When Ye Liangchen outside heard this, he immediately rushed in excitedly, and then saw a man with a pale face, as if smeared with flour, put one hand into the toilet cubicle and lowered it, as if he was being held down, The whole person was struggling to pull out, but couldn't pull it out, a pale face seemed to have signs of reddening.

Ye Liangchen's temper also came up: "that's...you want to hurt me, and you want to hurt my brother Lao Tzu to hammer you to death!"

He lifted the stool up, and it was... a mess of hammers.

I just handed that... paper ghost, hammered it and screamed, but still couldn't break free.


Ye Liangchen was the most breathless and satisfied. After completing the achievement of hammering ghosts for half an hour, he said with satisfaction: "Brother Che, I feel comfortable, what should I do now?"

In the toilet, Jiang Che shoved three pieces of paper into the hands of the paper passer.

To this dazzling ghost, he said something that made him despair.

"Start now, call your ghost friends over,"

"Three pieces of paper, that is... three 3 ghosts, if there is one less, the men outside will make your ass bloom!"

The paper-handling ghost almost turned pale with fright.

What are you...are you a devil? I beg you to be a human being! [-] million!

Chapter [-] Continue to call me! (Please order first! Please customize! Eleventh) (Thank you for your great support!!)

Photographed at Jiang Che's lewd power, the paper-handling ghost had to let out a 'woo woo' howl, the sound was very strange, and the penetrating power was very strong, attracting the ghosts around the house.

Half a minute later, the lights in the toilet suddenly flickered strangely, constantly brightening and darkening at a very strange frequency... Ye Liangchen was taken aback.

Jiang Che was also slightly startled, and then he raised his eyes and twitched the corners of his mouth. A man was floating in the air, unscrewing and tightening the lamp constantly, which caused this effect. Jiang Che, who was so scared that the corners of his mouth twitched, this man twisted it even more cheerfully, with an extremely excited grin on his broken face.

Hehe, scared to death! "Hey, brother, are you tired?"

Jiang Che watched for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask a question.

stop time.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

The man's injustice was stunned for a long time, not "seven nine, seven"

Ah, isn't this person a little stronger? He is still an ordinary person in general, how could he see himself and then Jiang Che walked towards him.

"Can you be a little bit arrogant, it's just a shame for you guys!"

He pulled the man's wronged soul down, and slapped him on the other's head...with a slap.

Jiang Che also had a toothache. Originally, he had some mysterious awe towards ghosts, but when he saw the operation of this wronged soul, he was completely unable to look directly at those...weird events.

It turns out that when the ghost appeared, the lights flickered on and off, that's how it came out! "I remembered, the night before yesterday, the lights in the kitchen also flickered so much that I was so scared that I didn't dare to drink water, so I ran back and was hungry. night!"

Ye Liangchen suddenly said with grief and indignation.


Jiang Che sighed: "You're still embarrassing you ghosts by living, so I'll let you go."

He punched out, as if a giant peak suppressed it. The man's grievance didn't even let out a scream, and was directly smashed to pieces! Then Jiang Che moved and stepped on the paper-handling ghost who wanted to slip away. The wicked leader of the old society shouted fiercely: "Continue to shout! Scream louder, shout cheerfully! If you call the uncle comfortable, I will spare your life."

The paper ghost was about to cry.

What the hell am I doing! I got into this devil!! "Woooo"

This time, his ghost cry, his romance is even more real, it can be said that under Jiang Che's training, his emotions have become extremely rich.

Suddenly, an extremely cold aura descended here.


The paper-handling ghost suddenly covered his mouth tightly, the sound of calling the ghost stopped abruptly, and an extremely frightened look appeared on his face.

"Why don't you call me!"

Jiang Che immediately just... slapped him on the head.

The paper ghost was about to cry.

He cautiously said: "Big brother, you have provoked something terrible, listen to my advice, let me go, we will run separately, and there is still a chance to survive."

"Amazing, Stuff"

Jiang Che was stunned.

The paper-handling ghost suddenly glared at him again... Saying a word, he pointed to the mirror in the toilet, his face full of horror.

Jiang Che and Ye Liangchen turned to look over.

Ye Liangchen's eyes were blurred for a moment, and the next moment, the talisman on his chest exuded a warmth, and a hint of gold flashed in his eyes. When he looked in the mirror again, a man was wearing clothes, his eyes were gouged out, and his pupils were bloody. The woman, facing them, smiled gloomily.


Ye Liangchen jumped up in fright, stepped back, pressed his body, and his face turned pale.

This ghost, the shape is really very scary, and the cold aura emanating from his body brings people endless fear.

The woman in the mirror seemed very satisfied with the reaction of the person outside. She chuckled lightly, blood and tears began to flow from her two empty eyeballs, and at the same time a face moved closer to the mirror, as if to press her face away from the mirror. Come out... "Damn, she won't rush out of the mirror! Brother Che, what should I do?"

Ye Liangchen held up the stool, trembling uncontrollably.

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