Demon Lord

Chapter 211: The situation is reversed!


The situation in front of him made Rody's heart tighten. After the arrows he had shot were blocked by the bone shield, he immediately gave up the attack and ordered Akasha while running sideways to the garden next to him.

Such an action was immediately noticed by Soderlor and others, and correspondingly adopted a long-established combat plan.

Akasha behind the low wall stood up to release the magic. The golden light echoed in front of Wellington. The "Holy Shield" immediately blocked the fiery flames, and blocked the bone spear in the next second.

However, the impact of the bone spear was extremely great, and it actually penetrated without any effort after hitting the shield ... Fortunately, the forward direction was a lot deflected, and it should have hit the tip of the heart. At this time, it flew over the shoulder of Wellington. Then "噗" penetrated the chest of Huo ...

Huoyan was punctured at the spot, but it did not hurt at all.He was yelling and wanted to strangle Wellington directly with his hands, but Soderol had rushed over, holding his shield high, and slammed in a bang. On the stingy head, he bumped it back a few steps.

Wellington took the opportunity to break free, and dodged to avoid Ansadin's second bone spear. The sword swept continuously, breaking the bone shield, before heading for Ansadin.

The necromancer did not even retreat. He raised his hand and waved his wand, and the fire flame next to him opened his mouth immediately, but he actually spit out a fireball towards Wellington.


Wellington had no time to dodge, and was directly blown out by the shock wave of the fireball ...

All this happened in an instant. Ansadin's resilience was horrible.It was effortless to resist the three-man offense and even prevailed.

The fireball was powerful. The impact destroyed all the sculptures and railings near the entrance to the catacomb. Ansadin's robes screamed in the wind, and his pale and ugly face was indifferent.

However, he was far from calm: he had called out thirty-four puppets before, and his mana had been exhausted. If it were not for a bottle of "magic potion", he would not be able to stop Wellington's attack at all.

And until now, Ansaddin was still very skeptical: how did these guys find them?

He sent so many puppets that he was killed by these people in front of him? how is this possible?

For a long time, Ansadin has never been forced into such a desperate situation, so after being surprised, there is only endless anger in his heart, and he even summoned the flames to kill these guys in front of him.

Ansadin secretly swears that when the battle is over, he will refine these human souls into puppets and be enslaved by himself forever

Another bottle of "Mighty Mana Potions" was poured. Although the effect was halved continuously, the recoverable mana value was enough for him to carry out the next round of spell-casting-Ansadin sneered and raised his wand, and the fire went with him With a command, he slammed his fists into a fiery flame from above his hands.

At this time, Soderol was holding a shield and was originally several meters away from the fire. But when the fire broke out, his body was immediately enveloped in the attack range.

However, a "sacred shield" guarded Soderlorn to the utmost extent and completely isolated the flames.

Ansadin was even more annoyed. He raised his eyes and scanned the battlefield: In his vision, Wellington was half-burned and crawled from the ground; Soderolw was wrapped in a fierce fire, fighting desperately with fire; and in He narrowed his eyes when he saw the figure bending in the distance behind the low wall.

Apparently, he confirmed that this was the guy who had just cast the magic twice.

But then Ansaddin realized a problem: the human who was still attacking himself with a bow and arrow disappeared ...

If Ansadine knew that it was Roddy, if he knew all the details of Rody, then he would be extremely vigilant about possible arrows at this time, but unfortunately ... Ansadin never paid much attention to Rody.

He always believed that the "core" of this team was the "Ghost Rider" Wellington, and the words reported by Transka had confirmed this more and more-as for the incompetent "Scout Captain", Ansadin did not I think the other party has the ability to reverse the war situation.

"Do you escape?"

He sneered, facing the fire and himself, the most direct reaction of humans should have been "escape", so Ansadin was not surprised at least one or two people on the battlefield, and after turning his eyes back, he would never Pay attention to Roddy's life and death ...

Looking up, facing Wellington, Soderlor, and the holy priest hiding in the dark, Ansadin had no fear, raised his hand and took out a bottle of "Mighty Mana Potion" again, and then copied out three scrolls. .

Although the level is not as good as Wellington, and he is a "necromancer" who is not good at fighting, but Ansadin relies on his generous "family base" to completely suppress the three in front of him.

The Spell Scroll just needs to be activated, and it does not consume much mana at all, so the "Bone Shield", "Bone Thorns" and "Death Wound" scrolls are released one after the other without stopping.

Ordinary people think that the expensive potions and spell scrolls were thrown in the hands of Ansadin like black bread compared to the same period of time ... The luxurious fighting method of "An Tuhao" made Wellington and others really overwhelmed.

High-level, low-consumption, and powerful spells are thrown out one after another. Even if Wellington is strong, it has to avoid its sharpness in the face of such a spell storm.

"Bone Bone Thorns" is a group spell. More than a dozen weakened versions of "Bone Bone Spears" are sprayed out on a fan surface, leaving Soderolor and Wellington to block.

The "Death Coil" that followed later was much more powerful than the "Bone Spear", and the rich spirit of the dead spirit formed a pale green skull with a diameter of half a meter and flew straight towards Wellington-Wellington already had Be prepared, let the combat spirit rush forward and take the blow for him ...

"Death entanglement" exploded, and the wailing of countless ghosts sounded. Although not able to hit, the corrosion of the necromancer's power instantly made the two knights pale.

All kinds of negative emotions lingered in the mind, "Despair" and "Fear" caused the high morale of the two knights to drop instantly ...

Wellington stared straight into the confusion for a moment, then sighed angrily, and relied on the outbreak of "war spirit" to eliminate it.

But Soderol was unable to resist such a spell, and he froze in place all of a sudden, even the clenched short sword and shield made a gesture of discarding.

However, as the "dispelling" light flashed, Soderlor's eyes immediately recovered, and he rushed up again without saying a word ...

Behind the low wall, Akasha gasped and bent down.

Because of the continuous release of the magic, her mana recovered for only one day has been approaching exhaustion, but compared to yesterday, this fierce battle at this time did not make her flustered--the reminder before Roddy had made Akka Sha had enough mental preparations, so at this time her performance was absolutely qualified, and several key rescues were even more delicate timing.

However, under the stalemate, Wellington and Soderlor, whose physical strength has fallen badly, seem to be more and more at a disadvantage. However, they continued to launch attacks without any intention of shrinking ...

Ansadin did not have "environmental acumen". Naturally, he did not know that there was a wooden elven ranger squatting on the book in the distance. Following the rhythm of this battle, he even started a counterattack with his hands.

The fire snarled and pushed Soderlor back again, and Wellington tried to wave his sword, chopping the "bone prison" that trapped him. And Ansadin raised his wand and pointed at Akasha who was not far from the low wall and cast a spell. A sneer appeared on the decayed face--

"Still too weak ..."

But the "bone spear" spell had not been finished, but the bone shield floating in front of him felt something, and suddenly blocked him.

The next moment, the sound of a burst suddenly sounded

When Ansaddin completely relaxed his vigilance, Roddy finally shot.

Under the lurking of "Hidden Surgery", Roddy once again used his most powerful "Nether Shot"-"Bone Shield" completely unable to withstand the damage of the burst arrow, "slap" cracked, splashed The quiver and the arrow split his face and pierced Ansadin's face--before he reached out to cover it, the second bursting arrow immediately came to the Necromancer's head ...

The two knights and a priest cooperated with each other for several minutes to kill Ansadin, but to relax Ansadin's vigilance completely. All their efforts are waiting for Roddy's real decision to win.

In Ansadin's vision, the arrow from far and near grew larger and larger in the vision ...



The sound of the bursting arrow exploded, but Soderol and others did not see the scene where Ansadin was headshot, but only saw the arrow to smash a crooked sculpture-Ansadin was issued in the deceased. Ji was pushed out of thin air, and his entire body flew more than three meters across.At this time, although he was embarrassed, he avoided the fatal blow.

When Wellington and Soderlor shifted their eyes and saw the figure pushing Ansadin away, it was a cold sweat ...

Wither, Magda, holding a bone bow, holding his upper body, his cold gaze glanced at the audience

A few minutes ago, Magda was "restored" by Ansadin-but the "necrotic cohesion" that could fully restore Magda's strength was interrupted by the raid and others, leading to this The second half of the spell can only be done with a bottle of "necrotic condensate" potion refined in advance ...

In the past four minutes, Magda has not made any shots, it is entirely because the speed of the medicament is slower ~ ~ Originally, Magda needed ten hours to fully recover its strength, but the crisis at this time made him unbearable Not in person

The left half of the "Blighter" defect already has a brand-new arm. Although the skin color is not that different from his original pale skin, the gesture of holding a bone bow has shown that he has sufficient fighting power.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield was completely reversed.

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