Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 828: Choose an artifact, or ...

Roddy couldn't see any enchantment here, he looked carefully, and asked, "Is that just ringing the doorbell? Let her out?"

"Your metaphor is quite vivid. I just hope that the secret code just now can make her curious ..."

The wave she just cast is actually the first dragon spell "echo" to learn. When each dragon casts Echo for the first time, it will make a unique sound, and Kardashian just passed the enchantment to pass the sound in memory to the past.

But this does not mean foolproof, Kardashian himself was a little embarrassed: "I just don't know how she feels ... if it's OK, it may come out."

She knows that she is sometimes "emotional". She has been alone for a long time, and the decisions often made in different moods are two extremes. When he is happy, he will go crazy, such as seeing Roddy pleasing to the eye, and even joking with him in various ways. But when you're in a bad mood ... I'm afraid it's not unusual to take a breath.

"What next? Wait here?"

Roddy glanced back, he didn't know if the guys who had been sieged around would rush here, after all, it was far from the core of the mountain. The surrounding Warcraft level is not particularly high. If it comes to a team of more than 20 people, it should still cope.

"Just wait, we can't go any further."

Kardashian's answer was simple, and Roddy nodded, saying nothing, but just starting to clear the obstacles on the spot for a possible battle, he didn't dare to relax at all.

But before waiting for Roddy to be busy for a few minutes, a faint rumbling sound came from overhead.

Both of them refreshed, they both stood up and looked up, but when a figure suddenly appeared in front of them, they grew up with surprise because they came ...

Inside the Hercino Tower, Edith's phantom was immersed in the tunnel of time and space.

At this time, she cannot be called a "phantom", but an invisible and stateless "soul state". The "space-time tunnel" connected by the magic tower is not a "tunnel", it is more like a vast universe that contains countless time and space.

At the beginning of the establishment of the French Array, Edith had used spirit to explore the scene in front of her, but the attempt at that time could only be said to be "simple taste." After all, this space-time roaming experience sounds good, but it is actually very dangerous. Even with her strength to reach the "demigod", there is also the risk of being swallowed up and lost.

At this moment, looking for a specific "space prison" in the "soul" state is more like dancing on the tip of a knife. If you own a body, I am afraid that now Leng Khan has been out of several bodies.

The "space prison" in "Space Tunnel" looks like a celestial body floating in the starry sky. When Edith looked closer, she realized that there were many of them. The former "breakers" survived because of breaking the rules. of. Regardless of whether or not they finally escaped from this "prisoner", the world of "prisoner" itself has been preserved and operated on its own. This power can only be possessed by oracles.

"Creating time and space", Edith just thought about it, and she had an inexplicable awe of the **** who controlled time and space.

In these worlds, Edith found that there was a prosperous continent of high elves, and a lava, long-destructed world. One can even see those "breakers" who were lost hundreds of years ago. They have forgotten that they were in a "space prison" and are still drunk in their lives ...

Such a scene made Edith feel the chill in her heart. I am afraid that everyone who sees this scene will think about the meaning of their existence.

But she did not stop there. Ms. Edith, who was far more determined than ordinary people, quickly walked away from these "prisoners" because she knew that every second of the search was consuming a huge amount of charged spar, and she could not delay the slightest.

The number of "prisoners" was as starry as the sky, but Edith did not have any tricks, but only approached one by one to observe. What made her desperate was that none of these worlds had Roddy and Kardashian. It was only when the energy was about to run out that she found a plane with Roddy's breath: that was what he had stayed Mogla village.

After Roddy left, everything was still working here. Nefe's grave stands alone outside the village, the war of orc invasion continues, and players are still fighting on their own ... The war-torn Karen Kingdom is about to die.

Edith looked at everything in front of her, and frowned deeply.

She can be sure that the "space prison" can only be created based on human memory, and only the "past" and not the "future" will be displayed. So where did the "past" of the Mogra village area be invaded by orcs?

But she could find it, indicating that she was in the right direction. She was about to go to the next plane, but heard a buzzing sound suddenly.

This was Edith's reminder that the energy of the magic tower reached the "guard line", but she had no choice but to immediately start "returning" and escape from the "space-time tunnel" before the energy was consumed ...

When Edith's phantom appeared in the "core room" again, Akasha and Sally, who had been waiting here, stood up. Seeing her flickering and somewhat fuzzy shadow, both of them showed a worried expression, but no one dared to speak.

"I found the approximate location and should be successful next time."

Edith's conclusion is positive after all. Seeing that they were slightly relieved, she began to briefly explain the search process, but did not say the strangeness of the world ... because this problem may cause trouble. If Roddy had a chance to step away, Edith thought he should ask in person.

At this time, the thing to do is to replace the charged spar and make a second attempt.

They got up and urged the wizards who came to assist them to change, but Edith said, "Duke Sally, I want to talk to you about something."

The "demigod" status is respected, and even the high elven royal family must be dealt with at a level. Even now she is only a phantom, and she does not need to use honorifics to the Duke.

"What's the matter? Lord Edith?"

"If Rodi's 'prison' is really found, I don't know how much the magic tower can influence his 'plane'. It is impossible to pull him out directly, so my plan is Transfer the energy into the 'prison' as much as possible, and have an impact on that world. The greater the impact, the higher his chance of coming out. "

"I probably understand this ..."

Sally nodded, she didn't understand why the other party repeated these words.

"If you can, 'Viper's Kiss' scepter is probably one of the items that can have the most impact on Time and Space." Edith went straight to the subject, pointing to the white scepter in her hand ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Now there is only one chance left. If I still fail to complete the task at the last moment ... the power of the artifact may be more effective than the total energy of the magic tower. "

After speaking calmly, Edith added: "But I don't know what effect this will have on the artifact, so you can also refuse ..."

This kind of words are cruel in any case. In fact, speaking of it is to ask Sally a multiple choice question: keep the artifact, or fight for a chance to let Roddy return.

Edith has seen too many people lose themselves in front of money, not to mention love, but love can be turned into enmity. The "artifact" represents more than just wealth. It even represents eternal life and strength, and is the goal pursued by countless people throughout their lives.

Human beings are far less magical than the existence of high elves, and the impression that Edith has is "to do anything to climb up." The duke spoke calmly forward, whispering, "No problem."

Edith opened her mouth slightly and finally nodded, "I see ..."

In fact, she didn't understand more and more.

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