Accompanied by a prompt from the system.

Jiang Che suddenly felt the explosive force in his body, retreating like a tide, his pupils returned to normal, and the blue feathers on his back disappeared.

But the power isn't completely gone.

Although his current strength and qi and blood are not as violent as before, compared to an ordinary person, they are also extremely amazing!

Jiang Che clenched his fist.

With a slap, it directly smashed a rock the size of a basketball.

"At least it's five times my strength before. Although I can't deal with things like the old Huangpizi, it's definitely not a problem to beat the little Huangpizi!"

Jiang Che was very satisfied.

Although this power is not too strong.

But he is a player who can "explode" at any time.

Every point of basic strength is improved.

After using the alien card, you will get double growth!

After a short rest on the grave.

Jiang Che got up.

He glanced around, and in the dim darkness, it seemed that something was about to move.

And he looked completely unaware.

Turn around and start digging the grave.

hey hey~ hey hey~

In the cemetery at night, Jiang Che sweated like rain.

The first grave seemed to be where Huang Pizi slept. There was nothing there, but outside the tomb, Jiang Che found a small red flower, something special, and he put it up.

The second grave was opened.

Jiang Che was shocked.

The space inside is very large, full of bones of all kinds of animals, there are six or seven human skulls alone, and there is a bronze hammer, the handle is half human height, one-handed hammer, the hammer head is covered with overgrown. Barb.

Jiang Che picked it up and weighed it. It felt a little heavy. Looking at the small hammer, it was conservatively estimated to be two hundred kilograms. Although he was able to lift it now, he still struggled to use it as a weapon. The state may be just right.

The third tomb was empty.

Jiang Che's goal was achieved, the herbs suspected to be the antidote were obtained, and he also obtained a mysterious bronze hammer.

At two or three o'clock in the morning, under the moonlight, he walked leisurely to the dormitory from the desolate cemetery behind the school.

And along with Bi Fang's power disappeared.

Jiang Che has changed back to a pure ordinary person.

But it may be that the previous scene of dragging the yellow skin was too shocking, but it was calm along the way, and went straight out of the back of the school.

Jiang Che shook his head.


"This year's evil is the worst one I've ever seen. I am an ordinary person swaying around here, and I don't know how to come out and scare people."

His tone was quite a bit helpless.

no way.

Evil has its own means.

In this barren mountain, if they didn't take the initiative to come out, Jiang Che couldn't catch a few of them.

I saw so much evil on the way here.

He originally wanted to use this back mountain as a leveling point.

It doesn't seem to work now.

"Fortunately, there is a lot of information on Now it seems that the world is really going to change. All kinds of monsters and ghosts are beginning to appear. The dangers in the future are probably unpredictable by people today. Survive well."

Jiang Che had already decided.

From tomorrow onwards, through the information on that mysterious website, go to the site of those strange events, kill evil spirits, and gain energy!

Chapter [-] Dayuan City Spirit Medicine Exchange Group (new book for collection! Huahua!)

On the campus at three o'clock in the morning, walking on a deserted bluestone path, Jiang Che was looking forward to meeting a lilac-like girl and letting her taste his new treasure - a bronze mace.

Unfortunately it didn't work.

He returned to the downstairs of the dormitory, found a place to put the bronze mace, and then easily turned over and climbed up to the second floor. He entered the third floor without a protective net. Now he is five times more physically fit than ordinary people, and the walls of the dormitory have anti-theft protection. Nets, water pipes, it is not too easy to go upstairs with bare hands.

Go back to dorms.

Looking at Ye Liangchen, whose face was pale and Yintang was pitch black.

Jiang Che was in trouble.

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