The bride's deep voice seemed to be amplified by the loudspeaker, causing a violent overcast wind. The temperature in the whole room dropped by dozens of degrees in an instant.

Bang!! Jiang Che lifted the sledgehammer, another blow.

The bride's voice came to an abrupt end... The gloomy wind in the room also dissipated instantly.

This time, the bride was directly smashed into the ground and embedded in the ground.

"Husband, you have such a vicious heart!"

Her vicious eyes stared at Jiang Che.

One after another, the red and black power gradually converged on the bride's body.

Blood flashed.

Her body disappeared in place.

Jiang Che instantly felt a chill down his spine.

A bone hand had already gouged out his back.


Jiang Che's eyes turned cold and he roared wildly.

It was as if an ancient desolate beast opened its eyes.

The violent breath directly shocked the bride for a moment.

And at this time, Jiang Che had already turned his head and swung his hammer over. This hammer, with a ferocious aura, almost shredded everything.


This is the ultimate instinct of the beast hunting.

Kill your opponent.

At this moment, Jiang Che was like, a......a beast that was rushing towards its prey. The weapon in his hand carried a terrifying killing power, and he directly smashed the ghost bride out, smashed the three-story wall, and smashed the three-story wall directly from the house. It smashed into the air and let out a scream.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Banxian swallowed hard.


On one side, the ghost bride clutched the broken bones in her chest, her whole body was covered with pieces of crushed meat, extremely hideous and miserable.

She gave Jiang Che a vicious look.

He turned around and ran to the village cemetery.

"Don't go! Don't you want it? Husband is here to satisfy you!!"

Jiang Che chased after him with a sledgehammer.

In fact, this ghost bride, that is, the ability to manipulate people is powerful, a little weird, her real power is at most [-]% to [-]% stronger than that of the little boy.

The little boy was instantly killed in Jiang Che's current state of two alien beast cards.

So the ghost bride is not much better.

Chased by him.

Chapter [-]: Master Jiang of High Virtue

"Brother Jiang, I'll go gather the living first and gather in the center of the village!"

Zhou Banxian shouted.

He found that the air in the village was getting darker and colder.

It seems that there is an extremely terrifying existence that is about to be born.

After the ghost bride left, Chen Yuxuan and the others also recovered.

After ten minutes.

More than [-] people gathered in the center of the village. There were adults and children. Some people were holding yellow paper talismans, paper figures, and paper lanterns. Roaring house.

"Uncle Yuxuan, aren't we leaving yet?"

a little girl asked.

"Wait for someone, wait for the benefactor of the village."

Chen Yuxuan said solemnly.

Some children didn't quite understand it yet, but those adults who had been involved in the negotiation of escape for a long time realized in an instant that they were able to escape together this time, probably because of this person.

Chen Shijiao was suddenly overjoyed.

"Xiao Che is here!"

Everyone followed her gaze to the east of the village, and a figure with a sledgehammer swept over with the blue wind under her feet.

"All kneel down and kowtow to Master Jiang! 05"

Chen Yuxuan said solemnly.

Jiang Che gave a wry smile and hurriedly said.

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