Jiang Che shouted at this time.

A cold light flashed across his eyes.

In an instant, Zhou Banxian and a few people felt chills all over their bodies, and an aura that was very close to death descended, as if the god of death had pinched their necks, causing them to not dare to move a step.

They feel as if they have stepped on a single-plank bridge over a [-]-meter cliff, and if they take another step, they will definitely be smashed to pieces!

Chapter [-] Don't run, I will satisfy you! (Please order the first one! Please customize it! The third one)

Evil, hunting all beasts, has the aura that shocks everything.

This is one of the three 3 abilities that Jiang Che inherited - shock and awe.

Under the threat of this deadly aura, Zhou Banxian actually got rid of the bride's control, and his eyes gradually regained clarity. When he saw himself holding the talisman and facing Jiang Che, he was almost scared out of his wits, and quickly put it away. Talisman.

"This is a ghost bride who is best at manipulating others!"

"Brother Jiang must remember, never agree to her wedding request!"

Jiang Che asked, "What will happen if I promise?"

Zhou Banxian's eyes sank, and she whispered: "The ghost bride is full of resentment towards her marriage, and will torture those who... want to marry her!"

Jiang Che was taken aback, "Seven nine, seven"

But he seemed to have already agreed, and at this time Jiang Che saw that in the lobby in front of him, the ghost bride seemed to give him a sullen smile, and the gloomy laughter lingered around his ears and could not be dissipated. This meant that... ... entangled myself, but tortured me to death... Is it because I, Jiang, can't lift the hammer? Jiang Che chuckled lightly.

Go straight to the bridal house.

"Brother Jiang, be careful!"

Zhou Banxian took out a piece of talisman, subdued the coffin craftsmen, and looked at Jiang Che with some worry as he entered the lobby.

Jiang Che just walked into the lobby.

The door closed automatically, and the candles on both sides of the offering table became brighter and brighter, and the whole hall became a strange red.


A soul-sucking melodious voice.

It came from the back room.

"I want"

It was like the sound of a lazy cat, scratching people's hearts and making their bodies feel hot.

Jiang Che was interested and strode into the back room.

The bride in front of her was charming and charming, half lying on the wedding bed, with a white leg exposed under the bright red robe, her eyes were extremely seductive, and a dark red light flickered in the bottom of her eyes.

Jiang Che's eyes gradually blurred, and his mouth was dry.

"Husband, what do you want?"

The bride kept shouting softly, as if she was acting like a spoiled child.

Jiang Che licked the corner of his mouth and walked over step by step. At the same time, the hand behind the bride turned into white bones. The five fingers were dark red, with a gloomy aura, very sharp, like five knives.

"Come on... I want to..."

The bride shouted coquettishly, her eyes blurred.

Jiang Che seemed to have lost his soul as he stepped up.

At this time, the bride's eyes suddenly revealed a fierce light.

A hand full of bones pressed it towards Jiang Che's chest in a grand manner.

On the other hand, Jiang Che, as if nothing, still blurred his eyes and walked towards the bride.

"I want your heart...dirty!"

A gloomy voice resounded in the new house.

At first, it was like a couple in love acting like a spoiled child, but the last word made this sentence: extremely frightening, terrifying.


Jiang Che seemed surprised.

"So you want my heart."

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood, I thought you wanted my sledgehammer."

Hearing these two words, the bride was stunned.

And Jiang Che didn't know when, he had already raised the Thunder Fire Hammer and slammed it down.

Bang! A loud bang.

As soon as the hammer went down, the bed collapsed directly, and the bride was pressed under the hammer.

Incredibly dumbfounded.

Silent for a long time.

She roared sharply: "You! Damn! Die!"

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