Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 543: Parting ways

Augustine in the palace, Augustine just ended a long and tedious meeting.

After returning to the emperor's living room, the attendants replaced him with the royal robe that symbolized power, and carefully put the crown into a special magic stone box for safekeeping. These subordinates clearly saw that Augustine was in a bad mood, crumbling one by one, and he couldn't wait to speak his voice.

On weekdays, Augustine stopped quietly in the central courtyard after the meeting. The white marble courtyard has no magnificent decoration, it is pure, clean and reveals a simple beauty. In the middle of the courtyard is a clear pond ten meters square. Tasman's drizzle falls all the way down the hollow roof and he always listens to the rain for a moment.

But today Augustine seemed a little restless.

The discussions at the meeting are always the same topics. The opposition of these elders has gradually increased in recent days, apparently because of the "rebel" rebellion. However, these voices will eventually disappear after the undead army has settled. Augustine has no worries about what waves a group of weak and unarmed weak people can throw out — the latest battle report shows that the 20,000 undead troops have already confronted humanity. All they have to do is to force their troops up, and simply defeat the opponent.

Speaking of confrontation, he always flashed the figure of the Karen Kingdom that repeatedly ruined his plans, but then Augustine sneered and felt that he really valued this role too much.

Whether he is a hunter or a hunter, or a leader with good luck, there is no luck at all in the face of absolute crushing strength.

So what he was worried about was not the trend of the war, but Yugeza's mission.

After receiving the order, Yugeza attacked, and by now it should have responded. No matter it is caught or emptied, it will make people convey information to themselves. But now this team is silent, which really makes Augustine doubtful.

He can be sure that Yugeza has not encountered danger to his life, otherwise the death of the proud disciple will surely trigger the spell mark left on him, but since the person is not dead, there should be a reply to how the matter is done Is it ... for any reason?

The long life gave Augustine enough patience. He also knows that he cares and messes up, so after a moment of adjustment, he suppressed some negative emotions, raised his hand from a blue magic crystal in his pocket, and flung his fingertips across the perfect edge. Jing crossed a parabola, and "噗" fell into the water.

The magic crystal emits a faint blue light, and you can still see the sinking trajectory even if you fall into the water. But just a meter or two, there seemed to be something swimming in the water, and the shaking water wave suddenly became fierce, but suddenly calmed down because Augustine pressed his hand lightly.

Looking back at the pool water, the magic crystal was gone. Augustine didn't look, bypassed the pool, and walked towards the laboratory behind the palace.

There is a beautiful royal garden scenery behind Odysseusius. Rainwater will never accumulate here, but it will only make the flowers and trees here more green. The white stone road has hand-chiseled waterproof lines, and occasionally new moss is seen at the edges. For a country ruled by "dead people", it seems that there is always a breath of life here.

Augustine was accustomed to this and even long ago forgot the fact that he was a "dead". He walked through the corridors and eventually came to his often used magic laboratory-although there is no "xenogeneity" as the material for continued research, he systematically organizes the experimental log every day, and details that have not been noticed in it. Perform analysis and summary.

None of the strong who can cross the 60 threshold is a lazy slacker.

Augustin thought about the matter of the law formation, and frowned all the way into the laboratory, but when he walked to the thick experimental record, ready to continue to look around, the Undead Emperor looked up suddenly, his eyes flickered ...

Someone has been here.

Even if the test rig in the house looked the same as usual, and even if all the defensive arrays in the house were not triggered, Augustine still found clues in the subtle differences in the experimental records.

This made him feel terrified and angry-Augustine was sure that this would not be done by people in the palace. Even if he looked at the entire Tasman, he did not believe anyone who could enter this laboratory did not startle the magic circle he set up ... a little Inferring, he can confirm that the people who come to look at his experimental records not only have high strength, but also have an understanding of what they are studying!

This made Augustine crouch in his throat, his face suddenly glooming.

"Who is it? What do you want to do?"

Tasman's dampness and coldness did not affect the ever-hottering temperature of Everta.

As the sun became more and more venomous, the corpses on the battlefield rotted faster and faster. The swarms of mosquitoes and circling vultures have become the sight of Sauron's daily boredom. It seems that the war has reached an embarrassing situation for both sides.

The orcs' siege has always been difficult to achieve. With the siege ladder and the defense map, the orc's offensive has become increasingly fierce in more than ten days. Yesterday, he finally captured another fortress. However, before the dawn, he was attacked by a powerful army and forcibly taken back ...

Orcs have made great progress in siege. At least they have now learned to drive the captive humans into slavery, allowing them to build more sophisticated siege equipment for themselves. At the same time, their siege efficiency, timing and angle of attack have become more and more accurate, and the threat to the city walls has become greater and greater ... but this is not all useless.

There is always such a spooky army, the ghostly ones wandering outside the orc army. They are small in number, but every time they strike, they will always bring unbearable and terrible losses to the orcs. The orcs who originally thought that they were invincible in the land began to doubt their strength for the first time. Desperately digging out the horses, the number of people standing guard at midnight increased five or six times ...

The orcs attacked the lower city but couldn't hold it, and humans could hold it but couldn't fight a large-scale decisive battle. Sauron, who was sitting in the core tent of the big camp, saw this clearly, so he understood that he could no longer sit firmly in the center.

"How long can our food last?"

"Chief Warrior, several of the Overseers' current troops are all out, not good statistics ..."

"I didn't ask them, I asked ... my army."

Sauron narrowed his eyes, seemingly not worried at all about the disobedient overseers, and continued asking in a calm manner.

"This ... if you can drive all the sheep in the back, you can still support it for half a month-because several warlords have a tight food supply, they forcibly split a lot ..."

Sauron knew why. The attack was blocked, and the army failed to achieve a victorious victory. This naturally made the following warlords even more dissatisfied. The orc's military discipline was basically a joke. Sauron had felt the resistance of his military order. So he is not Go curse, but silently look at the simple sand table in front of you.

"Rakor and Duda are now out of order."

These two overseers are the planners who took two consecutive fortresses. It stands to reason that they should have gained great prestige, and they wanted to take Sauron to replace it, but the terrible army that came and went like a battering one after another Covering their faces, the two were extremely angry. Now the two warlords no longer even besieged the fortress, they merged together and chased the army towards Elson.

The two overseers, companies, and soldiers brought logistics, directly drew over 18,000 troops, and continued to gather more soldiers. They vowed to siege and kill the team that repeatedly destroyed them ...

"Elson City, Roddy."

So many prisoners of war captured, Sauron certainly understood what the name meant. But whenever he thinks of the name, he has inexplicable prudence in addition to anger and hatred. As a powerful opponent, Sauron knows that this guy is definitely not provoking.

Especially after he learned that Roddy became the "Overseer" of the Karen Kingdom ~ ~ the premonition in his heart became worse. Although the city of Elson looked remote, and on the map revealed by Mirno was an unprotected "city of ruins", I thought that Overseer Mugor and the advance troops died somehow outside the city Intelligence, Sauron very wisely ruled out his intention to attack here, and he also sent someone to stop the two overseers from hunting down.

But now it seems that his prestige is hard to convince.

"Also, the real thing to do is a victory."

Sauron no longer thought about the ideas of the two Warlords. The orc tribe was integrated too quickly, and the result of "division" was not unexpected. The only way to solve it is to see who can win more-with supplies, food and armaments, and of course the soldiers understand that it is right to go with whom.

So after entering the Karen Kingdom, Sauron finally took his guard to the front line.

But this time, instead of aiming at a fortress, he directly led the wolf cavalry troops with more than two thousand people, and ran towards further distance!

Because of his actions, the orc army with a total of more than 50,000 people broke up.

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