"Although you have reached the level of evil, but you have a big problem, your soul is damaged, and your strength has dropped by at least half!"

Jiang Che's words caused that... the baby with the devil's pattern on his face flashed a strong resentment on his face.

"Even so, it's enough to kill you!"

Yingjun said coldly.

It stretched out a hand, and the terrifying black power directly condensed into a big hand, crushing it towards Jiang Che.

Jiang Che laughed wildly.

"Since you are just a defective product, then you don't need to waste my ten thousand energy."

"Use an alien card—"


Jiang Che directly used this little trump card, and kept his current more powerful trump card, Yu Qiang, to deal with more critical situations in the future.


Different from other exotic beast cards, when the poor exotic beast card is used.

An ancient aura, a roar that sounded like being in an ancient battlefield, resounded in the void.

This incomparably fierce roar.

The shock made Yingjun's pupils shrink sharply.

What kind of power is this! It's so terrifying!! He actually felt an unstoppable power, and compared to the owner of the roar, he was simply a good baby.

Jiang Che's skin was covered with dark lines one after another. His muscles were refined to a terrifying level. He possessed a huge strength of one million kilograms.

"As expected of the four murderers, there are platoons."

Jiang Che chuckled lightly.

A pair of evil eyes looked at Yingjun.

"Children, come, uncle will teach you what it means to lead the wicked!"

Seeing Jiang Che in this state.

A trace of fear flashed in Yingjun's eyes.

"Unfortunately, you are not the master of the voice just now, and your strength has not broken through to my level, otherwise I would really be afraid of you!"

Yingjun said coldly.

"If it's just this level, go to hell!"

The pitch-black big hand violently pressed down, directly blasting the place where Jiang Che was standing, blasting a huge earth pit.

Bang! The power of black is extremely violent.

The pit is ten meters deep.

And it's still being eroded continuously. After a few breaths, it has reached more than [-] meters. Even ordinary missiles can't blast this depth! Yingjun looked at this deep pit.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Since that person was so confident just now, he shouldn't have been slapped to death by his own slap! At this time, the sound of air being torn apart sounded.

Jiang Che was surrounded by black air, and the sledgehammer in his hand slammed down towards Yingjun.

"Thunder! Flame! Explosion!"

With this loud shout, he used Kui Niu's ability, and a violent sound wave directly hit his soul, causing Yingjun to raise his brows. Although it couldn't really make him lose his resistance, it could still affect him for a moment.

At the same time, Qiangqi's violent evil power was blessing Jiang Che's right arm. His entire arm was covered with pitch-black magic lines. It swelled up and was thicker than Jiang Che's waist. A pitch-black thunderbolt surrounded Jiang Che's right arm and reached the top of the sledgehammer. The thunderbolt and the divine fire raged, rose, and exploded together.

This hammer directly brings together the four strongest abilities of the two alien beasts, as well as all the attributes of the Thunderfire Hammer.

Jiang Che has always believed that in the novels, those battles that... often... fight for one or two chapters are all in the water.

In a real master duel, the outcome of the battle is often only within one hammer.

And Yingjun faced this hammer.

His face changed drastically.

That roar was so strange that it shocked him to the point of being stunned.

0 seconds.

It was just this moment that made him unable to make a more correct response. He could only raise his arms, and the violent evil spirit, yin qi, and dark evil power were poured out in the most primitive way. Out, relying on the strong strength, to block this terrifying hammer.

Bang!!!!!! The whole cemetery fell into a dead silence.

Big sound.

The impact of this blow is too frightening.

After the violent force swept through, all the fog was shaken away.

Only a huge deep hole was exposed.

inside the pit.

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