"It's okay, uncle, you stay here first, I'll go see what is calling on the third floor."

Jiang Che walked out with the sledgehammer in hand.

"Come here, Jiang Che..."

That... strange voice kept calling.

"Don't worry, I'll come to you right away!"

Jiang Che felt a warmth in his heart, it was the first time he had met a ghost who was so enthusiastic about him.

"Xiao Che, don't be impulsive, that thing is too weird."

Ye Longcheng chased after him.

However, Ye Liangchen held his father: "Jiang Che was invited by me to rescue our Ye family, father, don't worry."

"You child!"

Ye Longcheng was anxious: "How did I teach you since childhood that no one can cheat your friends! You are killing him!"

He said he was going to chase upstairs.

However this time.

Boom! There was a loud bang upstairs, and then a female ghost in red clothes jumped down from the third floor, full of horror, and ran towards the door in a panic.

Jiang Che jumped down after him, and chased out with a sledgehammer.

"I'm here, don't run away!"

Ye Liangchen shrugged: "Dad, look, I haven't seen it before. When I meet a ghost that Jiang Che dares not to cowardly, he comes. No matter how fierce it is, he can only run with his tail between his tails."

Ye Longcheng opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a long time.

"This... Little Che, Master Oh Bu Jiang, the way of exorcising ghosts seems to be different from what I imagined."

Immediately, his face was... ecstatic.

"But anyway, my Ye family is saved this time!"

"Chen'er, you have done a great job!"

On the other side, in the dark of night, Jiang Che caught up with the female ghost and went down with a hammer, and a terrifying deep pit appeared on the ground.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 880 energy."

Jiang Che glanced at it, his energy, Zhao Nuozhao, had reached more than [-].

He returned with a sledgehammer.

Ye Longcheng immediately greeted him with great enthusiasm.

"Master Jiang! Please take a seat."

This...a famous entrepreneur in Dayuan City poured tea for Jiang Che with great enthusiasm.

Jiang Che smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle Ye, don't be so polite. The matter of the last student status is thanks to you."

"I have received a lot of favor from you. This time, I will settle the matter for the Ye family. Uncle Ye doesn't have to worry."

Ye Longcheng is no longer polite.

A few people started talking directly.

Ye Longcheng organized the language and said slowly.

"The cause of the incident has to start from the area next to Shiling Park, where my Ye family contracted to build a commercial building, but not long ago, when digging the foundation, some strange things were dug up. From then on, the entire Ye family seems to be entangled in something..."

Thank you for the big 100vip reward of Daxian Declaration!Sprinkle flowers~

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] Terrifying Commissioner! (Please order the first order! Please Huahua~ The first update) (Thank you for your support!)

"That... my eldest brother is in charge of the construction site. A month ago, when digging the foundation, an ancient coffin was dug up, and the workers dared not move. My eldest brother came to the scene in person and let everyone open the museum. The cultural relics were handed over to the state, and it was an ordinary coffin. If no one claims it, it will be sent to cremation to prevent germs.”

"Who knew that as soon as the coffin was opened, a group of foxes rushed out, startling everyone."


Jiang Che was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered a fox he met on the road.

It's very likely that this fox is.... on guard to prevent people from the villa area from running out.

Ye Longcheng nodded and said solemnly: "After the fox ran away, a ceramic jar was left in the coffin. My eldest brother is usually a person who strictly abides by the rules, but this time I don't know why, I took the jar privately and brought it back. Family."

"Since then, strange things have happened in the Ye family one after another. At first, it was my father who went crazy at his [-]th birthday banquet, chasing a few guests and biting him. The whole person was like a beast. We managed to control him. , As a result, the next day, a more terrifying situation happened."

"A nanny at home died in the toilet, slashing her wrists in front of the mirror, with a sinister smile on her face.

Since then, many people in the villa area have said that they often see a woman in red in the mirror. Anyone who says these words will die within a few days. Pupils burst open, as if I was scared to death by...

Hearing this, Ye Liangchen felt a chill in his heart.

It turns out that... the woman in the red dress is so terrifying, if it weren't for Jiang Che, I'm afraid he would end up the same as those people.

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