Demon Lord

Chapter 88: The Blood Monastery (2)

"Ryan, if I remember correctly, your ideal ... is to be able to fight for the family on the battlefield one day? Maybe hearing a story told by a bard population makes you feel scornful, but I think, actually, you There is also some longing in my heart, right? "

Sally, who has been the focus of the crowd, never speaks actively, but because of the three reasons of "candidate priest", beautiful face, and the rapid progress of divine magic practice, no one will ignore her words. So when Sally came out to round the field, the atmosphere on the table eased down almost immediately.

Obviously, in the eyes of these young people, although Sally remained silent most of the time, her weight in speech was more important than anyone, but even so, Sally never brought any pressure to Chris and others. ——Kriss, Alizee and others listened to her, and they all showed a little relaxed expression, because they knew that with Sally's words, Ryan and Booker could not fight anymore.

"I-forget it ... if you don't want to listen to me, don't say it."

It ’s not an unreasonable jerk. Being able to come to the monastery shows that they are good young people who are "sensible". At this time, there are beautiful women to make a siege, face, and steps. , Bowed his head and scooped up the bread.

And Ryan was also hit by the "Vital" by Sally, because he did, as Sally said, full of longing for "war" and "blood."

On weekdays, he is okay and always likes to talk to others about "knights" and "wars." Plainly arguing with Booker, but also because the other party has attracted too much attention in the past few days. There is no desire to do it. More importantly ... if he denied Sally's words at this time, he was hitting his own face. Thinking of this, Ryan couldn't help but feel a little depressed, but still whispered: "Those stories are too fake, the real war is not like this at all ..."

His spear turned to that "bard" instead of Booker, apparently also a disguise of disguise.

When Booker chewed a few bites of bread, Ryan closed his mouth, turned his face and thanked Sally, and then said, "Just after the prayer, we're going to the bazaar ... Uh-look at that. , Sally, are you going with us? After all, you haven't been out for a long time. "

Knowing that Ryan didn't want to hear the word "bard", Booker narrowed his eyes and motioned, "Let's go listen to the bard's story, shall we?"

"Thank you, I still can't." Sally shook her head, but looked out of the window. She remembered that her men would come to church and connect with herself today, and felt that it was not appropriate for her to be so direct, and she replied: "... But I will show you to the door of the church at that time. "

"That couldn't be better." Kris took the stubble with a smile. The unpleasant atmosphere brought by the quarrel just disappeared immediately, and then they chatted about which shop in the downtown area had better products. topic.

Not far away, Bishop Benjamin came to the table with a letter in his hand and sat in front of the four priests. After softly praying before the meal, he picked up the bread for breakfast and asked, "How? What just happened? Interesting thing? "

After listening to the explanations of several priests, the bishop who was always very tolerant of young monks and nuns always smiled and commented: "Ryan's family always admires force, and many people in the family came to the monastery for this reason Complaining, he estimates that the pressure is not too small. Among these people, the discipline of 'punishment' is the fastest for him to study for no reason. "

"After all, it is harmful divine magic, and boys will always be interested in it, but speaking, Sally's talent in the‘ gain ’divine magic is really rare these years.”

The priests talked about the progress of these young people. The bishop was very satisfied with the talents and determination of these children, but finally shook his head and sighed: "Although watching them progress quickly, I really do n’t want to They are involved in the war ... "

He shook the letter in his hand, and the priest named Ethan next asked, "Master Bishop, this letter?"

"Sent by Bishop Rubens, he has already set off from the" Temple of the Roses "and should arrive here in half a month." On weekdays Benjamin always smiles, giving people a warm and kind feeling, but When speaking about the name of the bishop with the priest, he looked pale and whispered: "But this way is not likely to be peaceful. The" Viper Cross "has released the news of killing the bishop, this group of pagans. Always say what you must do, this journey by Lord Rubens ... maybe very dangerous. "

"Should the guards of the temple make some preparations to meet and protect the Lord Bishop at that time?"

"It should be like this. I'm going to tell you these things. Today the guard on duty at the church may need to go to the military arsenal in the south of the city to pack new weapons, so only the two in front of the door are left." Benjamin put the letter in Aside, as usual, the abbey was busy with today's business. "Isen, go and visit Count Tata and thank him for the gold coins and food donations. Mulder, you go ..."

This is the scene of the monastery bell that happens every day. Benjamin arranged for the priests to be busy, and then came to say Sally and others to say hello to the school to test the teachings. If these young people could n’t answer, He wasn't angry, just laughed a little, and then explained patiently.

An easygoing bishop, a monk and nun who is eager to learn, a peaceful monastery ... this is everything that Sally goes through every day.

Uh ...

Time is passing, the sun is rising, and there are more people on the street. There are also pious believers who come to church to pray.

The structure of the monastery is simple-near the street is a cathedral that can hold hundreds of people, and it is 20 meters high, and behind the church are the houses where the monastery clergy provide accommodation, and the other is for those The temple soldiers also had a small kitchen with firewood stacked next to it, and that was all the building.

Today is not a prescribed Sunday, and not many people come to pray. Early in the morning, the temple guards inside the church went to the armament collectively under the order of Bishop Benjamin, and then left only two sabers to guard the rotation. If you divide the strength, these two guards are the lowest level of the Temple Guard in the Rose Cross army level-when judged according to the player's standards, their level is not low, the basic level is 15, although there is no Advanced, can be said to be a more powerful fighter in Hollier City.

The view in front of the church was not wide open. The two guards occasionally inspected the temple, but because no one has tried to strike here, they have long lost their vigilance due to repeated labor day after day. . The eyes under the helmet were always lazy and tired, yawning from time to time, and didn't pay much attention to what was abnormal on the street.

After all, in the entire territory of Everta, people who dare to face the "Rose Cross" are scarce. Because of this, they have no way to pay attention to the suspicious figures who have recently appeared near the corner ...

A guy in a simple robe, like a believer's appearance, sat in the shadow of a three-storey residential house in front of the monastery. A slightly broad robe fluttered in the breeze. Any difference is just a small package on the back.

Not far away, a guy in a fancy dress was playing the Vielle in his hand, and whenever a passer-by threw a coin into the hat in front of him, he complimented with a smile on his face, and then let go with joy. In the black parcel behind the corner.

On the other side of the street, a fat man dressed as a tourist merchant is selling small ornaments hanging on his body to pedestrians. Some children surrounded him. The fat man laughed and took out some snacks to distribute to these children. The unpretentious appearance can make people feel good.

These three people have been here for more than a week in a row. It is not normal to say "abnormal", because it is normal for bards, tourists and believers to appear in front of the monastery, but if you pay attention to it, The words of these three people will find that the three of them are always not far away and form a triangle ... the church door is virtually enclosed.

Time passed, and after the bell rang in the distance, it was about ten o'clock in the morning.

When Roddy appeared on the street in front of the church, his image had completely recovered to the strongest state of combat—the unique shape of the "Stalker Suit" attracted a lot of attention, but the civilians often did not have too much attention to the "Adventure" More interest. In this era, xenophobia to the "foreigners" is widespread, so Roddy also enjoys leisurely, eliminating a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Roddy did not dare to go directly to the monastery to name Sally, because Francis's eyeliner would doubt his identity, so he chose to directly take the original "fall of the priest Nilda" as the second step. For the image and identity of the adventurer, go to Benjamin for a mission ~ ~ Incidentally find an opportunity to meet Sally.

Such a plan can do a lot of things, so Roddy is very good to walk along the way, at this time humming the tune of the devil into the village came to the monastery.

The guard standing in a slack position has seen him, and Roddy reached out and took out the letter needed for the second step of the "fall of the priest of Nilda", wondering how to open his mouth, but when he glanced at the believers in front of the church, The pace slowed suddenly.

的 The tune of "Ghost enters the village" became "Pig Eight Rings," and Roddy continued to hum the messy tune, then stopped completely, and when he turned his eyes to the left and right, his brows grew deeper and deeper.

Because he entered an "advanced area" like Hollier City, Roddy also opened the "Personal Status Bar" on weekdays. This way, although the specific levels, names, or attributes of strangers around him are not displayed, they can be blurred. Shows the difference between the other person ’s and their own level—the lower the level, the other party ’s “title” is displayed in green; the similar level is yellow; the level is within three levels higher than itself, and it is displayed in orange ... the higher the level, the more the color Reddish, when the power gap reaches a certain point, it will be displayed in black.

Most of the civilians in Hollier have lower ranks than themselves, only a few are yellow, and the guards not far away are bright red-this is normal, but what is not normal ... he sees The bards who were not far away and the fat merchant on the other side turned out to be reddish, and the "believer" sitting in the corner turned red and purple!

In addition, there are two humble guys who are similar in color to themselves.

Roddy narrowed his eyes, and instinctively noticed something wrong.

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