Demon Lord

Chapter 212: Not only you will ...

The Wither's gaze blasted with real anger.

He certainly remembers what Wellington and Soderol were doing. A month ago, he also played against the two in front of him.

Full of thoughts of "revenge", he has endured for a long time, but he did not expect that these humans who want to kill and then quickly dare to come to the door first.

Wellington and Soderlor were cold.They had seen Magda's powerful combat power and understood deeply ... If it was based on the level of battle in Hollier City, I am afraid the entire scout team would be useless.

At this point, both of them have no escape route, so they tacitly gave up attacking Ansadin and Huoyan, and turned directly to Magda ...

Until now, they can only bet on it-betting on Magda's strength has not been fully restored, betting that they can kill it here

The war spirit was vertical and horizontal, the sword shadow flickered, and the "humming" sound of the bow strings rang instantly.

Akasha didn't know the role of this weird undead in front of her. Behind the low wall she only revealed half her head. She was silently chanting the spell of "Holy Imprisonment" in her mouth, thinking about fixing the newly emerged undead. . But everything that happened later made the last few bytes of the divine spell stuck in her throat ...

The distance between Wellington and Magda was less than seven steps, but this was such a short distance. Within seconds of his rushing, the "Wither" had already shot three arrows.

The ghost of the "Ghost Rider" was blocked in front, but when he was hit by the seemingly bland arrows, he was instantly frozen by an ice-blue force on the spot, and "Kara" was smashed into a scattered one. War spirit

The difference between advanced level 3 and above is this. The "Wither" talent awakens the power of "Frost Corrosion", so even if you use the "bone bow" instead of [Frost Spike] with the frost attack special effect, it can still Causing such a powerful attack effect

Two arrows smashed the two avatars, and the third arrow hit Wellington without interruption ...

Wellington lifted his arm to block, and the arrow tip “噗” penetrated his arm, and then penetrated into the collarbone. The original protective warfare collapsed in an instant, and then the entire person was knocked down and lying on the ground.

Soderol took the opportunity to use a shield to rush into Magda. He thought that he could restrain the opponent's bow and arrow at this distance. When he attacked with a sword, he found that the "Wither" had no fear at all.

The swift and unmatched swordsmanship is completely a joke in front of the "Wither". The seemingly thin body is so flexible that the long sword can not even capture his dodging traces. Instead, Soderol was beaten after three moves. Magda grabbed the flaw, kicked him in the waist, and flew him out of the air--

And before Soderlor's body landed, Magda's arrows were aimed at his head ...

At this distance, Magda can shoot the opponent with his eyes closed, but before the arrows have been shot, he suddenly lifts the bone bow and puts the bow arm in front of him, suddenly a grid--


A long arrow shot at him was precisely blocked, but the expression of the "Wither" changed from indifference to extreme coyness for a moment.His gaze was staring directly at Roddy, who lifted his bow in the distance. Start "Sprint" and rush out regardless ...

"You are dead"

Magda's hoarse roar echoed in the manor, his whole body turned into a ghost image, and almost disappeared into the sight of everyone almost instantly.

Obviously, Roddy's humiliation and humiliation to the "Blighter" is beyond the limit, otherwise the undead will never go after Roddy first, but give up the opportunity to directly kill Wellington and Soderlor ...

However, even if the two are still alive, the state at this time is extremely bad-Wellington's upper body is almost unable to move, and his arms and collarbone are completely frozen by the frost of the cold bone marrow, which is by no means a simple "frost". Therefore, it is called "the wither", because this "frost" is mixed with a "shadow" -like corrosive force. If the treatment is not timely, this energy will continuously shrink the body's function, and eventually make Wellington become A paralyzed disability

Therefore, Wellington's face turned pale and abnormal within a few seconds.The next Soderlor was better than him, but Magda's strength was definitely not small. This foot almost kicked the low-rank Soderlor's cheekbones. Broken, lying on the ground, he tried hard to get up, but found that his lower body was a little uncomfortable ...

"A creeping reptile ... **** human ..."

Ansadin, who was lying on the ground, stood up slowly at this time, and his mood was very bad-these humans in front of him broke all his plans, and even forced himself to repair Magda's body ... After this "dead" killed all the enemies, he must find his own account.

He was very clear about the "Wither", and this time the incident was over, the other party's revenge was enough to drink a pot of himself.

His ugly old-fashioned straight-headed, raised his hand and continued to copy the scrolls from the pockets hanging around his waist. The "tyrant" posture was simply desperate. After taking out four scrolls, he waved his wand suddenly, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill them"

Under his command, Huohuo growled and kicked at Soderlor, who was dodging, but was kicked out because of his stiff body, and then slammed into the low wall-two The rib was broken, and he spit blood on the spot after he fell to the ground ...

The nearby Wellington snapped the arrow with a slap and left the arrow on the collarbone. After standing, he reached out and pulled the broken arrow from his arm. Although he was still standing, his trembling arm showed that his combat power had been greatly reduced at this time.

"Give me all to die"

Ansadin wasn't interested to see them continue to resist, raised their hands to let Huoyan continue to attack, lowered his head to tear the scroll in his hand, and never forgot to curse: "Take it with me ... you are stupid at home"

Although there was not much mana left at this time, with this sloppy scroll, Ansadin "smashed" several people to death with ease.

Not waiting for the release of the first "Bone Shield" scroll, but he heard a muffled sound of "噗", and his body shook even more-looking down, a long arrow actually penetrated him. Holding the scroll, with the left chest pierced together


He looked up at Roddy in the distance for the first time, but found that Magda and Roddy had already shuttled and disappeared in the obstacle in the back garden ... Obviously this arrow was not shot by Roddy

Fortunately, the arrow in the heart could not affect him at all. Regardless of the arrow in his chest, Ansadin tore open the next scroll, and the floating "bone shield" appeared suddenly. The "click" was dangerous. Blocked the subsequent arrows.

His insight cannot be compared with Magda.Because of two arrows next to each other, he does not know where the enemy is. In desperation, he has to turn his eyes to the front. He wants to deal with these "miscellaneous" first, and then he But I saw that the two of them were doing the same action ...

Sodroll and Wellington pulled out the crystal flasks they had on their bodies, unplugged the potions and poured the potion down.

This is a "medium-level healing potion" made at the pharmacist's guild.Because the medicine used is excellent, the effect is much stronger than other potions of the same level-just after drinking, Soderol's unconscious body recovered most of the time. And Wellington's face was a little ruddy ...

Behind them, Akasha, who had run out of mana, also drank the bottle of "medium mana potion" that Roddy had thrown to her.

This is what Rodi explained before: once an uncontrollable situation occurs, immediately take the potion and continue the battle

At this time, Akasha did not have time to consider whether she could win or survive.The only thing she thought of was to fully execute Roddy's order and help the enemy in front of him.

"Restoration", "Intermediate Healing", "Sacred Shield" and other skills were released one after the other, and the two knights who had suffered the worst recovered on the spot. Soderlor jumped up. , Shouting with a shield to repel the fire salamander, and this mighty salamander was just because the time limit for the summons had expired, and the salamander had scattered scattered sparks ...

Wellington smashed the "Bone Shield", and Nata, who was always expressionless in the distance, shot the third arrow, nailed it directly to Ansadin's right hand, and let a stack of scrolls held in his hands fly out.

And Soderauer rushed to the necromancer, taking a huge shield, and slapped it on the opponent's head like a slapping.Because it was too powerful, it even sent a bell like a bell. ring…

Among them, Soderol's frowning screeches were clearly discernible: "It's not just you who drink medicine

Ansadin couldn't think of his killing. The bottles of the opponent that changed the situation were actually made by him originally ...

However, he never thought that he would fail ... In the moment when he flew upside down, Ansadin grabbed the cloth bag around his waist and directly urged the spirit of the dead to activate the scroll with the largest volume ...

"Let's die"

When Ansadin shouted the cursed words, Roddy was facing unprecedented difficulties. UU reading book

Looking at Magda with full force, Roddy immediately understood that he had encountered the worst scenario expected. Although the "Wither" did not return to his peak combat power, he was absolutely as powerful as he was now Advanced Level 2

Roddy is currently only advanced to Level 2. Even if the opponent does not wear powerful equipment, even if the opponent does not use powerful bows and arrows, this absolute level difference is real. But in the game, there is only one result of being chased by such a strong enemy: crushing.

This is not like the siege in Hollier City. There is no [Morocchi's Blessing] to enhance the strength, no one helps to fix the body, and no city defense crossbow is set to shoot ... At this time, the battle between the two was completely "immortal Endlessly ", no one can help

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