Demon Lord

Chapter 276: avalanche

February-Sunday afternoon.

Southeastern Kingdom of Hollier, King Ignaz.

Since the Conquest the Conqueror unified the entire Karen Kingdom seventy years ago, the great emperor has rooted the royal family in the "Ignaz", a "white city" made up of countless granites .

This city built near the sea has the most developed port in the country. At this time, the mainland is in an era when the "nautical age" has not yet begun, so the kingdom's few sea trades are all in Ignaz. The kingdom's richest city and the largest gap between rich and poor.

none of them.

The dusty Wellington knight stood in front of the inner city of the core of the city, silent.

He crossed the icy mountains and forests, crossed the dangerous road, came here with an urgent letter from the Duke of Angmar, but he was greeted by the indifferent guards outside the kingdom, and the white depressing Marble city wall.

"Knight, your letter has been presented to your Majesty, if there is nothing else, please leave here."

The royal guard in gold armor blocked Wellington from the palace. The ghost knight stood there.Although the opponent's words were only formulaic rhetoric, he felt that an inexplicable depression was accumulating in his chest.

The royal family's fear of the Luxi Fron family is an undisclosed secret, and now all the cold treatments are already expected.

But ... Does this nominal king really care what happens at the border of the kingdom?

He looked at the magnificent but eroded palace in front of him, shook his head secretly, and turned to leave.

"These undead ... what exactly do you want?"

In the center of Ferminon's palace, King Charles II, sitting on the throne, looked so dark that it seemed to cross the hall in front of him and projected to the end of the kingdom-but in fact, all he could see was the cold marble. Gorgeous wall and a sculpture of the First King.

The Ferminon Palace, which has accumulated countless wealth, has long been unable to measure its value with gold coins. In this environment, the most emotional day of the 36-year-old Charles II is "pride" ...

Like all the aristocrats in this city, revel in the glory of the past and take pride in the smooth situation that the entire kingdom now has.

For Charles II who did not leave Ignaz in his life, his concept of the territory of the Karen Kingdom remained on books and papers, "Everta Territory", "Western Border", "Gondola Mountains" "Such a word is a character to him. As for the meaning behind it, the king doesn't care.

"Everta belongs to Angmar. He doesn't care about this matter. As for how to manage it, it is his own business. I only need the result ..."

Regarding those plans proposed by the prime minister and himself, it was completely superfluous from the perspective of Charles II-he wanted results, not excuses.

The sun shines down through the circular hole directly above Ferminon Palace, and the light of afternoon is shining on Charles II on the throne.The platinum robe reflects the light, which makes the king dazzle like a god. .

And he also enjoyed this feeling extremely.

"Augustine has already bowed his head and is willing to apologize to me. What else does Angmar want? Karen and Tasman both have to give each other face --- Since the old skeleton sincerely admits it, why should we continue to embarrass each other? Gains and loses. "

"The Gondola Mountains are not our territory. They are willing to do whatever they want, write back to Angmar, and let him restrain himself. Don't always look like he is ready to fight." Charles II smiled, it seems I thought of something like, "After all ... the bones are far more sincere than those orcs, at least I like what they send."

"Say a farewell gift to the knight who sent the letter. Don't make people think that our royal family is very stingy."

"Already gone? Oh ..."

February-Sunday, dusk.

The team heading to the Sola Post continued to march in the cold wind. The mountain road was not steep, but because of the thick snow, the entire team's forward speed was not ideal. If the road conditions continue to be bad, the mountains that can be crossed for three days as planned may take four or even five days to complete.

For Roddy, who is in a hurry to support the "Sora Outpost", this is by no means good news.

However, on the way into the mountain, no one could see anything from Roddy's expression, he was silent all the way, and he would only say a few more words when teaching Akasha High Elf ---

"The meaning of this word is a bit complicated to explain. In this sentence, it means‘ performance. ’But here it is ... yes, in this sentence, it means‘ symptom. ’

The sun was gradually setting, and only the afterglow was left in the horizon. When the handwriting on the book was blurred, he reached out and closed "Essence of Energy" and said to Akasha softly, "Go here today, go back and review . "

The beautiful priest put away the notebook and nodded her head well—whatever was between Roddy and Nata, when sitting next to him, Akasha's mood was extremely calm and happy, but after a few casual conversations, Turning away, she was suddenly stopped by Roddy—

"By the way, come to my tent at night."

Roddy didn't explain the reason, but just gave the order—this seemed to be ambiguous, leaving Akasha in his place, blinking his eyes and asking, "Is there anything ...?"

"It's important," Roddy looked around, confirming that no one was eavesdropping, and whispered, "I haven't been able to tell you before, so I need to talk to you frankly today."

Akasha had never seen Roddy's tone like this, and his mood suddenly became a little hesitant. His original white skin spread a pink, eyes stared at Roddy, and he forgot to say anything.

"What? Uncomfortable?"

Roddy frowned and asked, his eyes a little puzzled. Akasha quickly shook her head: "No, no, no problem, I will come."

Akasha managed to say this sentence, and her palms were sweating tensely. When she turned around, her legs tripped and she almost fell down. She was stumbled after being supported by Roddy and ran away ...

"It wouldn't be ... what's wrong?"

Roddy scratched his head.Although the emotional quotient was low, the women he met after crossing it were quite a lot to him in the past. For some women's performance, Roddy also had some simple understanding and judgment after all--he can be sure, Ah Kasha's performance just now is "shy".

Just tell her a plan, what can be shy? I didn't mean to confess to her ...

wait wait wait

Thinking of Akasha's performance in front of herself, Roddy frowned and tightened, eventually exhaling, and stretched out her hands and rubbed her brows. Obviously, his mind was always dull and he finally took the initiative to understand one thing: Akasha had a good opinion of herself and thought that she would confess to her today.

Roddy is somewhat admired that he can think about these things, but the trouble that accompanies him has a headache ... Although the pastor is gentle, hot, and good-looking, but helplessly, Roddy has a deep love for Nafi, and he is absolutely right Kasha had no idea whatsoever

"Does it look so good?"

Roddy has not paid much attention to his looks, but he doesn't feel that he is handsome to go there-this may be the habit of more loneliness in the past. Unable to understand the reason, Roddy was too lazy to think more. He muttered, and when he turned around, Nata's figure had appeared quietly not far away from him.

The wood elf looked at Akasha thoughtfully just now, but returned to the old indifference when reporting the information.


"It has been confirmed that there are six in total,"

"That's probably tonight."

Roddy confirmed the thoughts in his heart, and was slightly relieved. After Nata left, he whispered something with Soderlor, and then ordered the team: "Before dark, rest on the mountainside in front. . "

There is a slightly empty flat area in front of the field of vision, which is located on the side of the mountainside. On one side is a cliff with a drop of 100 meters, and on the other side is a slightly steep and snow-covered mountain wall. The mountain breeze was blocked a bit here, and seemed to be suitable for stationing.

The soldiers acted obediently, and soon arrived at the intended location, and immediately began to build tents, cook pots and cook rice as before ... When it was dark, the camp lit a little campfire, reflecting the extremes of snow in the snow. Conspicuous tent.

The sky above was obscured by overcast clouds and the moonlight was dim. It seemed that it was going to snow again tomorrow.

Roddy looked up, glanced at the circling black bird in the dark night sky, and turned to Soderlor. "Everything goes as planned, let's get started."


There was no movement in the camp, clusters of bonfires were swaying in the cold wind, leaving only a dim orange light.

There were no flying black birds in the sky, but the silence at this time was inexplicably strange.


There was no sign of a deafening boom, and then there seemed to be a thunderstorm between the mountain walls. After the first sound, the second and third explosions appeared one after another.


Snow collapses and breaks momentarily, and then begins to slide down a steep hillside ~ ~ At first, the speed of snowfall was not fast, but with the sixth and seventh explosions, the impact was applied to the snow , Almost all the snow on half the hillside has begun to accelerate ...


There is a distance of more than 600 meters from the place where the snow falls to the mountainside.The snow is moving faster and faster. Later, it completely showed a landslide. It took almost half a minute to rush to the campsite.

Before the snow arrived, the terrible air flow had blown the tents on the ground countless ...


From a distance, the little bit of bonfire instantly became as resistant as a match extinguished by seawater, and the effort in the blink of an eye disappeared completely.

In two seconds, the camp of more than two hundred people was completely destroyed and buried by the avalanche ...

Note: [Rody's Scout Squad] expanded to a group of 106, group number 294432b (23,934, 321, 28). I often bubbling and wanted to hurry up.

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