"There was another night when I was fishing in the back mountain pond, and suddenly I felt that the fishing line was entangled in something big, and it almost pulled me into the water. Fortunately, I practiced ancient martial arts for a few years in my early years, and my qi and blood exceeded ordinary people, so I struggled to resist it. Come down, I finally got rid of it, and what was caught on the fishing rod,"

When Ye Longcheng said this, he took a deep breath and seemed to remember something terrible: "It's a blood-stained scalp!"


Ye Liangchen fell: a sigh of relief.

"I hurriedly threw away the fishing rod, and when I returned home, I felt that something was following me, and I never dared to... step out of the villa.

Then, on the third floor of the attic, there was that... sneaky person who called people's names every day, my willpower is not bad, plus I have practiced Chinese martial arts, I barely resisted."

"Oh, I just don't know, and what happened to the big brother and the others."

Ye Longcheng patted his thigh with a worried look on his face.

"Little Che, the problem lies in that jar, how to deal with that thing, it doesn't seem to be easy!"

Jiang Che stood up: "Hammer it."

Damn it! Ye Longcheng was stunned by how direct it was. He thought that Jiang Che, as a ghost exorcist, might have to have a set of tedious preparations, such as glutinous rice, black dog blood, yellow paper, three golds and three golds. Silver Sanyu, boy pee or something.

"Let's go, Uncle Ye, it's too late, haven't you heard a voice calling you?"

Jiang Che said at this time.

Ah, the two of them were stunned.

Suddenly found that on the other side, Ye Liangchen's mother, and Zhang's mother, the redness in the eyes has completely spread to the whole eyeball, the whole person is completely crazy, desperately trying to break free, seems to want to move in a certain direction rush away.

Seeing Ye Liangchen and his son, it seems to be really affected.

Jiang Che pondered for a while, and came to a conclusion: "It's also possible that the voice of the call is only aimed at people who are Taoist, and even sneaky, and those... strange things that used to be outside you, I'm afraid they've been called out. , let's go and have a look, I'm afraid something big will happen."

Jiang Che took the sledgehammer and walked out.

Ye Longcheng took a deep breath and brought two dishes, while Liang Chen followed behind with a security baton...

On the other side, outside the villa area, more than a dozen police cars stopped in unison.

A well-trained special police officer, armed with real guns and live ammunition, got out of the car and assembled, looking for offensive and defensive corners, sniping points, using police cars as bunkers, and even flamethrowers, anti-equipment, rocket launchers and other weapons of mass destruction. , Every policeman has a solemn expression.

They surrounded and monitored the entire villa area, but they did not act rashly.

A cold-faced middle-aged man with a Chinese character, Luo Xiaobing, the chief of Huangchuan District, wearing a specially-made uniform, gathered with a group of police officers to discuss combat countermeasures.

Luo Xiaobing asked in a deep voice.

"Report to the Director."

The heroic policewoman said neatly: "Comrade five commissioners, in an emergency on the road, we will arrive three minutes later!"


Luo Xiaobing sighed.

In the face of strange events, these... ordinary police forces, without a commissioner, are risking every minute of their stay here: a huge risk to their lives.

0 "Ah!"

Suddenly a scream came.

One of the two police officers who were sent to check whether the security guard at the gate was normal fell in a pool of blood, while the security guard, with his fangs out of his mouth, grabbed the other policeman's neck with his forehand and backhand, using his hands like iron pliers. He blocked his head, and the bullet hit the security guard, making a 'bang bang bang' sound, which could not penetrate at all, as if his body was an iron wall.

"not good!"

The faces of several police officers were extremely gloomy.


Someone was reluctant to get angry: "These... What is the situation with the Commissioner"

"The appointment time is late, do you take our life and death as a joke?"

The leader's voice just fell...

Stab! A specially made armored vehicle stopped beside the police car with a sudden stop at a speed of nearly two hundred yards, and a yellow talisman flew out of the car window at a speed faster than a bullet. Almost instantly, it was stuck on the Villa security guard eyebrows.


From the armored vehicle came a thick voice.

The policeman who was strangled did not say a word, and no matter how sharp the nails on his neck were, he immediately obeyed the order, twisted his body in a flexible posture, and slid down.

At this time, an incomparably cold ice thorn, wrapped in huge force, slammed heavily on the security guard's body with a 'bang', just like hitting a steel plate, but it also directly blasted the security guard out.

Amidst the wide-eyed eyes and drooling saliva of the police.

A man with a violent body, comparable to two Schwarzeneggers, with muscles all over his body, carrying a big wheel-like axe, rushed out of the armored car at a speed faster than the [-]-meter race champion. , Every step of stepping on it makes a loud bang on the ground, the strong man leaps violently, and in the night sky, an axe suddenly slashes down.

Boom! With a loud bang, that... invulnerable security guard, became two halves.


All the police officers could not help but take a deep breath.

This is the Commissioner of the Conspiracy Bureau. It's too scary! It's completely out of the scope of human beings! It's just a little superman.

With these big guys coming, what evil can stop [-] million!

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