"The old lady is going to kill you!"

She started to do everything in her power.

At the beginning, he kept shaking his body, and the strong wind that set off directly broke several large trees around him with a few clicks.

But when she stopped.

Only then did he realize that the human was grabbing his hair and still standing firmly on it.

797 "You forced me!"

The old fox demon suddenly bent its limbs, erupted with powerful strength, smashed the ground, jumped more than fifty meters high with a 'bang', and then turned its back to the ground with a 'bang', and slammed down hard, directly on the ground A huge pit, six or seven meters wide, was smashed, and the entire cement square, one after another, spread directly out more than ten meters away.

The old fox demon's qi and blood are a little disordered, and he has suffered a slight trauma.

She stood up.

Looking behind.

Just saw that human being, unscathed, even leisurely, grabbed his hair, sat down on his back, and planned to spend it with him all the time.

What...you're still alone Jiang Che shrugged.

The branch of the power of the mountain can control the earth in the first place. When he hit it, he was almost no different from hitting the quilt. With the strong body that has been strengthened by various kinds, it would be strange if he could be injured.

The old fox demon is almost going to be mad with anger.

"There is no such place as Wangui Cave, I made it up to scare you!"

she so roared.

do not know why.

When she finished shouting this sentence.

All the evil spirits present, people, Han Tian and others, all shivered, as if there was some incomparably terrifying murderer who was about to get angry.

“There is no place for this”

Jiang Che's voice was a little low.

Chapter [-] Could it be that you want to talk about money? (Please make your own ticket~ Tickets? Fourth update) (This chapter is quite humorous, recommended)

"Yes! No!"

The old fox said sharply.

"What Jiang dislikes the most is... people who are not honest."

The hammer in Jiang Che's hand slowly lifted up.


The old fox demon sneered: "You cunning humans, talk to me about honesty"

"Okay, if you don't come down, then I'll kill all your clan first."

"Dip you in their blood again!"

The old fox demon's eyes lit up, and it seemed that he had found a way to target Jiang Che.

Her blood-colored pupils suddenly looked at Han Tian and the others, who suddenly felt a chill down their backs, as if they were being stared at by some kind of terrifying beast.

Brush! The fox demon's figure flashed.

It turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of several people.

"level off hilltops!"

Li Yuanyu let out a loud roar, and a violent force erupted from the wheel axe, slashing out.

The old fox demon slammed down its axe with one paw.

Then its huge claws fell down, holding down Li Yuanyu.

Li Yuanyu, who was like a little giant, was like a newborn baby in front of this blood-eyed old fox demon. His face was flushed, and he couldn't move even a single moment. This was absolute suppression at the level of power.

"not good!"

The expressions of the members of the special operations team changed dramatically.

Han Tian's eyes suddenly turned white.

"Cut the soul!"

A sharp sword with concentrated spiritual power slashed out.

However, the blood-colored pupils of the old fox demon suddenly burst into flames, bursting out with two soul lights, instantly tearing apart this... sharp sword.


Han Tian spat out a mouthful of blood, and the pain in his head was like being stabbed by [-] needles.

"Ice Gun:!"

Lu Bing raised his hands high, and a shot of ice that was full of extreme chills condensed.

Xing Hu rushed forward desperately, and his body was all steel.

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