This kind of situation, at first glance, is not something that the hospital can solve.

But he was not sure whether the safflower collected from Huangpiziwo was an antidote or some kind of poison.

Immediately, Jiang Che's light moved.

Suddenly thought.

On the Lingtan website, it seems that sand sculpture netizens have posted a lot of group accounts recently, and their names are very secondary, such as "The Third Detachment of Xishan City to Catch Monsters and Take the Mission", "Ghost Repair FAQ", "Qin Feng of Daliang City" Daoist Slaying Ghosts Group", "Monster Killer", "Extraordinary Discussion Group", "Loose Monks Exchange Group", "Mengxin Group to Warm Up Group", "Dayuan City Spirit Medicine Exchange Group"...

When he saw the group names of these middle two, Jiang Che decisively refused.

Now after going through the Huangpizi thing.

He suddenly thought of something.

That is, the Huangpizi incident is still hanging on It does exist, so most of these more than [-] strange incidents are also true?

And these group chats that seem to be in middle school are most likely really a communication group for a group of strange people?

Seeing his body twitching, Ye Liangchen, whose Yintang became darker and darker.

Jiang Che selected the Dayuan City elixir exchange group, clicked on the application, and just had the mentality of giving it a try. He didn't expect that at [-]:[-] in the middle of the night, the management was still there, and he passed it in a second.

Di, [Selling Girls' Little Match] join the group chat

[Please steal me to the door]: Welcome newcomers!The name... saucy.

[They forced me to be an undercover agent]: 666, welcome newcomers.

[Lao Na loves Rejoice]: How do girls sell?

[Losing all four pants]: I bet it must be a girl!


It was a series of welcomes.

Seeing Jiang Che froze for a while. don't even sleep! ?It's three in the morning!

But there is a need for people.

He still put away his doubts.

[Girls' little matches]: Please help Kangkang, everyone. What is this?

Upon hearing this.

Several people came to be interested.

[Please steal me from the door]: Is there any elixir? (rubbing hands)

[Four pants lose all]: I bet it must be an elixir!


The picture of the little red flower is sent out.

Crowd: ...

[Lao Na loves Rejoice]: When Zhou Shizhu opened his mouth, Lao Na was mentally prepared.

[Please steal me to the door]: +1

[They forced me to be undercover]: +1

[All four pants are lost]:  …

[Lao Na loves Rejoice]: But this is also expected, if you just randomly produce a spirit medicine, will it be okay?

[They forced me to be an undercover agent]: This is also true. After all, even on Yaoshan's side, all plants that grow a little spiritual are targeted by the bosses, and it is difficult for them to escape.

Heard a few people.

This little red flower doesn't seem to be the elixir in their mouths?

Jiang Che frowned.

At this moment.

[Lao Na Ai Rejoice] spoke: Although this is not a magic medicine, don't worry about this donor. You must have a friend, or you have been infected with the yellow-skinned yellow poison, right?This yellow-red grass is born in the womb of the dao, and it has the effect of detoxification. It is taken with boiled water. After the safflower turns yellow grass, take it out and take it with water, and the poison will be eliminated within a quarter of an hour.

Hear this.

Jiang Che's eyes flashed.

He did not say where the safflower came from.

[Lao Na loves Rejoice] But it is said in one mouth.

It seems that this is really a wise man!

[Selling Girls' Little Match]: Thank you, Master!In the future, Jiang will be able to accomplish one thing for the master within the scope of his ability, and I will go to save my friend first.

After speaking, Jiang Che stopped looking at the group.

Go to the corridor to get some water.

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