Demon Lord

Chapter 182: overall enhancement!

Nata's expression is always so straightforward, and even what she said is the same as last time.

Nata is not stupid, and naturally understands that if she wants to learn, she must follow him to the human world-but she has already figured out these issues ... After seeing this level of fighting, she no longer wants to continue to be a "in the closed forest" The frog at the bottom of the well.

So Nata still stooped without getting up.

Looking at Nata, who was wrapped in a bandage, Roddy's heart was mixed. If the wood elf in front of him is Hugo or Lando, he may not have any extra expressions or mood changes, but at this time it is not someone else who bows to himself, but is his "former" mentor.

Basically what she learns comes from Nata, but now she has to teach it by herself-Roddy can't help but come up with the messy question of "chicken first or egg first", but think of his current situation, he There is really no room for refusal: whether it is to fight a copy or form a force, he needs a lot of talents and Nata's strength and talent are excellent. Whatever it takes is more cost-effective than going to the lantern to find the "miaozi"

With this in mind, Roddy thought about his own plans and immediately got an idea and sighed: "It's no problem to take you to practice, but you have to understand that if you leave like this, I'm afraid Elsa Village Many people will be hungry next year. "

This made Nata a moment's jealous. She could not value anything, but she valued the safety and interests of Elsa Village most. Now listening to Roddy's words, his eyes were suddenly bewildered, apparently he hadn't thought about this relationship before.

"But there is no solution," said Roddy, reaching out and holding Akasha up to her feet, looking at Nata: "But before that, I hope you can help ... Her body is weak and needs to be adequate It ’s best to find a suitable place to house her, if it ’s three days. ”

Akasha's heart was terribly nervous.Her eyes were lowered, her eyes stayed on Roddy's arm holding her arm, and she bit her lip slightly, her face was slightly red-she said she was angry but she didn't dare. With this strange shame, he remained silent.

Nata hesitated for a moment, but quickly understood what Roddy meant, knowing that this was his "request"

This was really no difficulty for the wood elf. She nodded silently, and immediately came to Akasha, who was ashen-faced, and paused. It seemed like a difficult decision was made. Finally, she reached out and supported the man. She is slightly taller female priest.

Roddy's eyelids jumped, and he suddenly remembered that Nata in the impression had serious "cleanliness". Looking at her image at this time, even if it was not a few minutes after the battle, the blood-stained grounds were easily wiped off, and the dirt on her body was cleaned as much as possible. Although she was covered with bandages, her body was very clean.

And Akasha's sweat and mud marks, which made Nata's heart very "could". So Roddy thought about it, and added a sentence: "That—if conditions permit, it's better to take her to take a bath."

Nata breathed a sigh of relief immediately, but was inexplicably surprised in her heart: how could Roddy always know what he was thinking?

Rodi didn't realize Nata's surprise, he said to Akasha who couldn't understand the Elves: "She will take you to take a bath and rest. Don't worry about other problems. The Wood Elf Village is safe."

"it is good…"

Akasha had no choice but to nod weakly. It was only when she left with Nata's help that she always looked at Roddy in three steps and turned around. From inside to outside, she smelled of "dependence" on the stock, like an abandoned pet ...

Roddy rubbed his eyebrows helplessly, but knew in his heart that Akasha's stimulus was really not small. It is estimated that when there is no human next to him, the sense of security in the heart is lacking. But he couldn't help it at this time. The things that Roddy wanted to do were more than "advanced tasks." The next thing he wanted to do was really the "big deal."

As the **** smell on the battlefield gradually dissipated, night fell quietly.

The custom of the wood elves is burial. The killed hunter was buried in an open space outside the village.There were no tombstones like humans, but a small tree was planted on each person's grave. Here is a symbol of "return to nature". The head of the village, Brudy, presided over the funeral. The ceremony was simple, even rude.

Standing in the dark, Roddy was very quiet. While the other elves were silently chanting the prayers to the "God of the Forest", he finally had time to take a closer look at all the gains after completing his task.

[Properties Panel], all the data of Roddy are clear:

[Legion Soldier] Level 10

[Hunter Demon Hunter] Level 1

Strength: 106 ((0

Dexterity: 8 () (0

Spirit: 2 () (

Constitution: l13 ((0

Intelligence: 2 () (0

The first bracket is the attribute bonus for each level of the "Legion Soldier" class, and the second bracket is for "Hunter Demon Hunter". However, the reason to really make "advanced class" stronger than the basic class is not just attribute values. [Advanced class talent], [advanced skill] and [combat stance], number, and [skill rune mosaic] are The essential.

To this day, the Level 1 Hunter Demon Hunter has finally opened six skills. In addition to the previous Ning Shen shooting, Tengyue and Hidden Surgery, he also added [Return Attack], [Sprint] and [domesticate] three skills.

[Come Back] Level 1

Consume 2 energy points to start

Casting: Cast when facing away from the enemy, wield a weapon (or arrow) to attack, add 15 damage value, and cause the wound to tear, causing 6 damage for the first attack every-second for 15 seconds.

Cooldown: 6 seconds

[Sprint] Level 1

Consumes 3 energy

Cast: Increases movement speed by 3 in 6 seconds

Cooldown: 10 seconds

[Domestication] Level 1

Cost: 10 energy per second

Casting: Casting is required for 10 seconds. Can be domesticated beast or Warcraft, according to the level to determine the success rate.

Cooling time: None

Speaking of these three skills are basically the same as the original Xia] skills, but [return a blow] has a "tearing" effect, which is stronger than the simple additional damage before. [Sprinting] No surprise, but [domestication] made Roddy's heart surge: "Tameable Beast or Warcraft" The words "Let him look back three or four times before finally confirming ...

I'm going to post

Can drive Warcraft to battle

Of course, the excitement in his heart still needs to be covered up. After all, the funeral in front of him has not ended. He tried to maintain a sad expression and turned to the [advanced professional talent column] to study:

Talents are divided into three lines: [enhancement], [beast control], and [survival], each of which has two leading directions, one of [enhancement] strengthens the skills and damage when using "bow" or "crossbow". , Cooling time, etc., a leading to strengthen the melee weapons and skills, want to come to "hunting the demon hunter" is not confined to the use of bows and arrows, using a dagger or other weapons is no problem.

[Beast control] One category of talent is to strengthen the beast / Warcraft individual, and the other is to strengthen the hunter's control of Warcraft.

[Survival] is divided into two categories: "trap" and "mobile". The former obviously refers to strengthening "trap" skills, mainly to strengthen damage, effective range, effect increase, etc., and "mobility" is to strengthen similar " "Rushing" and "Tengyue" skills that enhance mobility.

The talents of these three departments are so diverse that they make Roddy feel novel. Many of these talents are missing from the Ranger, and even some were "Removed" in the later versions because they were too powerful. Just glancing at it this way, I'm afraid it's hard to figure out what doorway to take at once. Roddy knows that he still needs a lot of time to study them systematically.

After completing advanced professional tasks, the talent points are given 2 points and 6 levels are also considered a level). However, Roddy was not in a hurry to add some points, but continued to turn to the number] column-At this time, the two titles of [The Last Demon Hunter] and [Captain of the Temple Guard] were available for selection, and Roddy opened it without hesitation. For the former, it was later found that the increase in talent points brought by the title took effect immediately. The "Strengthen Warcraft Skills" in the first line of the [Beast Control] talent column displayed 2, the effect: increase all beasts or all of Warcraft's own skill level 2 (only valid for ordinary skills ).

Roddy sighed ... he now has no pets at all, and strengthens his hair.

He took a look at a lot of rich experience, and then clicked "Upgrade" without hesitation, so that [Hunter Demon Hunter] was promoted to level 2. When the even level was not acquired, he did not gain new skills, but only let [hide 】 And [Ning Shen Shooting] can be upgraded by using experience points, but the current demand is not large, and each skill has 60 experience points.

[Stealth] Level 11 is to improve the stash effect, there is no change; [Nether God Shooting] is to increase the damage bonus from 010% to 02 other unchanged.

At this point, Rody retained the "point talent" advanced, ready to study the talent before deciding how to add.

The Rune Mosaic column currently only displays the "on" status, but does not have the skills to qualify for mosaic runes-the minimum requires advanced-level to open, and Roddy is very clear that "rune" is not an upgrade If you want to have a high-quality rune, you have to find a special "rune master" to make it, which is expensive and troublesome ... but the benefits it brings are far worth the effort, because an excellent rune can even Completely change a set of rigid skills and increase its power several times

However, after the upgrade is completed, Roddy, who has 6 skills, has become a reborn ~ ~ After looking at these skills, the funeral has come to an end. After the last eulogy is finished, the elves begin to return to the village. Roddy saw that Brudy was explaining something to the older elves in the village, and he did not immediately go up to talk, but continued to wait here to look at the equipment bar-but at this point, the problem Again.

Although the equipment made by the Kemala scales are all blue, but the level 4 equipment is naturally out of date at present. If at this time Rody is marked with the "exclusive set" of "advanced level 2", his Combat power is bound to jump a few steps again ...

However, Roddy is very clear that his leather making skills can be eaten in the game, but in the real world, it is a bit stretched, and the equipment such as "exclusive hunter exclusive" is even more difficult to talk about-because the INBAK industry has been used in the game. Deleted, I have never heard of equipment drawings for this profession at all

Rubbing his eyebrows, Roddy couldn't help but feel a headache. Although the hunting profession of the hunter is INBA, the equipment problem is really a hard injury. If I want to come, I can only hope that I can find some high-quality spare parts.

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