"Ding, do you spend 200 energy to strengthen the Thunder Hammer +1"

"Continue to strengthen!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

He can hardly wait to see how terrifying Kangkang's so-called Tier [-] enhancement items are.

"Ding, does it cost..."


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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Thank you Shao Siming for your 588vip tip! !Sprinkle flowers~

!Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons! : …

:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-] A landslide! (Ask for customization, subscription? The third update)

"Ding, do you spend 100 energy to strengthen the Thunder Hammer + 5 Jiang Che?"

The more it is strengthened to the back, the more terrifying the energy spent.

Jiang Che leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Sadly: "Continue to strengthen!!"

Anyway... 150 energy has been spent.

At this time, the thunder and fire hammer has also reached an extremely terrifying level. The thunder and fire aura on it has turned into two wandering dragons, wandering around the hammer. That kind of flame can completely burn everything. It is to crush any enemy! It is spent with [-] points of white energy.

In the humming air, there is a vast fluctuation.

A blazing light shone from the thunder and fire hammer in Jiang Che's hand... Three minutes later, the light dissipated.

A black sledgehammer was exposed, which seemed to be very ordinary, and it didn't exude a tyrannical aura.

What Jiang Che didn't notice was that.

The black iron lock demon coffin that he was stepping on, at this time, emitted a strange light, and seemed to tremble slightly.

And the ghost in the cabinet was shaking violently.


Jiang Che scratched his head: "It's not scientific."

He really didn't expect that 0 had a terrible breath just now, and almost made the whole room hot, and the temperature was above 607, 5 degrees, and the strengthening +[-] thunder hammer, after strengthening it again, it turned into such a flat handle Wuqi's big black hammer is also... It's too out of line. "System, you won't be eating black money, swallowing energy and not doing anything."

Jiang Che said suspiciously, "Why did you strengthen such a thing for me?"

"Ding, the system friendly reminder, third-order items, please go to an open, less crowded outdoor to try it out."

"As soon as an idea moves, it can be stimulated."

Hear this prompt.

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment, then he carried the thunder and fire hammer and ran all the way, three or four in the middle of the night, at midnight, and came to the desolate back mountain of the Great South.

Along the way, a pair of eyes kept watching him.

It was obviously a barren mountain, but on this cold windy night, it was especially lively. There were strange noises everywhere, and terrifying figures flashed through the graves and the dense forest from time to time.

And it seemed that they had been negotiated. When Jiang Che walked into a certain area, all the strange things started to happen at the same time. In the grave, something seemed to be digging, and a figure slowly crawled out of a certain weed. In the middle, a gust of wind blew past, revealing the head of a smiling woman. On the big tree in front of Jiang Che, a student with bulging eyes was hung on it, his legs were stiff... The whole back mountain was instantly gusted by a gloomy wind. All kinds of ghosts and wolf howls appeared, alluring people's souls.

If it were another person, halfway through, you might be scared out of your mind, turn your head and run away screaming.

However, Jiang Che was extremely enthusiastic.

"Hello everyone! I'm back again."

"The decapitated girl over there, it's time to wash her hair."

"Classmates hanging from the tree, pay attention to civilization, don't stick out that thing so long, I say tongue."

"The old man who crawled out of the grave, little one."

As soon as he finished speaking, the grave-headed ghost was stunned for a moment, and he just... hit the stone, and Jiang Che looked like he had come home.

It directly caused a lot of evil spirits, and they were all startled and confused.

After all, people who have come here before.

Either cringe, or lose the game and be forced to come over.

Either it's ferocious, it's just... to exorcise ghosts.

No one has ever been so enthusiastic as he was.

"Oh brother, what are you doing?"

Jiang Che was walking when he suddenly stepped on a soft spot under his feet. He looked down and saw a pale face buried in the soil. He smiled grimly at him. At the same time, a pair of cold hands grabbed it directly. Jiang Che's ankle.

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