
Jiang Che jumped directly.

The buried ghost on the ground is happy.

Look, so many brothers didn't frighten him, but I'm still strong enough! "Sneak Peek!"

Jiang Che stomped on it with one foot, and the strength under his feet was like a big mountain.

Pfft! Like the watermelon smashed, the head of the burial ghost was directly crushed.

"Miss and sisters on the mountain, pay attention, I just solved a peeping skirt for you, you must be careful when walking on the road, this kind of ghost is too scary!"

All the female ghosts on the mountain had a dozen faces stunned.

What a god.... peeping the skirt maniac! We are all ghosts, and we are afraid of being peeped at the skirt. At this time, the ghost on the mountain vaguely understands that this is a tough idea. When it was very difficult, Jiang Che had already left. When he reached the top of this barren mountain, he was holding a pure black sledgehammer. Don't tell me, although it looks ordinary, but if you look closely, there is a strange sense of heaviness.

Moreover, this hammer is indeed quite heavy. According to Jiang Che's weight, it is at least five thousand catties.

Jiang Che's thoughts moved.

The black surface of the sledgehammer in his hand cracked instantly, becoming: extremely ferocious, and at the same time, a terrifying high temperature radiated from the hammer head. If you look closely, there seems to be a crack in the ferocious cracks of the hammer. A pure white fiery flame.

This is nothing, with the sound of 'boom', the entire hammer suddenly increased in size, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a handle, the diameter of the hammer head was three meters, the handle was nine meters, a terrifying giant hammer, the hammer head cracked There are streaks and gaps, and there is a kind of extremely high temperature magma flowing directly inside.

The most terrifying thing is.

In the void behind Jiang Che, an incomparably gigantic giant phantom, at least seven or eight meters in height, vaguely appeared. On the giant's arms, there were two huge fire dragons, the giant's face was blurred, and his eyes were majestic.

At this moment, 797, a terrifying and unimaginable force, suppressed the entire mountain top.

Almost just for a moment.

Some weak and grieved souls were directly shattered! And some powerful ghosts were also burned with black smoke, their faces were full of pain, and they let out a shrill roar.


Jiang Che looked shocked and ecstatic: "Look!"

"This is a special effect!"

"This momentum!"

"This row of noodles!"

"So this has to be the product of a high martial arts fantasy world."

"This thing is used to hammer ghosts, who can stand it!"

Jiang Che waved the hammer, eager to try it, and murmured: "Or...try the hammer"

Do it when you think of it.

He no longer hesitated, raised the terrifying and ferocious sledgehammer high in his hand, slammed it down, and slammed it down towards the top of the mountain under his feet.

And then... boom! The terrifying explosion instantly annihilated the surrounding space of [-] meters in diameter.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The mountain collapsed.

All the ghosts opened their mouths wide and fled to the outside desperately, a vast terrifying heat wave swept down like a tidal wave.

All the evil spirits were stunned.

You are still alone, so you attack once, it's like a special effect in a movie!! Who can resist this!

Chapter [-] Group News (please customize, please subscribe? Fourth update~)

Boom! The terrifying loud noise shattered the quiet night of NTU.

"what's the matter"

Some night owls were the first to react.

"Looks like it exploded somewhere"

"Damn it, shouldn't it be someone from my Heaven and Earth Society who is calling?"

"Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty! 1 force!"


"From today, this place will be called 1 dormitory!"

"I don't agree!"

In an instant, the entire student dormitory burst into commotion.

At this time, a post was posted on the NTU Post Bar, and someone transferred it to the various student groups of NTU. In an instant, the entire dormitory area slowly became silent, and then there was a sound of gasping for air. In the picture, The entire mountain behind the school collapsed completely. In the picture, there was a faint light of fire, and there seemed to be a blurry figure walking away with a sledgehammer.

The text is attached to the picture: wow wow wow wow wow!! I scared the baby to death. I just went to the woods on the back side of the mountain with my boyfriend. Before the skirt was lifted, there was a loud noise and the mountain collapsed. My boyfriend was already scared to death. , I'm afraid it won't work in the future. May I ask everyone, can you still want this kind of boyfriend? Should you find a new boyfriend after breaking up? Is the new boyfriend looking for a handsome or a good kidney? If you are interested, please contact: 1 meters, do not disturb for a moment under 25.

See this post.

See this picture.

The Nannan University students all grew their mouths and looked shocked. They made up their minds and came up with a lot of things.


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