"Come on, uncle will accompany you to play the game I'm best at."

After the little boy was stared at by this person, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and an inexplicable palpitation appeared.

What's the matter? This person didn't even hit me just now. Why did it suddenly become: so terrible! "The name of this game is called"

"Take the hammer!"

At the same time as Jiang Che's voice fell, the sledgehammer that was raging in the fire also directly tore the air, bringing out a violent sonic boom. The vast power was about to annihilate everything.

The little boy was stunned.

You are playing a game! Are you trying to kill someone! Bang!!! With a terrifying loud noise, the whole room was instantly annihilated by thunder and fire, and a huge deep pit appeared where the little boy was standing. The five people looked at the thunder and flames dissipating against the tip of their noses, and swallowed hard.

Zhou Banxian opened his mouth wide.


He was very emotional: "So this is the real Taoist priest!"

Zhou Banxian suddenly felt ashamed.

A fake Taoist priest like him has a weak body, complex and useless talismans, and mysterious but very little movement techniques.

And Jiang Che is a real Taoist priest, with strong muscles, a big hammer full of thunder and divine fire, a cool shape with long horns between the eyebrows, and this kind of violent and terrifying big move! "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 500 energy. "

Jiang Che was overjoyed.

In addition to Qingyuan's 200 energy, he already has 875 energy, which is almost enough to draw another silver card.

It seems that after the strength has been improved, it has become much easier to obtain energy.

"This is..."


Several people's lips trembled.

It was completely unexpected that the Specter, who could not even resist, would be wiped out so easily.

"Where is the last red-clothed ghost?"

Jiang Che asked slowly...the expressions of several people suddenly changed.

Zhou Banxian hesitated for a moment, then said: "Brother Jiang, that is the mother of Jiying Ying, the earliest ghost in the village, how strong, we can only rely on guesswork, I only know that her house is five miles away, a person, a ghost , none of them, she seems to have inherited part of the power of the resentful baby, which is very terrifying..."

"Come on, tell me about her specific situation on the way."

A few people walked out of the cement house and walked towards the south of the village. This place seems to be different from the other places. The further south you go, the quieter you get. The houses, although there are things in them, do not show any viciousness. Hammer the door at passers-by, or try to kidnap passers-by.

The things in these houses seem to be afraid of something, and they all stay in the house safely, daring not to move.

"Although this woman has suffered a lot, she is not a good person."

Zhou Banxian told Jiang Che about it.

"The village chief's son is a very sincere young man. He was robbed by the ... female driver who violated the rules and almost hit a large truck. crushed him to death."

"The village chief went to report the case, but this woman seemed to have a good background. The day after the village chief reported the case, she brought people to the village 4.

5 Zili, ask him to withdraw the report, otherwise he will not have a better life in the future, forcing the village chief to be private with her, accepting compensation of [-] yuan, and then identifying it as an accident."


After walking for seven or eight minutes, everyone saw a very festive house from a distance. Red lanterns were hung on all sides, and there were flowing water mats outside. The central lobby was even more festive. Two large red candles were burning in the main room. It was obviously a wedding ceremony, but at this time, there was no one here, and it seemed a little deserted.


It was clearly a festive scene.

A burst of infiltrating woman's cry reached everyone's ears.

Everyone's body froze.

Thanks to Xiaoqing for the 100vip reward!Sprinkle flowers~

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Thank you Ye? Jun for your 100 VIP point reward! !grateful!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Thank you qqqq for the big 1000vip reward! !grateful!

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] Are you able to resist? (Please order first! Customize! Second more)

When the gloomy woman's cry sounded, everyone's consciousness began to be blurred and confused.

In a trance, several people saw that in the originally empty hall, there seemed to be a red hijab, embroidered shoes, and a wedding dress that was as bright as blood.

The bride faced several people and slowly lifted her hijab.

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