Demon Lord

Chapter 53: Sword Art Showdown (2)

Sodroll worked hard to capture him, but his eyes seemed to be one step behind locking Roddy. And only the scouts on the sidelines can see how Roddy has always been behind Soderol with swift footsteps ...

He is like a butterfly that constantly circles, and the sword in his hand is not eager to attack. He always stays behind Soderol by footwork. If the attack is blocked, he closes up and then uses Soder. Lorr's action was stiff, and he slid quietly behind the opponent ...

This skill was learned by Roddy and the former Wood Elf Ranger mentor. Before he got the Deputy position of "Mad Warrior", Roddy took a lot of pains to learn such a footwork. "Shadow Dance" belongs to "Ranger" One of the custom skills-just because it is a custom skill, it can be made in the form of "imitation" in low-level conditions, but this "imitation" that is not a release of skills is bluffing and can have practical results But even one percent of the original skills could not be reached.

However, using it to deal with Sodrol is less than half of his attributes, and he is still at ease.

The crackling sound of the crackling wooden swords made the onlooking scouts round their eyes as if they were seeing miracles-apparently this is the first time they have seen such incredible body and sword skills ...

大多数 For the most part, swordsmanship is usually more than ten seconds to determine the outcome. Few matchups last more than a few minutes and the two sides are unscathed. Now, after Soderlor's painful support for more than a minute, the scouts are full of their brains, and they are left with wonder ...

Sodrol's subtle swordsmanship has made them have a deeper understanding, but compared to Roddy's always rash and offensive attitude, everyone only thinks that Roddy does not seem to use all his strength at all, but just plays with Sodrol !!

As a party, Soderall couldn't feel any emotions like shame at the moment. He just felt that every block of his own was considered to be a super-level play, but even so, he had no time to make a real effective from start to finish. Counterattack ...

He never felt that the sword showdown made him so guilty. Although this is the use of wooden swords, Roddy's strength has really made him tremble in his heart!

At this point he was scared by Roddy's strength. He even believed that if he encountered such an enemy on the battlefield, let alone the right move. With the absolute power shown by Roddy just now, he would have nothing at all. Chance of winning!

The display of this technique is simply "showing off" for Roddy. Soderolol can barely capture his figure several times in a minute. This continuous spreading fear will be directly in the heart of the other party. Implant an "unfathomable" impression, which in turn generates more awe.

It was this awe that Rorty needed.

The sword speeds up, Soderor ’s block and dodge have begun to slow down, Roddy speeds up again, leans forward, and when Soderall raises his hand to parry, the sword has changed its angle. Out, passing through the other side of his sword, relaxed against the young ensign's neck.

With sweaty Soderol, he acted stiffly. He seemed tense and had not reacted for a while. After seeing the sword in Rody's hand, he finally sighed and gave up his sword.

There was a moment of silence at the scene. It took a few seconds for the scouts around to respond and applaud loudly—their sighs and shouts were all from the heart, because the terrible power shown by Roddy really exceeded them. Original imagination!

The Tochigi sword was thrown aside, and the indifference on Rody's face gradually faded, looking at the seemingly disappointed Soderlor, "What do you think of this result?"

"... I have only one question."

Sodorol only returned to God after a long while, and asked a little tiredly: "Why would a person like you be willing to be a scout captain?"

This is the most difficult question for Rody to explain at the moment. He ca n’t answer each other with reasons such as upgrading and changing equipment. Fortunately, Rody has long been ready to deal with this problem in his heart—

"I'm also curious, why would you be willing to be a second lieutenant? By your skill, not to mention the captain, a major like this should be equally important. The grass bales of Fortress Consonton are not your opponents at all."

句话 This sentence is a bit exaggerated, after all, Soderlor's current level supports 8th level, and the ensign is at least 10th level qualified to serve. But if it is about swordsmanship and fighting consciousness, Roddy has no flattery.

In these three confrontations just now, it seems that Roddy has the absolute advantage, but in fact he has taken the path of "speculation"-the first two games are purely overpowering the other, while the third game is relying on his current "agile" attribute advantage In terms of swordsmanship, Roddy is actually surprised that the other party can spend a minute with himself based on intuition and fighting consciousness ...

If it is pulled to the same attribute level, one-on-one heads-up, Roddy admits that he will not be the opponent of the opponent, which is undeniable.

When Soderlor was asked by Roddy, he was speechless. Obviously, he also understood that his question was a bit wrong, and the noble descendant bent down to apologize at the same time when he reacted. All are ashamed--

"Captain Roddy, I didn't mean to offend, I just felt ... a little emotional."

"Understandable." Roddy nodded, believing that the slightly sharp problem had just been revealed, and changed the topic: "Finks Village no longer exists, the scout team will be redistributed, and Nolan Village just needs to be competent So if you want to be strong, you want to kill orcs, and you want to break out of your own world-I think ... you can consider bringing your people here. "

Roddy reached out and gently stabbed 磕 the hunter's breastplate embellished with Mithril armor, confidently: "I can give you an account."

By this time, Soderlor had no hesitation in his heart, and even more inexplicable excitement in his heart ...

明白 He understood that the "opportunity" that he had gained by giving up the "care" of the old Duke through his independence was now before him.

Fragments of the puppet family's destruction flashed before them, and the bodies of the wolf cavalry still seemed to be vividly remembered, and Roddy's words echoed to his ear ... These things finally made Soderlor make a life-changing decision:

那么 "Well, just wait for my news, Captain Roddy."

He solemnly performed a military salute, immediately turned and left, and rode to the town of Broy without any trace of muddled water.

The scouts watched the second lieutenant leave, and Roddy, who was standing in the crowd, was slightly thinking about the next question-what would he do next in order to let this talented man show his true glory?

It is also accompanied by a bit of "discomfort"-because of Roddie's inevitable worry. What if Sodroll grows too fast to exceed his own expectations and control?

He ca n’t help the prophet because there are not many things in his hands. At present, in addition to the dozen scouts behind him, Rody has another hope in the Sally who has just escaped from danger.

After his thoughts circulated and his mood gradually calmed down, he resumed his former posture and turned around: "Carter!"


"Equipment aside first, gather everyone, I say a few words."


The scouts in the Nolan village almost immediately threw everything in their hands aside, and they stood in two rows in front of Roddy, and no one said a little more nonsense.

Obviously, just now compared with Soderol ’s swordplay, these scouts have been impressed once again ... In their hearts, Roddy seems to have started to move towards the "idol" and "hero" from the concept of "boss". "developed.

Coughing two times, Roddy looked at these young faces, and whispered with emotion: "Everyone, you don't need to pay for changing these armors and weapons, so don't have too much psychological burden, but about these things, I Just say a word, I hope you will keep it in mind. "

伸 He reached up and picked up a long sword, and took a sword flower with him—

"Swords and armors are ultimately used to kill people."

In this way, in the beginning of May 588 of the Elon calendar, in such a quiet small village on the border of the Karen Kingdom, Roddy ignited the first cluster of ignorance for the seemingly out of reach dream in his heart. spark".

Hmm .........

Since the early morning of May 8, the scouts in the villagers' eyes who did not get up early seem to perform a new set of routines from today.

At dawn, soldiers started running around the village in full body armor, followed by inspections ~ ~ The scouts who used to have very long idle days, but now after completing the inspections, they have begun harsh Physical Training.

Everyone, including Ruger and Carter, began to receive these trainings in strict accordance with the plan arranged by Roddy ... moving stones to build muscles, holding wooden swords to perform chopping exercises, riding horses to practice riding around the village, and so on.

罗 On the other side, Roddy is making new plans for the next goal.

The thirty sets of long swords and light metal breastplates that Lu bought and bought all the way cost him a total of nearly fifty gold coins.

I said that these things cost more than fifty gold coins. In fact, more than half of them were directly replaced with scraps of Kemera scales. In an era dominated by the "natural economy", currency is not as circulating as modern people think. Large cities like Holland generally use currency transactions, but in small places such as towns and villages, “bartering” is the most common method of trading—Rodi said in exchange for these practical equipment. There is no less effort.

The reason why I bought so much equipment is because Roddy understands that what he will do next needs the cooperation of these scouts. In the days of future upgrade struggles, they are likely to be their earliest "teammates."

“Level”, “Equipment”, and “Technology”. Among the three major factors that determine strength, at present, only “equipment” in this “team” is roughly in place. The next thing Roddy has to do is lead them to improve their skills and levels.

I have no strength and all my thoughts are empty talk. But where does "strength" come from?

Luo Di's eyes gradually turned to the other end of the vast grassland ...

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