"Jiang has always been responsible for eliminating demons and defending Taoism, but this time, one is to save innocent people, and the other is to save them... Wronged souls, stern ghosts.

Moreover, the so-called Yingjun has been born, this is the ultimate existence that surpasses the red clothes, if you let it go, it will definitely bring disaster to the common people, I am afraid it will endanger hundreds of thousands of living beings, and make it difficult for the people..."

Jiang Che spoke.

Hearing it, everyone was stunned.

In my heart, I have a great admiration for his noble character.

"...Senpai, have you recorded it?"

Chen Shijiao held the phone and nodded cutely: "Yeah! It's all recorded."

Jiang Che breathed a sigh of relief, and said seriously: "Be sure to show this video to the high-level officials of the Imperial Police Department, and tell them that if you don't have five million to deal with such a big scourge, I'll take a hammer and find him in person. theory!"

Crowd:...God's theory.

Aren't you threatening others?

Chapter [-] Run away! (Please order the first one! Please customize it! The fifth one)

Under the complicated gazes of Zhou Banxian and the others, Jiang Che, alone, stepped into this ghost village that had long since lost any living creatures. There were countless terrifying things, and let out a violent roar.

But Jiang Che, who was walking in a village full of evil spirits, had a feeling of returning home.

In his eyes, what is the evil in these houses? This motherfucker is the energy of white flowers! "Young man, my head is stuck, can you help me?"

In a house on the left, a wrinkled old man suddenly shouted.

The old man's head seems to be stuck in the fence.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is just a dead head, and this old man is a kind of ghost that constantly hunts the heads of living people and puts them on his own head, so it is often difficult to estimate the size and the head is stuck.

"Good talk good talk."

Jiang Che walked over with a smile, looking extremely enthusiastic.

"Smash the head and it's easy to take out!"

Bang! "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 150 energy."


The air in the entire Chenjia Village became more and more gloomy and cold, but the atmosphere became more and more strange... It became warm, it was obviously a village with no living people, but it was extremely lively and jubilant.

A man with a sledgehammer chased a group of ghosts from the north of the village to the east of the village, "Don't come here!"

"Help! Kill the ghost!"

"Master, please forgive me"

"Are you really a devil!!"

"Run away!"


This scene is extremely bizarre.

A group of ghosts, like sheep that encountered hungry wolves, screamed and ran away desperately, and even came up with a way to run away.

At this time, Jiang Che, although he did not acquire the permanent abilities of any of the exotic beast cards he just used, such as Luanniao, Fierce, and Fu.

But just the enhanced qi, blood, and physique have already reached [-] catties of great strength, plus the [Giant Spirit] attribute of the Thunder Fire Hammer, almost one hammer can blast out [-] catties of strength. A building in Chenjia Village A house in front of him is no different from tofu, not to mention the ghosts in these houses.

This pursuit continued until dark.

After a hammer sent away an old lady with two faces.

The sneakiness of the entire Chenjia Village was wiped out! And Jiang Che's energy was already close to [-].

"I don't know when it's [-], the system will level up"

Jiang Che had some expectations.

He remembered that the last time the system was upgraded was [-] energy.

Sitting at the intersection on the south side of the village and smoking a cigarette, Jiang Che slowly walked towards the Chenjia Village cemetery. According to Zhou Banxian, this is the core of the entire village, the gathering yin formation. At the same time, there seems to be another one here. A very strange plant with many baby heads.

This plant has absorbed the strong Yin Qi all the year round, and also absorbed the power of the Resentful Infant.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1 energy."

When walking into a certain area and approaching the cemetery.

Jiang Che suddenly heard a system prompt.

He was stunned for a moment: "It really is like this, where spiritual energy is strong, it can actively absorb energy."

Jiang Che suddenly felt that when he went back this time, he should have a good understanding of those... There are cracks in the strange world.


In the cemetery, a woman's cry was heard.

Jiang Che understood that this should be the couple who got married this time.

In the cemetery, a thick layer of fog filled the air, and the visibility did not exceed three meters.

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