Jiang Che raised his hammer, looked at Yingjun, who had only one head left, and grinned.

"When you fight in your next life, do your best as soon as possible!"

Bang! Go down with a hammer.

Skull fractured.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1.

2 quantity.”

In the air, there was still the unwilling roar of Yingjun.

"Evil Daoists won't let you go!"

Chapter [-] Something Happened (Please order first! Please order! Seventh more) (The rest will be updated tomorrow~)

Jiang Che walked out of the pit and pulled out... that blood-colored herb, a strong spiritual energy overflowed from the root in an instant.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 100 energy."

His eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he directly swallowed the elixir in a few mouthfuls.

Very sweet and delicious, an unforgettable delicacy.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 2 energy."

Jiang Che was instantly ecstatic. He never expected that this spirit medicine would be so powerful, it was equivalent to the two weakest evil spirits.

His energy directly reached more than [-],.

This is not all, a warm current brought by the spirit medicine rushes through Jiang Che's body, every inch of his flesh and blood is strengthened, a stinging pain is felt all over his body, and the potential of each cell is stimulated... After ten minutes.

Jiang Che swung the giant hammer twice, and his basic strength was close to [-] jin! In addition, after the Kui Niu and the Poor Strange Beast card state ends, the permanent increase in flesh and blood will probably directly reach [-] jin. The terrifying basic power! This is comparable to Jiang Che's original flesh-and-blood power using a bronze card.

The current Jiang Che, even if he doesn't rely on the alien card, can easily fight against the red-clothed level!" Ding, congratulations to the host's energy breakthrough 5.

Obtain the system upgrade permission, whether to spend 1 energy to upgrade"

See this tip.

Jiang Che was a little surprised and a little bit hurt.

After all, it is 1 energy! In the end, he cried out in pain: "Upgrade!"

After all, energy can be earned again.

However, the powerful functions added after the system upgrade are hard to come by.

"Ding, deduct 1 energy, the system upgrade will start, and the normal use of system functions will not be affected during this period."

"Ding, this upgrade will increase the 'enhanced function permissions' and open a new function randomly."

Hearing this prompt, Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

Then he turned Chenjiacun upside down, and finally was disappointed to find that the evil Taoist set up the Yin Gathering Formation, and the things he used were all very common objects. Nurturing...  

Jiang Che stepped on the blue wind boots and ran on the empty road at an extremely exaggerated speed.

It's only 10% after all.

Jiang Che was not too disappointed.

Another minute passed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, after the use of Qiongqi, you have obtained a permanent ability - ghost."

Jiang Che, who was running all the way, was shocked, and his whole body almost fell.

"Character Explosion"

Jiang Che was extremely excited.

The ghost, that is, the ability he used to avoid the ghost baby before, turned into a magic energy, and reorganized in another... Skill.

"I'm a poor geek!"

Jiang Che ran even more vigorously.

As the night gradually fell, he returned to Huangshan City and dialed the phone. On the other end, Zhou Banxian received the call. With a shake of his hand, he jumped up from his chair, which startled Chen Yuxuan and the others.

"Brother Jiang, you came out alive!!"

"Sorry, I mean, what about Yingjun?"

Zhou Banxian reacted and hurriedly changed his words.

"I was overtaken."

Jiang Che said directly.

There's nothing to hide about this.


Zhou Banxian uttered a sigh that could best reflect his mood.

"Give an address, meet and talk, I have something to do with you."

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