After walking for a few minutes, Jiang Che saw that in the cemetery not far ahead, sitting on the coffin, was a woman whose stomach had been cut open, her face pale, and she was crying miserably.


"my child.……"

The sound was shrill and tragic.

Jiang Che walked over.

"Sister, what's wrong with your child?"

The woman glanced at Jiang Che, her eyes penetrating.

"It's... hungry!"

The woman gave a sly laugh, jumped up suddenly, and pierced Jiang Che's heart with her sharp fingers.

Bang! The sledgehammer fell.

The woman became a puddle of minced meat.

Jiang Che was expressionless.

Continuing to move forward, his expression was a little dignified, because up to now, in his beast-like perception, there was actually nothing in this cemetery that existed.

This shows that... the baby, I am afraid, has been promoted successfully.

Only this level of power: strength can completely avoid Jiang Che's perception.

"But since he has been promoted to the rank of existence, why don't he dare to come out?"

Jiang Che had some doubts in his heart.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with this so-called resentful baby!"

A light flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Che was not guessing randomly.

In fact, this is still based on his law of recklessness - the enemy faces your provocation and does not take action immediately, then he must have scruples or have a problem with Zhao Zhao, don't hesitate at this time, just play with him! Think here.

Jiang Che increased his speed and ran wildly across this cemetery under his feet, searching every area bit by bit.

Five minutes later. The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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A blood-red strange plant with eight 8-baby heads appeared in front of Jiang Che. His eyes lit up and he walked over. At the same time, the Kui Niu card in his hand was gripped even tighter, ready to use it at any time. .

Jiang Che walked to the plant, "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 10 energy."

Just getting close, you will get 10 energy directly.

Jiang Che stretched out his hand and grabbed the plant.

Boom seemed to have something to hold back.

In the thick fog, a violent yin and evil spirit burst out.

Chapter [-]: Yingjun?Spike! (Please order first! Please customize! Sixth more)

The figure of a baby came out of the thick fog. Those... vast evil spirits all emanated from him. The baby was wrapped in a layer of Yin Qi, and his face was covered with a strange evil pattern. As soon as he took a step, his aura increased by [-]%, and Jiang Che's breathless power was suppressed by the evil power on his body.

"Move my things and die!"

The baby's voice was majestic and ruthless, like a king.

As soon as the sentence fell, a black force rushed out and rolled towards Jiang Che, tearing him apart.

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

The master finally appeared.

"Use an alien card—"

"Kui Niu!"

Jiang Che's skin instantly turned into a hard brown-blue color, his muscles were bulging, full of strength, and at the same time, thunders circled around his body, making a 'ZZZ' sound.


Jiang Che roared wildly.

The thunder surged on the arm, and above the sledgehammer, the violent divine thunder also erupted, one after another terrifying thunder, intertwined into one side... Thunder net, attached to the sledgehammer.

A hammer blows out.

Boom! The ferocious divine thunder swept out and collided with the black power. With a 797 sound of 'bang', Jiang Che flew upside down, but an incomparably bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Baby King"

Jiang Che landed on the grave, clutching his chest and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"You sure have a problem!"

"I'm afraid the person who made you doesn't know the perfect refining method."

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