Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 542: Bet 1 throw

Roddy and Dasco inside the manor didn't know the amazing move of Akasha outside, and they were sitting around the fire at the moment, thinking about how to answer each other's questions.

"The Karen Kingdom is already ready to fight. We have assembled more than 50,000 troops, and more than 18 border fortifications. What about Augustine? Can he prepare tens of thousands of people to consume with us?"

Roddy talked with confidence that Dasco had never had before. Dasco was very envious of this: The other party can be proud of the national glory battle. What about himself? Because he did not have the slightest recognition of the Tasman aristocracy, and he did not care about the human being as a "lamb", Dasco was really a "solitary and lonely man" without a support.

But he clearly didn't know that there was no "national glory" behind Roddy, and the Karen Kingdom would not endorse his actions. What he had was Elson City, who had been punched and kicked, and Everta, who was resisting the orc offensive. If he knew this, Dasco would never ask for assistance as quietly as he does now.

But the advantage of "asymmetric information" has long been familiar with Roddy's play. In terms of acting skills, Roddy felt that he didn't care about taking a little golden man.

"The war on the big picture, I can't measure the gap between your country and Tasman's forces, but now their legion has started an attack, and my men are resisting ahead, but the situation is not optimistic."

Dasco has beautified his strength a bit here. After all, "the situation is not optimistic" sounds better than "cannot beat at all", and in order not to let Roddy look down on himself, he added: "Augustine in Tasman The forces are not monolithic. We have now contacted the elders of the parliament, and some of them will provide us with certain intelligence and resources. "

Roddy secretly pouts, thinking that there are guys who want to pull hind legs. In the Karen Kingdom, this was what Charles II's Milnor did. It was not surprising that Rasiman had a similar situation.

But these words at the political negotiating table cannot be trusted. Roddy knew that he had the initiative, so his face was not touched, but he continued to disdain: "Our Karen army is already on the way into Tasman. My squad of 100 people is just Pathfinding. His battle, His Majesty Charles II, planned for a long time without giving the old bone a lesson. He really thought we were bullying? "

He pointed to the two captains of the Rifle Knights standing guard at the door of the conference hall: "In the Karen Kingdom, no knights like them can be ranked. Any three counts can bring two or three thousand knights to settle here, so In principle, we don't need to work with you. "

How to achieve the goal after seizing the initiative of negotiation? It is nothing more than the words "intimidation and lure". Roddy has already demonstrated force through the battle just now, so now no matter how brave he is, Dasco can believe it.

Dasco, who frequently nods, is not stupid. What is meant by "cooperation is not required in principle"? That is to leave a way for myself!

"Baron Roddy's team is strong, we the Awakeners are ashamed, but Augustine is now your common enemy, and my Majesty more than 50,000 humans are still on the front line of resistance. If the battle is coordinated, it must be helpful to both sides. . "

"Your Majesty still has humans? Do they all listen to your control?"

Roddy's words were completely pretense. In fact, Nata has been investigating outside the castle where Kurka is located these days. He knows how many soldiers are in the city.

Dasco naturally boasted of his control of the Lamb: "Their leader, Kulka, was a puppet I raised, and heeded me at any time."

"Really? Speaking of which, our main forces don't want to delay here too long, after all, the logistical line burden is too heavy." Roddy glanced at Dasco. "So we hope to face Augustine's main army as soon as possible and carry out decisive battle."

When Dasco heard these words, he was very excited: Don't care if these humans can win, and quickly consume the undead that Augustine brought ... so that the "awakeners" can have more room for survival.

But he didn't dare to show his inner excitement. Dascoe had to try to control his expression and continued to ask, "At present, Augustin's main corps is about to contact my subordinates. The number may exceed 20,000 ... This number doesn't sound much, but You may not know that Tasman's total strength is only 50,000. "

"I understand that killing these 20,000 people is enough for us to ask Augustine to reconsider his attitude towards the Karen Kingdom."

Roddy looks confident with "how many come and how much": "My Excellency Dasco, I am very willing to cooperate with you, and if this battle can meet expectations, the Karen Kingdom can consider providing you with a suitable identity . "

"Identity? Do you mean ..."

"You also know that it's unrealistic to want to eliminate Augustin's power at one go. This time we took the initiative to give a lesson to Augustin. But we must leave something after the lesson, right? A strong 'Awakener' organization? "

Dasco swallowed, realizing that this might be a great turnaround for his future status-without the resources of a huge country, it would be easy for Parliament to destroy the "Awakeners". And with the support of the Karen Kingdom, it is definitely "anything is possible"!

"The Karen Kingdom wouldn't say anything else, some weapons, food, and armaments can't fit, so ... if you can let those guys reach the location I specify five days later, the future 'Awakeners' will certainly not be a group of basic The rangers, who are all armed, are scattered. "

Roddy had long been prepared to have the knight next to him bring a military map, pointing his hand on it.

Dascoe didn't dare to neglect. After careful identification, he immediately realized that this was the threshold that Roddy had set for him-if he couldn't even do this, then he was obviously not qualified for the other party to "support".

But he is not really a fool to be drawn a cake: "We will do everything we can to cooperate with you, of course, please show your sincerity."

"Did you see their battle with the Undead Heavy Cavalry?"

Roddy wasn't surprised by his request, so he pointed at a dragon knight and asked a seemingly unrelated topic.

Dasco nodded puzzledly and said clearly.

"That kind of charged cavalry capable of killing heavy cavalry, with thirty handles and sixty spar, is enough?"

Dasco opened his mouth for a few seconds and flashed the pictures of the fifty heavy cavalry flying away, then nodded without hesitation: "No problem!"

The negotiations came to an end here. Dasco got up and took a leave, but when he walked outside the manor, he saw Yugeza, who was almost cured by Akasha. When Takiris came up and said a few words, his face suddenly disappeared. Change, in my heart more certain about the strength of Roddy and Karen Kingdom, hurriedly led his men away.

Rodi learned about Akasha's "feat" only after being reminded by Melinthera, and he was also entangled in the same way-Rev. Light could heal the undead? This is not only a question of whether or not the spell can be cast, but also the essential issue behind the spell.

But apparently Akasha belonged to the "masterless" type. In the face of the surprise of Roddy and Merlin Sera, she seemed a bit helpless: "I really researched it myself in the laboratory ..."

"I won't drag you to the tribunal." Roddy smiled and squeezed Akasha's cheek and felt itchy when she looked at her shyness, but Yugeza was half-dead tied aside, and he too Knowing that he was not on vacation: "Now that Akasha can be cured, let's ask questions ..."

Unblocked by the voice, Yugeza almost shouted in the next hour—the undead who has a long life is more afraid of death than Akasha's tortured interrogation methods. The number of sewers in the imperial city "Odermanius" is truthfully reported.

And the information he provided really benefited Roddy ... The news about "capturing aliens" made him more vigilant-

Yugossa was able to operate independently of the army, and was ordered by Augustine.

Confirming Tevlin's location was locked by Augustin himself.

The combination of these two made Rodi immediately realize a problem: the group of Teflins labeled as "Demon Subspecies" is far more important than he thought!

"Where is Luther? Call him over!"

Roddy turned to the conference hall, and pointed at Yugeza with his finger: "Let him live, Augustine has too many means, I don't want to make a fuss."

This is also the lesson for Augustine. Roddy is now cautious and active every step of the way. He has realized a very serious problem: if Augustine attaches so much importance to Teflin, then he is likely to end up Will go to the front of the battle with this undead leader!

In the face of a strong man who is more than 60 advanced, for Rody, it is much more horrible than facing the undead army.

He subdued Teflin himself, and he really felt like he was "carrying his guilt" ... Rorty thought like this, and felt that the pressure suddenly increased a lot.

But ask yourself, do you really want to live a lifetime of fear of Augustine?

Sitting in the armchair, Roddy exhaled slowly, his eyes raised with an unprecedented calmness and determination. He looked at the somewhat helpless Elder Luther, and asked calmly, "I want to know ... how the entire community became what it is today."

"What secret lies behind your mutation?"

"Get everyone back there ... it's exactly where Trakburg is."

Dasco, who had left on horseback, was thinking hard about his plans for the next five days, but the more he thought about it, the more the battlefield designated by Roddy made him unreadable.

Fort Trak is very special ~ ~ right in the middle of the area currently controlled by the Awakener, it is the largest castle built by the Lamb. The foundation of this castle is a natural rock platform that protrudes more than ten meters above the ground. Coincidentally, it is at the low position of the Tasman terrain ladder. From the topography of nearly 100 square kilometers, it is similar to the center of a basin.

Because the rock platform protrudes from the ground, the castle's walls are much higher than other cities. But because of this, it is a lonely city without a retreat-once stuck here, either waiting for the enemy to retreat, or staying to the end.

"Intentionally ... or just by chance?"

Dasco couldn't think of the reason, but he understood that no matter what he thought, this thing was definitely going to be done-if he didn't do it, then no one would survive.

It depends on whether the Awakener can continue to exist!

There is something to go out tomorrow, take a day off.

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