Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 827: Step by step

Rody's bow damage is not high. After all, this is a good class of equipment that is easily bought in the town. The use level is only the basic level 12. But no matter how low the damage can't hold the critical crit ...

Roddie, who shot both of them, didn't stop, and started to run. Sure enough, an arrow flew over him, and Roddy heard the sound of the arrow nailing into the trunk. Basically, he could judge that the advanced "ranger" should be his shot!

It was not realistic to face the archery on the front, so he rolled forward and hid in the blind zone of vision behind the tree. However, he did not dare to wait for any of the burst arrows and guide arrows to threaten him. So he immediately stood up from the other side, ready to aim and fire.

But the bow was raised, only to find that the other party had been hit by Kardashian's "Ice Arrow", and a tree behind him was cut off on the spot.

Rorty was afraid to raise his bow and aimed at the other side, and then saw that several people who had just faced Kardashian were penetrated by the ice arrows, and the combat effectiveness of the 4th-level elementary division was far from so strong. , But Kardashian directly crushed several amateur players with her magical skill level.

These squatting players are obviously very unprofessional. Rodi stepped forward and found that they all wore the uniform "Heart of the Fire Feather" guild badge.

"They should have monitored us in this area, so they sent a lot of teams to stare at the camp." Roddy immediately inferred probably: "Also thanks to the large number of players in this area, they have scattered staff, or they have dozens of people You don't have to run ... "

"But now I'm more troubled." Kardashian frowned, and suddenly she regretted her conflict with this group of people. Although she killed the squatting people, it means that they came to hunt down the group Everyone knows where they are, and more people will come around soon ...

However, Kardashian was hot-tempered and understood the matter. She knew that it was meaningless to regret it now, so she immediately said, "You can enter the mountain area immediately, rush out and talk!"

Roddy thought so too. He didn't even take in the tent. He stepped directly on the horses displayed synchronously as he went online, hung the bow bag aside, and quickly set foot with Kardashian to the destination. path of.

Both of them know that entering the McLath Mountains does not mean that the problem is solved, but that it is the beginning of the problem. After all, no one is sure that this must be the key to getting out of the "space and time prison", but now they have no choice: there is a wanted JC outside the game, and there are large-scale roundups of this group of players in the game. Roddy now believes that this is absolutely no coincidence ...

On the other hand, this is more likely because he is gradually approaching the truth, and the "space prison" is increasingly trying to stop.

The two have dared not take the road that players often take, and today the route is entirely adjusted by Kardashian relying on his keen intuition. Although Roddy is a technical house, he is not strong enough to remember all the distribution details of monsters on the map, but Kardashian can judge the nearby Warcraft activities from the slight fluctuations in the air and the clues on the ground.

As soon as they walked, they heard the movement in the woods. The members of the Guild of Hearts are obviously wanting to chase them. However, Roddy's arrows and Kardashian's spells are as accurate as cheating. Two teams trying to get close to each other were killed by seven or eight people on the spot. The troops were pulled apart.

As the road deepens into the forest, Kardashian on the horse can only continue to cast spells to try to clear the obstacles on the road and continuously detect if there are suspicious creatures hiding around. After forcibly pasting the edge of several Warcraft territories, the Guild of Fire Feather could not hear anything for a while.

Roddy couldn't confirm whether the opponent would continue to pursue at the risk of becoming a powerful Warcraft. He glanced at the map and found that the two were already in the McLath Mountains at this time, and the road at his feet began to turn uphill. The tireless horses were finally unable to run, and Roddy and Kardashian had to dismount and walked. The time was precious. They didn't even have time to rest.

Kardashian's road clearance efficiency is much better than the mountain knife. The two men are not slow to move up. They encountered three active attacks of Warcraft along the way, but they were quickly resolved. After walking for a while like this, Roddy finally could not bear any more, and whispered, "Sister, where do we go?"

Kardashian had no answer to this question: "I can only think about where I would be if I came here to be on duty ..."

But while walking, she suddenly asked: "You said before that there is no 'spell' on the earth?"

"Don't know before, but now there is no such thing as a 'magician'. People don't have the ability to manipulate elements and don't cast fireballs."

Roddy didn't know why she asked so and replied casually.

"Then why is this feeling of condensing elements so real in the game? If the person who designed the game is not an elementary master, how to judge this?"

Kardashian didn't expect this problem when she clashed with the group of "Huo Fei Xin" yesterday because she was busy solving all the enemies. However, she continued to cast spells when she was on her way today, and finally made her realize that this seemingly "normal" place was actually "abnormal". After a series of battles, she found that the headaches when the mana value was almost exhausted could be truly felt. There is such a question.

Roddy was also a little dumbfounded after hearing that, after all, everyone in this world didn't know the feeling of truly "condensing the elements". And he himself has not cast spells like the "Elemental Master" in the game, because the "ranger" and "mad warrior" classes have no "mana value". Ordinary scroll casting will not bring any extra feelings or that he never associates with that aspect.

This feeling is extremely mysterious. It is estimated that experienced rifting element players will experience it, but what's the point of speaking it? One can't enhance the strength, and the other can also make people look as neuropathy.

However, as a real Dragon said, Roddy immediately got a cold back: Who is behind the game company? How do they know what the "sensing element" feels like? Is anyone really magical? Or the person who created this game ...

In his mind, he has always held the idea that the game "Cracked Earth" is a virtual world, and the earth is the real world, but now Roddy is finally shaken.

Thinking about it, there was a huge roar of Warcraft in the distance. The two turned back together, and then looked at each other. Obviously, neither Roddy nor Kardashian thought that the people who came after this time would be "just" to kill Warcraft to do the task ...

"They are catching up."

When Roddy came to such a conclusion, he was quite helpless. At first, he was also lucky, and felt that as long as the guilds in the opposite direction were normal people, it was estimated that after chasing here, he would choose to give up the World of Warcraft and the road would be difficult.

But the current situation, it seems that the other party is in an endless posture.

"Do you need to be so tight even in the game ..."

Kardashian couldn't help complaining about ~ ~ she has confirmed that this group of people is absolutely normal "players". If it is fighting, it will only be the few players who are killed who have grievances. Now that a guild has mobilized so many people to hunt down both of them, how could it be okay inside?

Roddy's mind inexplicably appeared in the zombie films controlled by instinct zombies, but he was not interested in knowing what this group of doomed players think, just want to figure out how far they need to go to see the dawn ...

The two speeded up their movements, and later they could not help but start to gasp. Until it was late, Kardashian suddenly raised her hand: "Wait."

Roddy leaned on his knees and looked up. There was still endless virgin jungle in front of him, and he couldn't see the difference from before. He looked puzzledly at Kardashian, who was looking up at him, as if thinking carefully about it, and finally she raised her wand and cast a spell on the land in front of her. Roddy glanced over the battle bar, saying only "your teammate Kardashian is casting a spell" and nothing else.

Within a few seconds, Kardashian stopped saying, "We are lucky ... she is indeed here. The first line to detect the edge of the enchantment is indeed the method and the wave that I myself use ..."

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