"Go to hell!"

The little boy swayed, the blood shadow flashed, and appeared directly in front of Jiang Che. He punched Jiang Che's stomach, and the violent suffocation and blood-colored power suddenly erupted.

PS: It will be on the shelves tonight, and the tenth update will be guaranteed (five or six chapters will be released at 0:[-] p.m., and five or six chapters will be released tomorrow), and strive for fifteen more updates. If the results are good, the author will not want the liver tomorrow, and will fight for twenty more updates. Thank you all for your journey. accompany and support! !

On the shelf testimonials! (twelve o'clock tonight)

Finally, the day has come to the shelves. First of all, I am very grateful to all brothers and sisters for their support! !

You are simply too powerful!

There are not many collectors of this book, and it may be relatively small.

However, data such as flowers have completely exploded some books with a collection of tens of thousands, which the author Jun never expected.

There are many old brothers in the comment area, all of them are super talented, giving the author a lot of inspiration.

Many of the alien beasts proposed by everyone have already been conceived and will appear one by one later.

And the plot of this book, after the silver card came out, has finally been completely paved, and is about to enter a very interesting stage.

In addition, everyone often complains about the update problem.

Because I am trying a brand new theme, the author, although sitting in front of the computer for [-] hours a day, does not update enough to ensure the quality. I apologize to everyone for this.

In recent writing, the author has become more and more proficient!

After it is on the shelves, we will exert all our strength to gradually increase the amount of updates, and you will not be greatly disappointed!

A lot of nonsense was said because I was too excited.

Still getting to the point.

Ask for the first order! !Please customize!

Everyone also knows that the first order of a book determines the life and death of the book and the author. It is really very, very important!

I request you to make a first order first.

Grades are also the driving force for the author to code words. If this book can have [-] subscriptions, the author will subscribe to [-]-word chapters every day from now on. If so, the author will not want this liver, please don't take me as a person, and write out [-] words every day!And there is absolutely no loss of quality!

If nothing else, it will be on the shelves at [-] o'clock tonight, and it may be a little delayed by then.

In the evening, set five or six chapters first, and then continue to issue chapters tomorrow. Within [-] hours of listing, we will guarantee [-] updates and strive for [-]. However, if the results explode, the author will stay all night tomorrow and offer [-] updates.

It will be on the shelves at [-] o'clock tonight, please make your first order tomorrow!

Chapter [-] The wedding scene! (Please order first, customize! First update)

The little boy's punch was like a cannon, and the power was unimaginable.

Bang! A loud bang.

Jiang Che flew out directly.

A big hole of three to four meters was smashed into the ground.

"cough cough"

He jumped out of the pit, coughed twice, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and was a little surprised.

"Are today's children growing so fast?"

Jiang Che chased and killed the female ghost just now. When he got here, the female ghost did not dare to go in, but ran away in the other direction. He knew that there must be a ferocious ghost here, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce. Under the blessing of the Whiteboard Exotic Beast Card, he couldn't even block the opponent's punch.

"Jie Jie"

"I'll give you one more chance to play "Seven Nine, Seven" with me

The game, if you win, you still have the possibility to survive."

The little boy seemed to feel that he had the absolute upper hand, and looked at Jiang Che condescendingly.

"Play the game"

Jiang Che was stunned.

Immediately grinned: "Okay!"

"Wait for uncle, uncle will play a super fun game with you right away."

"Use an alien card—"


Accompanied by the bronze card in his hand, Fierce, turned into an ancient force.

An extremely ferocious and violent aura rose from Jiang Che's body, a 'brush' rose up, and a red, ferocious sharp horn slowly grew between his eyebrows, and five brown tails covered with barbs stretched out from his back. , The muscles of the whole body swelled up, full of explosive power.

In an instant, the breath increased more than ten times! Along with Jiang Che's pupils, they slowly turned into a crimson color.

The brutal aura on his body has also risen to the top, and the whole person is like a... Primordial beast hunting in the mountains and forests, almost want to choose someone to devour.

Everyone's expressions were stagnant and their hearts were trembling.

It's like facing a hell demon.

Jiang Che slowly looked at the little boy.

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