Demon Lord

Chapter 54: Orc Assault

底 At the end of May, farmers began to harvest oats planted in spring.

The cloudless sky was blue and washed. After the temperature rose, the farmers carrying sickles also wore short coats, walking on the road in pairs, going out in the morning, and at noon, they could see them returning with oats. Village scene.

These crops that can be harvested after three months of planting are usually not for human consumption. As long as they are old, they are basically used to feed livestock. After harvesting, the villagers always used these oats as a tax credit for the lord, but nowadays, farmers are very happy that they were all bought directly by Roddy at a slightly higher price-

Because Roddy has already ordered dozens of military horses from several other villages, and these feeds are only sold for export.

Thanks to Roddy not only changing back the armor, but also buying a lot of things that can be traded with the villagers, such as salt, cloth, pig iron, etc., which can be traded with the villagers, which barely supported his newly formed "team" .

He took out of his pocket to improve the soldiers ’meals, especially the supply of milk, meat and eggs. The cost of meals per day was nearly ten times higher than before. This was seriously puzzled by farmers and even scolded" luxury. " "But Roddy ignored these and still strictly demanded the scouts to execute.

These changes began in early May, and since the implementation of the new "training plan", until early June, scouts have been immersed in this cruel "devil training."

Running around the village for ten laps is a warm-up, and thirty laps are for physical training; the weapon used in the face-to-face training is no longer a wooden sword, but a cloth-wrapped sword; in addition to one-on-one confrontation, there are various coordination tactics and even bare hands. Fighting; the weight of the short bow is getting larger and larger, and the required target is getting farther and farther.

Not only that, every evening, they will also take a class called "combat quality training". The lecturer is naturally Roddy-the content taught includes all the combat consciousness, tactical sign language, and night contact passwords that should be in combat. , Tactical intentions, etc., are assessed every day, and every failed scout must be punished by running ten laps in the village.

At first, this high-intensity training made the scouts frequently comatose, fainted, cramps and other symptoms, but after one month, they have fully adapted to this almost perverted training. The skin tone of each scout has been tanned a lot, and one by one has greatly improved in strength, endurance, and combat level-at the same time, the entire team has gradually condensed a truly "forbidden" atmosphere.

Everything was going according to Roddy's plan, and no accident happened ... and to his surprise, Francis didn't seem to doubt himself at all, and there was no "stranger" in Nolan Village to ask about Orc things.

Although he felt strange in his heart, he did not have much energy to monitor the Earl in Hollier City, but only knew from the occasional information that the other party was always reluctant to let it go, so he was relieved-that guy would not dare to be bold Breaking into the "Cross of the Roses" monastery to kill, Roddy is now more relieved about Sally's situation.

By the beginning of June, Roddy's horses had basically arrived in Nolan Village. At the same time, a new batch of bow-making materials had been collected. Roddy was already preparing to start making his own suitable short bow ... At this time, an accident happened, but the scouts in Nolan Village stopped their training.

Uh ...

克 June 3, Kerry Village.

Like Nolan Village, this small village on the border of the kingdom has a similar quiet atmosphere this summer. Farmers are busy living in the field, occasionally pointing at a distance to talk about something, and children at the entrance of the village play Now, there is a little girl's braids hidden by the little boy hiding behind him, and the scene of joking and chasing after even laughing.

Just after noon, scouts belonging to the village of Kerry were sitting bored in the shade of the village head to enjoy the coolness, and the uniform with the emblem of the Roussillon family crooked and wobbled. Because the temperature was hot, they were too lazy to fasten their buttons, and some even threw leather boots aside, lying barefoot on the haystack in the shade of the tree, covering their eyes with arms, in a comfortable posture.

This is the normal state of scouting, and the word "mixed rice" is best for them.

The captain named Hank filled two with a water pouch, leaned against the earth wall, and looked into the distance with a pergola in his hand, and asked, "Hill they haven't returned yet?"

"It ’s a great sun, is it possible to get a heat stroke?"

The team members replied casually, and the tired atmosphere was the normal state of this team. For them, basically what they can do in this life is to consume it day by day in this kind of day-the backwardness of life and the barrenness of book knowledge, and even most of them have not seen what a real city looks like. This situation has left them with little imagination about the future.

嘿 "Hey, Captain Hank, I heard that there has been a lot of activity in Nolan Village recently."

"Noran Village? Oh. I do n’t know what the captain over there is crazy, I heard that it is a lot of horses ordered, but they must have a good breed of horses. I have not heard of the new order from the old duke. Right. "

"I saw a lot of old guys carrying the oats back happily a few days ago, and said that Nolan Village was buying it, and the money was more than the tax credit, and I didn't know if it was true or false."

"Oh, it looks like I bought a lot of horses? Hey. I have to feed them with oats. Is there really no money to spend? Lord Kirk has to fight. He secretly engages in these things. Can the old duke know? ? "

哎 "Hey, old Duke. Haven't been here for a long time, haven't Master Francis and Miss Sally also come here, or if that happened, it really is--"

"Orcs attack? Is this kind of thing fake? They say that they have noses and eyes, but no one has seen a real orc, this kind of thing."

Captain Hank waved his hand and said, "Okay, we can't control what is really fake. Now these masters don't want to see any trouble, so."

"Captain, they seem to be back."

The guy watching the distance interrupted Captain Hank's words. He got up from the haystack, shook his grass-covered clothes, stretched his waist, and looked into the distance, "Oh, Isn't it a bit late to come back, can it be because they are all learning how to form a queue? Hey, this group of rammers really is a knight ... "

Due to the rising temperature, the figure on the horizon in the distance is a bit unrecognizable due to the twisted air, but this time will not be someone else, and scouts will not care. Captain Hank claps his hands to signal everyone to do an afternoon inspection. The preparations tightened the sabre that had not been pulled out for a long time. When his horse was brought in, his gaze looked again into the distance.

一次 This time, he noticed something strange.

"what is that?"

A scout on horseback asked suddenly.

No one answered their questions, because the dark shadows that appeared in the distance were not the team that Captain Hill was imagining at all, but a large group of strong guys who rushed across the grassy slopes--the appearance of ups and downs in Pentium The mount does n’t look like a war horse, but a wolf?

"It won't be. Is this. The wolf?"

"Wolf ... Wolf Cavalry? Orc?"

The discussion stopped abruptly, and a group of scouts couldn't accept the situation in front of them-because the topics that were just being discussed and seemed to be far away from them became reality in an instant, this strong contrast kept their heads together There was a collective trance in time.

While hesitating, the distant team has begun to sprint. Although the dozens of wolves that clearly appear in the field of vision are not as tall as horses, they can have upright hair, sharp blades, and a machete behind them. The orcs with giant sticks all say their true identity.

Howling Cavalry, the most terrible mobile unit of the orcs.

"Run. Run away! What are you still doing? Quickly retreat-"

Hank opened his mouth. After all, the words "ready to fight" still couldn't speak out because of the timidity in his heart-there were only nine scouts eating mixed meals next to him, and the other 30. Powerful orc warrior riding a wolf! The consequences of rushing to the battle can be understood with your knees!

This sentence made the scouts lose a little morale ... or they never had any morale-when the wolf cavalry was a kilometer away from the village, the scouts on horses smashed away. No sense of resistance has ever appeared.

"Enemy! Run! Run!"

I have scouts and don't forget to warn the villagers loudly, but they also understand in their hearts that such warnings have no effect.

At the village entrance, two little girls with twisted braids finally caught up with the boy who braided her braids ~ ~ she said something pantically, but got a reply from the boy with a grimace. The girl pursed her mouth to ask Going to twist each other's nose, the boy smiled and tried to dodge ... and then, their movement was interrupted by dull footsteps.

The two turned their heads curiously, and on the road across the village, there were some guys they had never seen before. Those soldiers riding on the wolf's back and embarrassed faces swept away like black waves, billowing in smoke, the weapons in their hands were Waving mercilessly.

The little boy looked blank, and seemed to think of something. He wanted to drag the girl who had been frightened behind him and ran away, but just turned around, the blood-stained sword had torn the air and stroked straight towards him. Passed.

"噗 ——"

The broken corpse flew out, blood splattered, and the girl who was scared and screaming wanted to escape, but was hit directly on the chest by a wooden stick that was subsequently swept across the air—the little body was almost The blow flew out, and the twisted body rolled to the ground. It was quickly broken by the screaming wolves, and the original appearance was no longer seen.

The orc, who was riding the strongest wolf, stopped slowly on the square in the middle of the village, holding in his hand the head of the Kerry village steward.

Throwing his head on the ground, the orc stood by the low wall where the scouts were not long ago, and the orc who came to report behind was reporting what he had snatched.

Food, meat, bread, oats ...

"The ones that can be taken away, the ones that can't be taken ... set fire, burn everything and leave no living."

The orcs of the team leader looked at this wailing village, and whispered, "Korsa will not live up to Lord Sarrota's expectations. You must remember, blood debt. Blood compensation!

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