Demon Lord

Chapter 87: The Blood Monastery (1)

Time went back a few hours, and the "Rose Cross" monastery was early in the morning.

There are not many priests in the monastery. In addition to the ten temple guards, the "monks" and "nuns" account for the majority, a total of 27 people, and the "priest" has four, in addition to one A priest, going up is Benjamin, the "bishop" and "priest of the monastery."

The nuns and monks are the earliest to get up every day. They have to do all the tedious tasks like cooking, cleaning and purchasing food. After eating breakfast, they pray with the priest under the guidance of the priest. After noon, the rest They are more free, but mostly follow the priest to learn doctrine or practice divine art.

Speaking of, within the sect, everyone's status is determined by the "priesthood"-the daughter of the Duke serves the priests or bishops of civilian origin. This kind of thing sounds like magic, but it actually happens. thing. Just now, after a simple wash, Sally had dressed her robes like she used to, and carried the bucket with the familiar nuns to clean the church floor.

Sally's status today should have been regarded as a "nun", but because she was directly nominated as "candidate priest" by Bishop Benjamin, this means that her status has reached the highest level among "nuns". If nothing unexpected, With the official announcement from the Cardinals of the “Rose Cross” temple, she can become an official “priest”.

Because of this advantage, Sally is now “hot” in the eyes of a number of “monks”.

"Good morning, Sally."

Sister Kris wrapped her long hair, raised her hand to say hello to Sally, and then asked: "Yesterday, Bishop Benjamin asked why you didn't go to church. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, it's just a small problem. Just sleep a little." Sally's eye circles were slightly swollen, and she could see that there was no rest. She smiled, set the bucket aside, and bent over to start cleaning the church floor with a brush. "By the way, can you tell me more about the story of that bard yesterday?"

The life of the monastery is too boring. For the young people, the outside world is always fresh and full of temptation. The monks and nuns of the monastery can go out in church robes, and sometimes come back late in violation of the rules occasionally. As long as it is not doing something bad, the priest and the bishop will not blame anything. Excited.

"I want to tell you! Booker went to listen again yesterday, right over the city square ... Those stories are wonderful, as if yesterday was a story about how a knight became a king ..."

The two chatted in a low voice, but basically Kris was talking and Sally was listening. Occasionally, when talking about the highlights, Sally would make a surprised expression or laugh together, but her emotions seemed to be different from the past, and Kris noticed something strange.

"Sally, I have never seen you smile so happily, is there any good thing?"

啊 "Ah? No, I just find this story interesting."

"No, your mouth keeps rising. Can you think of someone?" Kris lowered her voice mysteriously and asked with gossip: "Ah, ah, let's talk! It was not good before The question to you ... was there a sweetheart before you came to the temple? "

"What sweetheart?" Sally raised her eyebrows, her face tightly tense, and shook her head vigorously, "No ... nothing!"

Kriss looked at her, and quietly came together— "You hesitated, you must be thinking of someone, right?"


Sally continued to shake her head, and then a helpless smile was drawn to the corner of her mouth. "Moreover ... into the temple, what use do you think?"

"Oh, is it okay to think about it? The **** is watching us, have we done anything against the teachings! Tell me soon-"

Krissing the doctrine casually, she looked up to see a priest not far away, and quickly lowered her head, brushing the floor honestly.

Sally beside Shao shook her head and wanted to say something, but she could not help squinting.

Yeah ... I can't get married in my life, what about those extra ones?

I remembered what I had said to Chris just now, although she didn't have much expression on her face, she was a little embarrassed and strange inside—because the figure appeared involuntarily in her mind, just because she hadn't seen it for a long time. Di's face seems to be a little fuzzy, the only thing that can be clearly remembered, maybe only the other person's taste that makes him feel at ease.

想 If you think about it, what exactly is Roddy's original identity?

In the past few months, Sally's intelligence organization has collected a lot of information for her, also including all the data of the humble border scout "Lodi"-but the information in it has made Sally more confused: How can a kid who hasn't stepped out of the border of the kingdom for two decades be the guy in his memory who is powerful enough to kill a team of wolf cavalry and kill the Scorpion King?

I remembered the curse that he said he was "beautiful", Sally had some doubts-he was really 37 years old?

Huh ... I'm 37 years old and I'm an uncle. Why can't I take care of girls so much?

Now thinking of the various "hooligans" before Roddy, Sally finds that she no longer has any shame, but always feels an inexplicable sense of joy-a very capable guy, who prefers to treat women I did n’t understand anything at the time, and I was finally fooled by myself. Think about it ...

"Hey, let me say, Sally, you must be thinking of someone in your heart, right?"

Kris shook her hand in front of her eyes, and Sally froze, only to find that she had been holding the brush for a long time against the floor.

"Uh ... that--"

"No need to explain! Hurry up and wait for the prayer to end. I'll call Alizee and they will come and judge you together! By the way, today we are going to the market to buy something," she looked around, and lowered her voice. : "All day long, Booker said in the afternoon that he would take us to the square to hear the story of the bard, Sally, would you go?"

This proposal made Sally's expression hesitate for a moment, but she finally shook her head and refused softly.

Sally knew very well that Francis was staring at herself outside, and if she walked out, she would encounter an "accident"-even if she had hired two troops from the mercenary union, she kept the funds herself. It is not enough for the entire mercenary team to stay outside the monastery every day, so now only two mercenaries outside the monastery's door are disguised as civilians, and at the same time, a subordinate is hidden in the dark as a passer of orders.

I ca n’t ...

The thought of Roddy's coming to Hollier City, she was looking forward to it after all— "Anyway ... Since it's here, you should always look at me."

I think so in my heart, but Sally also understands the fact that Roddy and herself have not had such a "near" relationship in the end, to be more straightforward, that Elm's head has always been "respectful of himself", right?

The sixteen-year-old girl is full of anxiety and is inexplicably upset for the guy who left a deep trace in her life.

After I finished the floor, Sally went to help prepare breakfast with several old nuns in the monastery, but then the meal was uneasy because several monks at the table quarreled because of the "bard"-

"Booker, don't you hang that bard on your lips? Just say it two days a day, even for three or four days every day, you don't bother me."

The talking child was Ryan, who was only fourteen years old. Because of his baron family, he naturally had such a young master's habit, and went straight without any worries. At this moment he frowned, and his words were quite impatient.

"The people in the story are only the story. After all, you can just listen to what the bard pulled out with a mouth. Do you still believe it? How can a person shoot a team of wolf cavalry by bow and arrow ... It's ridiculous! You Do you know how strong the wolf cavalry is? Do you know how fast they charge? "

的 The atmosphere at the table was a little tense. Several nuns such as Kris and Sally were eating here, so several male monks would inevitably stand firm and refuse to be softened. Booker was accused by Lane, and his face was naturally embarrassed—

"What's wrong with the wolf cavalry? Do you know how fast he is? You have shot arrows at the wolf cavalry?"

"I haven't seen it, but my grandfather has seen it. He still has a scar on his back. It was cut by the wolf cavalry. Do you think I can say that enough?" Ryan was also very angry, staring at Booker. " I have shot arrows and hunted with my father. The arrows do not hit the point. For the wolf cavalry, there is no power at all. Can you say that someone can hit the enemy's head with every arrow? "

"That's what the bard said!"

所以 "So it's all fake! They only make up lies to lie to the copper coins in your hand ~ ~ you ... you don't want to listen and you can stay away and don't have to come and say these to me!"

He said it was a quarrel. After all, they were monks in the monastery. Their temper was much better than ordinary people. Ryan and Booker's voices are a little higher than usual, and there is no sign of quarreling hands-after all, they are just a group of children under the age of fifteen or six, and it is normal to have such an argument.

Several priests at the dining table next to me looked at this place, but did not intend to participate in the mediation. They just watched with a smile, chatted with the priest occasionally, nodded, and exchanged views. In their view, this is also a way to examine the doctrines of several children.

"Okay, don't make any noise, Booker tells me a story. If it makes you angry, we'll change places next time." Kris went up to the round and sounded soft. In fact, there is not much politeness in the discourse. This made Ryan very upset and muttered in a low voice: "It's just a bard who blows his skin to the sky ..."

Booker snorted, wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a soft voice next to him—

"Although the bard is only a bard, the orcs do exist, and there are warriors who fight with the orcs. His story at least gives us hope for the kingdom's army, doesn't it? Maybe I heard this bard There may be many more famous generals and nobles in the future. "

Sally smiled at Lane, calming the young monks who wanted to continue arguing with Booker.

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