However, as the old fox demon's claws lifted and swept lightly, a violent demonic energy directly lifted the two of them flying.

Several people were completely desperate in an instant.

Don't look at the old fox demon being manipulated by Jiang Che, making him jump up and down, and his mentality explodes, it seems helpless and ridiculous.

When they really faced each other, they realized that the terror and invincibility of this old fox was almost completely unstoppable, and it was not a power on one level at all.

"It's over."

Lu Bing lay on the ground, a little desperate.

Suddenly, she felt some discomfort, it seemed that the surrounding air suddenly became hot and dry. She was an ice-type ability.

Very sensitive to temperature.

"what happened"

Lu Bing was looking for the source of this fiery feeling, and when she saw the violent sledgehammer that was raging with flames and raging thunder, her small mouth opened: "What is this thing that is big and long, and It's hot, it's hard looking, it looks... kind of scary!"

Lu Bing's words caused the men present to hesitate for a while.

We suspect you are driving, but we have no evidence.

But along with Lu Bing's gaze, they too, on the back of the old fox demon, the man with a sledgehammer.

Everyone was surprised.

Holy crap,! When did his hammer get so big? "Using an alien card—"


Jiang Che also understands that this blood-eyed real monster is not an ordinary rank. It is definitely an old monster. I am afraid that it can be comparable to the game ghost boy from Chenjia Village and the bride ghost. He only relies on basic strength. , it's still a bit of a struggle.

Jiang Che, who now has more than fifty thousand energy, has a lot of money and directly used an exotic beast card.

Along with this white card, it turns into an ancient force.

Jiang Che's muscles swelled up and became: extremely refined and powerful, and in his palms, some fine thorns grew, allowing him to grip the weapon better.

Bare is the beast of the army.

At this moment, Jiang Che suddenly exuded a fierce aura, and his understanding of... weapons instantly increased tenfold, and the giant hammer in his hand had originally grown to a diameter of one meter and a three-meter grip. It stopped when it hit the handle, but at this time, along with Jiang Che's power in the palm of his hand, the Thunder Fire Hammer actually doubled in size, becoming a ferocious hammer with a diameter of two meters and a handle of six meters. Giant Hammer.


"God fire!"


Every time Jiang Che shouted, a terrifying force burst out from the Thunder Hammer.

And the people who watched all of this below opened their mouths even more.

The old fox demon also noticed that something was wrong. It was extremely restless in its heart, and it couldn't care about Li Yuanyu on the ground. It began to run wildly, shaking, trying to get rid of the person on its back, because she felt a Share, fatal heart palpitations, the feeling of being close to death!! "Thunder! Flame! Explosion!"

Jiang Che's big hammer slammed down.

Bang! The beating, galloping old fox demon was blasted down directly.

There was a loud bang, and a huge pit nearly eight meters deep was smashed. Inside the pit, the old fox demon turned into a puddle of minced meat, and it was almost cooked.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 500 energy."

Jiang Che clapped his hands and jumped out with a sledgehammer.

"This...this...scholar, may I ask that... evil, solved it"

Han Tian asked in a trembling voice.

Jiang Che saw that this person seemed to be from the relevant department, he immediately became interested, and his face sank immediately.

Han Tian was stunned, what was going on, and then he saw that Jiang Che clutched his chest, threw the sledgehammer on the ground, coughed violently, took out a tissue, covered his mouth, and seemed to have spit , and then Jiang Che stared at the phlegm on the tissue for a few seconds before showing a panicked look: "Blood!"

Han Tian: "What a vicious evildoer!"

Jiang Che said in a deep voice, and his voice seemed extremely weak: "It actually hurt me like this. In this battle, at least [-] years of my skill will be abolished!"

Han Tian was stunned.

What a god, fifty years of kung fu! Why are you under twenty-five years old, you can’t get fifty years of kung fu after staying up late and practicing overtime! And at this time, Jiang Che’s elevation angle was [-] degrees, and he chuckled with great relief. : "However, if I can make this prosperous world stable, Zhao Nuo, Zhao let the people live and work in peace and contentment, even if I am injured and become a crippled person, what's the harm?"

When he said this, he carried his hands on his back and coughed weakly from time to time. Facing the chilling night wind, he looked very sad and extremely sad! The few people who lay on the ground, who had not yet seen the truth, burst into tears in an instant. Eyes.

Li Yuanyu burst into tears: "Wow, so touching! This senior is all for saving me. If this senior is disabled, I must take care of him for the rest of my life."

Xing Hu, who has always been a tough guy, couldn't help but his eyes were a little red.

Even the ice beauty Lu Bing couldn't help but sigh: "This senior is a role model for us people! In order to maintain social order, he has suffered such heavy losses and still has no regrets. It's really great! "

Only Han Tian was dumbfounded.

What's so special... Responsibility... Could it be that he wanted to talk about money? He came from a business family, and suddenly and keenly aware of Jiang Che's purpose.

Chapter [-] Horror old man?Seconds! (The fifth is more, the backstage just collapsed, sorry for the big guys)

"But it's a pity."

Jiang Che shook his head in great grief and helplessness: "I don't have any children under my knees, and now that I've been abandoned, I'm afraid I'm going to be lonely and helpless."

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