in strength, and immediately nodded fiercely, but before saying a few words, Nata came to the side with a sword full of blood ...

"If you really want to help the village, don't kill him."

Nata's temperament is very clear. No one can stop her from what she wants, unless the reason for dissuasion can be linked to the interests of Elsa Village, so Roddy opens up and puts the village first-- And Nata did not unexpectedly take a moment to stop, really stopped.

Her sword-shaking hand trembled slightly, and the bandage on her thigh was soaked with blood. When she turned her eyes from the mercenary's body to Roddy, the original coldness melted in half. However, Roddy, who lowered his head, did not realize this. He just continued to let the mercenaries speak. After listening to what the other party could say, he smiled at the other party: "Thank you."

The mercenary was relieved, but when Rody got up and left, he added to Nata next to him, "You can kill now."

Nata, who has always been reticent, nodded obediently, then chopped down with her sword ...

After the mercenary screams, other wood elves in Elsa Village also rushed to the scene one after another, and Roddy was finally relieved. After talking to Brudi about the location of the "Blood Shield Mercenary Corps" camp, the old village chief Immediately, sent someone to converge supplies.

So far, Roddy has been unable to help these wooden elves. Although this battle has won more by less, the so-called "harvest" except the weird magic crystal, the only thing that can be seen is Kai Wen's long sword-but those gears are temporarily put away by the wooden elves, he is not in a hurry to see the attributes.

Back the bow that was just thrown back, pick up the double knives and put it in the sheath. After wiping the blood on his body, Rody was pondering carefully to check the talents and characteristics of the hunter hunter, then he thought of the dagger Still at Akasha, he looked up and looked into the distance. After a while, he felt a little funny ...

The unlucky baby Akasha was like a koala bear still standing with the tree. Roddy felt that if he took a picture and posted it on the forum, and then matched it with a headline such as "Mentally Handicapped Girl, Use Tree as a Loved One", the number of clicks would not be low.

I don't know if she was lucky or bad luck: she was scared to death by the back room of the ruins of Wagra, but she came out, but she was thrown away. She ran away for a long time, but the first person she saw almost chopped her to death ... If Roddy had made several shots, I'm afraid it would not be enough to give her a few more lives.

At this time, Akasha not only had dirty clothes, but also had mud marks on his face because of sweat and mud. It was exactly like a displaced refugee.

Although he hadn't communicated with the other party a few times, Roddy also felt that she was really pathetic, so when he came to the other side, he said directly: "Sit down slowly now, there should be no problem. "

Akasha actually couldn't stand any longer. When she heard this, she slumped and sat on the ground, no matter how indecent or embarrassing the action was. At this point, she could not even wipe her sweat. .

"I don't ask any more," said Roddy, reaching out and pulling out the dagger stuck in the tree. After inserting it in the sheath, he turned to look at Akasha. "I will stay in the Wood Elf Village for a few days, if you want to leave Here-"

"I ... I stay"

Before he finished speaking, Akasha interrupted him in a hurry, and then said in a nearly begging tone: "Don't leave me okay? I, I don't know the way ..."

Her face full of muddy prints with this expression was almost like a homeless pet cat.

Roddy felt strange, raising an eyebrow and said, "I don't know the way? So how did you get here?"

"They came in with the mercenary regiment, but not them-" Akasha glanced at the mercenary corpses stacked in the distance. "We only have B people. They were originally outside the forest, but after the beast tide came ...

No wonder, the scattered teams encountered a tide of beasts and absolutely died. It is really luck that forced the children to survive.

"I see." Roddy nodded, getting a general understanding of the situation, staring at the few health values ​​above Akasha's head, and suddenly asked, "Yes, what's your name?"

I'm afraid it's only him who remembers asking his name after talking for so long. When asked, Akasha felt a bit weird. She looked up timidly and whispered, "My name is Akasha ..."

"I can meet you twice ... it's a coincidence." Roddy looked up slightly, knew each other's name, and was judged as "ordinary friend" in the program. At this time, Akasha's level appeared in front of him. The word "Holy Priest" immediately made Roddy stunned-he never expected that Akasha would be higher than himself

But since it is a pure nurse, why isn't it full of blood? Rorty frowned slightly, feeling that the water was deep, and his heart moved, and he continued to ask, "So we are friends?"

Akasha didn't know why he asked so, but she didn't want to be abandoned in her heart and could only choose to nod.

Roddy naturally wanted to see her status after "adding a private friend", but she didn't know it, she was shocked at first glance: the 4 Huffs (negative status) on Akasha were not a joke.

[Full Attribute-0], "Weakness", "75 Healing Effect", "Holy Light Decay", [Minus 6 Health Per Hour], "Anemia", and a "Reduction of 60 Health at Fixed Times Every Day" Curse

These four negative conditions made Rodi sweat coldly-he calculated, if Akasha can't get enough rest and treatment right away, I'm afraid he will die in three days.

No wonder she does not want to leave but prefers to stay ... after all, it is better to bet with a stranger than to be cursed to death in the forest ~ ~ Rodi's idea is naturally that the player has a heavier mind. Akasha, who is still high, his first thought was "the copy has finally been cured", and the second is "there is logistics in group operations".

Later, his mind even came up with a long list of copies that can be used to heal the treatment brush, and then overthrow the drop list YY, and the idea of ​​replacing himself and the cavalry regiment with golden glittering equipment is completely unstoppable-to be returned When God came, he found that Akasha was staring at him with a sullen expression, for fear that Roddy would turn her away again ...

"Then you don't move now, I'll call those wood elves to help-rest assured, they won't hurt you."

With two coughs, Roddy's attitude towards Akasha was changed immediately, and she was thinking about finding Brudy to arrange for help, but found that Nata was limping over.

"What are you doing?"

Nata stopped in front of Roddy, but then she bent down suddenly and performed the etiquette of a wood elf, whispering: "I want to ... learn archery with you."

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