Jiang Che could see that he was very scared and worried about the safety of his relatives, so he nodded: "Don't worry."

Ye Liangchen's spirit finally eased up a bit.

He continued: "In the afternoon, I was texting you in the toilet, telling you about the strange things that happened these days, and as a result a terrible thing happened, a pale hand came out from under the toilet cubicle, I I thought it was the nanny who was cleaning the floor tiles, but this hand was holding three sheets of paper."

"A sullen voice asked me."

"Do you want yellow paper, red paper, or white paper?"

Ye Liangchen took a deep breath: "I was stunned at the time, and suddenly remembered that... folklore, when you go to the toilet, you encounter a pair of hands handing you paper and asking you to choose, you must not choose!"

"Because what you choose is your own death status and death method!"

"If you choose yellow paper, you will be chopped into pieces and thrown into the toilet. If you choose red paper, your neck will be cut, blood will drip on the toilet floor, and the floor tiles will be dyed red. Choosing white paper is the most terrifying, and the next day you will be You will die pale in the toilet cubicle, and no one knows how you died!"

"I was terrified."

Ye Liangchen's voice trembled.

"I opened the door and wanted to run out, but that hand grabbed my trouser leg and stuffed me with three pieces of paper."

He swallowed.

"I fainted out of nowhere, thinking I was doomed."

"But I don't know why, it's still alive."

Ye Liangchen had finished telling his story.

Jiang Che pondered for a while...: "You look for yourself."

Ye Liangchen was stunned.

He hurriedly rummaged through the bag of his clothes and trousers, and when he touched the left leg of his trousers, his expression changed and his hands trembled.

A piece of yellow paper and a piece of white paper were touched out by him.


Ye Liangchen widened and looked horrified: "There's still a piece of paper"

Jiang Che smiled and took out a piece of red paper from his pocket.

"I know that... the meaning of the paper ghost, look at your mobile phone."

Ye Liangchen was surprised.

Turning on the phone, I was surprised to find that I had invited five or six friends to my house.

He also responded.

"Damn it! This damn thing wants me to find friends and complete its three ways to die"

Anger overwhelmed Ye Liangchen's fear.

He doesn't have many friends, but he has always been the most loyal. If he hadn't known that Jiang Che had this ability, even if he was killed, he would never have sent a message to any of his friends.

"Brother Che, what should I do?"

Jiang Che smiled: "It's not as simple as giving me all the paper."


Jiang Che took three pieces of paper, and the two walked to the toilet at the end of the corridor. At this time, it was past seven o'clock, and it was completely dark. The lights in the corridor were a little dim for some reason.

Ye Liangchen held a stool under Jiang Che's gesture.

"When you see something strange later, pay attention to concentrating your consciousness on this amulet, and then yell out 'calm', if a stool hits it, it will die."

Thinking of Jiang Che's words, Ye Liangchen felt more confident and stood outside the toilet.

0 And Jiang Che walked into the toilet alone.

He sat down on the toilet and started playing with his phone.

Gradually, for more than ten minutes, the lights in the toilet suddenly dimmed, flickering and flickering, and a gloomy wind blew across the toilet.

Then a pale arm slowly stretched out from the toilet cubicle.

Haven't waited for it to speak.

Jiang Che stepped on its wrist with one foot, and then took out three pieces of paper from his pocket.

"Dude, do you want red paper, yellow paper, or white paper?"

The wind in the toilet stopped abruptly.

The whole ghost who handed the paper was stunned.

What...that seems to be my line, you said it.

I'm talking shit!..."You let go of... me!"

The paper-handling ghost shouted gloomily, he tried to stretch out his hand, but he couldn't pull it out. This man was so powerful that he almost stepped on his hand.

"Forget it, I'll give you an experience service first, and then let you choose."

Jiang Che pondered for a while, and then shouted: "Chen'er, I'm holding down this grandson, come in and start! Don't rush to use 'Zhenchuang."

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