Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 541: What a hell


Volume Two [Dark Tide] Chapter 541 It's Hell

"You know these guys who attacked me?"

In the face of Dasco and others, Roddy didn't have the slightest "self-acquaintance" attitude. Although he could wipe out these guys with a wave of hands, Roddy still showed vigilance and alertness, and pointed at Yugza and asked Dasco.

"He is the undead mage Yugza of the Tasman Legion, and our 'Awakener' is hostile."

Dasco is also cautious about his wording. The first thing he emphasizes is to clarify the relationship and don't let Roddy think he is involved. This tentative inquiry and response contained too much information, so both of them responded after thinking for a few seconds.

"You were on the sidelines when you were just fighting. I can trust your words."

Roddy's response twitched Dasco's mouth. He didn't expect that he had been discovered long ago. However, there are so many mages in the other camp, and it seems not surprising that they can do this. So he immediately and sincerely responded: "Our 'Awakener' is not a running dog under the Tasman Council and Augustine. Because we have memories of our lives, we have united against them. Now, Tasman's army is preparing to attack the Kingdom of Karen. I miss you…"

"It's because I know this that I'm here."

Roddy nodded. In fact, he already had a rough judgment about these. Dasco said it at this time, but it verified the idea he had already had. It seems that everything is as expected, and Tasman internally In fact, the revolution has taken shape, and the war initiated by itself has given the "Star Fire" the momentum of Ebara.

But apparently, the group of "awakeners" is currently on the rise for too short a time to usurp power and seize power.

But even so, it is enough for Roddy to write some articles.

He did not continue the conversation in such a condescending manner, but accepted when he was satisfied: "Since then, please move on."

Roddy made a gesture. Dasco understood that this was the opportunity for the two sides to sit and talk together, and immediately agreed. After greeting the undead behind them, the two teams entered the village at a distance of tens of meters. The two sides of the manor lined up again, and the two leaders went in to talk and made a standard nephew negotiation posture.

The "Awakeners" are actually a little embarrassed in their hearts. After all, they think that they are almost the same as the skeleton soldiers. However, the Teflins who have already settled in the village made them feel surprised-Teflin did not like the undead at this time, and naturally he would not casually take the lead. At the suggestion of Luther, the old and weak women and children of Teflin quickly hid Entered the house and never came out again.

"This human is a little strange ..."

After Dasco and Roddy entered the manor and began to negotiate, Tacris, who remained outside, felt more and more wrong. He whispered with several companions who were also necromancers, and pointed at those who described the beautiful high Elf Mage: "They are not human, but how is the breath on us different from us?"

A few people felt it attentively and confirmed this: "Undead Mage? But they just used another spell ..."

"And strong."

Thinking of a scene of ten arcane warriors' wild bombardment, they involuntarily fought a cold war, but when Melincela and Akasha stepped into view, the mages closed their mouths.

The rule of awe of the strong is everywhere, and Yugeisa is already strong enough. It is the unimaginable existence of Merincela who carries the Yugeza "Dragon Phantom" scroll directly.

Everyone who saw the roaring dragon ghost just now could see it, and Tacris asked himself that this kind of thing could only be spiked. So he didn't even dare to look directly at Merinthella, but dared to glance down at Akasha by the movement of lowering his head—and at this moment he swallowed ... this was not because of Akasha's figure Or how attractive the beauty is, but because she was holding a bone wand that originally belonged to Yugeza.

That is the staff that Augustine himself rewarded! As long as it is an undead mage, I am afraid that he will covet the bone stick!

But after all, it was a spoils of the people, Ta Kris knew that he can only have an eye addiction. But when the two approached, he heard only a few words floating over—

"This material is obviously the bones of the Dragons, and the production method is very vigorous ... the level may be higher than mine."

Although she does not study undead spells, Melinzela's vision is unmatched by others. Akasha's questions were almost always answered, and the staff made her realize that the status of the Dragons on the mainland had already changed:

"This bone stick means that at least one dragon family has died in Tasman. Combined with the guy's scroll just now, this spine-grinded bone should be the frost dragon."

"Frost Dragon and you ..."

"There aren't many good things, a group of arrogant and arrogant guys. If you remember correctly, this guy is called Rondok, a more powerful one in the elders ... It seems that Tasman also has powerful old things."

When Tacris saw the bone staff thinking of owning it, Melinthera was thinking about the strength of Tasman's senior management. The gap is self-evident, while Akasha holding the bone staff was thinking of other things. Out voice: "I want to take a look at this thing."

"It's easy to say."

Merlin Sera is not nonsense. After a few spells, she easily erased the original soul mark of the staff, and lifted the "soul binding" between Yugeza and the bone staff-a powerful control method. The technique made Tacris and others quietly observing not far away and struck again, and looked away.

"Really ... Thank you, Melindra."

Akasha didn't expect her to be so happy, but she saw the other person's smile that dumped sentient beings: "What's so grateful? Without you you wouldn't have me today. Don't be so kind with me in the future."

At this time, the two came to the gate of the manor unknowingly, while the imprisoned Yugeza was surrounded by six soldiers and guarded like a display. He saw Melincelah at this time, his expression on his pale face frowned, and he shouted weakly: "You will be crushed by the army of Augustine soon ..."

"No one can save you!"

The weak threat frowned Merlin Sera: "It's really noisy."

When she didn't see her cast, Yugeza's voice stopped abruptly, and he let his mouth move, but he couldn't hear any more.

After seeing Dasco's subordinates watching around, Akasha thought about it, and suddenly said to Merincela, "I'm just idle. Let me do some magic experiments.

Merlin Serra was also boring, responding: "You do, I just look at it."

The little priest nodded, then put the bone stick in his side-hanging pocket, and took out the platinum-gold scepter that he had originally carried.

"Holy Light."

The golden light was cast, and Akasha adjusted it to a small area, focusing on Yugeza, who was silently cursing-the latter was flashed by the light, and suddenly shook with white smoke.

Akasha carefully observed the influence of "Holy Light" on the undead, with a calm expression, and occasionally reached out and touched Yugeza's ulcerated skin to check the effect.

Yoggsa howled, but there was no sound because of Melincela's spell shield, and he could only see that gaze became more crazy and angry ...

But as Akasha tried a series of holy light spells one by one-Yugeza's expression changed from fierce sloppy to begging ...

And watching Tacas and others who did all this from beginning to end, at this moment, they only feel cold, if they can sweat cold, it is estimated that even their clothes are soaked.

These undead have been closed for too long, and they have no idea that there is still "Holy Light" magic in this world, so they are really frightened by the powerful restraint spell of Akasha.

Akasha knows that the Holy Light has a restraint on the undead, but she wants to understand the specific principles and effects. After all, most of the previous encounters were "undead" and "Undead" like Yugeza, so systematic After trying it, the result was really enlightening to her.

And this kind of "torture" is actually a kind of display for Tacris and others. Seeing their eyes dodging like a pinch, Akasha knew that his behavior would definitely give Roddy a little more initiative in the negotiations. .

However, when Akasha kept experimenting, she also encountered an episode that puzzled her: a team of Teflin who happened to pass by was illuminated by the rays of "sacred burning" radiation, and everyone suddenly had an overreaction: they covered it Eyes curled up, as if blinded for a minute, as if exposed to strong light, and then eased.

What is the relationship between Teflin and the undead?

What exactly is the Holy Light spell?

Akasha thought for a long time, but suddenly she pulled out her scepter and recited a spell to cast a low-level spell she created after countless researches in Elsen City: "Mist of the Dead".

The pale gray mist was strengthened by the bone rod and quickly gathered around the body of Yoggsa, and the undead mage's scorched body was gradually healed by the mist-the bare bones were restored to whiteness, muscle fibers were reborn, and the scorched skin was re-grown However, this series of changes is exactly like a dying person being released with "powerful healing"!

Yugza originally had only the upper body left ~ ~ after being tortured by more than a dozen Holy Light spells, there was basically only one breath left. But surrounded by this mist for more than ten seconds, he even condensed the shape of the lower half of the pelvis. This miraculous scene completely shocked Dasco's men all around, even Yugeza stopped crying and watched his slowly appearing thigh bones on the spot ...

"Sure enough, is it still the influence of the spirit of the necromancer ... here and Elson are different after all."

Akasha stopped casting, but when she raised her eyes, she found that everyone around her was looking at her with the same eyes as a monster—even Melinthera swallowed and asked, "What you just cast ... is the undead spell? "

"I don't know, this ... it's just a spell I developed in the laboratory, but it didn't work so well before."

Looking at Akasha's face and answering her appearance carefully, Melinzela finally convinced that this cute silly girl had not realized what she had done.

Necromancer with Holy Light Healing?

There was only one sentence in Merlin Sera's heart: What a hell!

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