"Shouldn't it be..."

"Besides... I have someone who can exceed 25!"


"Could it be that this mountain was smashed down by someone with a hammer?"

"Is this something a human can do!!"

Since then, there has been a terrifying and strange story circulating in Nanyang University.

It is said that on a moonless night, do not go to the mountain behind the school to fight, because a strange man with a sledgehammer will suddenly appear and smash the mountain down.

scare your boyfriend into a lewd...

And the other side.

Jiang Che made a phone call, reported to the Bureau of Conspiracy, and killed a mountain of evil by himself. Then he walked leisurely, carrying a sledgehammer, and walked home. He looked at the hand in his hand with satisfaction. The sledgehammer cost [-], energy, and it really did not disappoint him.

Crazy Flame Hammer Jiang Che: Chiguguan, Emperor Duanxian, and a hammer to conquer Jiuzhongtian! ——Special ability of the scorching sun and extreme sun power: The flame explosion seems to have fewer attributes.

In fact, the enhancements are not... one and a half stars.

Just as an attribute of the scorching sun, the inflammatory power and damage attached to it are comparable to the entire Thunder Flame Hammer before. With this attribute, each hammer is equivalent to the power of the previous Thunder Flame Explosion.

Needless to say, extreme yang, the strongest and strongest yang is definitely the biggest nemesis of evil and ghosts. Just emitting it, the surrounding evil will not be able to bear it. If it is weaker, the direct divine power is the most terrifying. I feel that my strength has been directly increased by 3 catties! The hammer just now was actually only the explosion of three [-] basic attributes, and it was already caused, which was equivalent to the effect of dozens of Iowa high-explosive bombs.

And the last flame explosion was an active ability. Jiang Che didn't try it for the time being. He wasn't sure whether it would knock down several nearby teaching buildings, or use it in actual combat in the future.

back home.

Jiang Che checked and strengthened the Crazy Flame Hammer, and spent a total of 250 energy, and he killed the mountain of evil spirits and gained more than [-] energy, so in the end there were more than [-] energy left.

After thinking for a while, he strengthened a wave of blue wind boots.

It took two thousand and five energy.

Although these shoes were originally just a pair of five-dollar floor slippers, in actual combat, they are indeed a very necessary thing. Even if it does not mention how much speed is increased, its toughness alone can bring great convenience. .

Jiang Che had noticed before that Han Tian and the others wore strange shoes. It seemed that the soles of their shoes were made of a special kind of soft alloy, but even so, after a battle, the soles of several of their team members were still worn out. Very powerful, I am afraid that after a battle, it will have to be replaced, a pair of shoes.

When human beings exceed their physical limits, it will also bring corresponding troubles.

Along with the recast, a pair of extremely smooth brown-blue boots appeared on Jiang Che's feet.

Fengshen Boots Jiang Che: Brother, stand up, I will slip first this wave! - Speed ​​around: Mutual stepping Special ability: Blessed by Fengshen.

As the name suggests, Divine Speed ​​can strengthen Jiang Che, nearly four or five times the speed.

Left and right: Mutual stepping is a very strong ability, which replaces the previous Tiyun Zong, and it can be used at any time.

Jiang Che went outside and tried it out. He could use strength in the air to step up into the sky step by step, but it took a lot of energy. He estimated that he would have to fall down after rushing up to three to five kilometers at most.

The blessing of the wind god is awesome, and it directly forms a layer of wind flow on the surface of the body, which greatly reduces the wind resistance and directly increases Jiang Che's speed by ten times! It lasts for three minutes.

Reinforced Fengshen boots.

Jiang Che took out the most white skin.

"Ding, does it cost 200 energy to strengthen the leather armor + 1 Jiang Che?"


When Jiang Che used to play various games, he liked to pile meat the most. Now that he has awakened the Shanhaijing system, his wish has been fulfilled. Che doesn't have any meat attribute abilities that are particularly worth mentioning.

And this piece of five 55-attributes, all of which are piles of fleshy leather armor, complemented his longboard very well, and directly supplemented it into a super longboard! "Ding,..."


With a burst of reinforcement.

"Ding, do you spend 1 amount to strengthen the leather armor +5 Jiang Che"

At this time, the leather armor on Jiang Che's hand had changed completely, it had thickened a layer, and it exuded a solid feeling that was indestructible.


The energy of ten thousand white flowers was thrown out, and the leather armor began to be recast... Finally, a pure white soft leather armor appeared on Jiang Che's hand. Zhao Nuo, Zhao Yi... The terrifying old man roared, and the weaker enemies would probably be stunned by the power on this leather armor.

Divine Armor Jiang Che: I beg you to kill me! ——Anti-mountain Spirit Golden Armor Heavenly Shelter Special Ability: Indestructible. There is no way to test the specific frankness, but after Jiang Che put it on, he could clearly feel that in his body, it seemed It is full of inexhaustible power, and has become: extremely tough, tough, and can resist almost any attack.

Do all this.

Jiang Che suddenly heard the phone ring.

When I opened it, it was a group news, and there were more than one. He joined five or six groups about strange events, such as the Dayuan City elixir exchange group, the ability person exchange group, etc..., these... from the spirit In the group I saw on the Internet, the group owner was all members, and it seemed that something extremely important had happened.

Jiang Che was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and clicked on a few groups.

The above news shocked him.

Chapter [-] The big event! (Please subscribe, the fifth update is finally written, and I will never break my promise!)

[He Anyi] Group owner: Attention all members! Attention! One of the top ten forbidden areas in the empire, the Long Duan Ancient Tomb, the seal has been loosened recently. It is suspected that something has escaped. Everyone must be careful!! [Soap Happy Water]: Lying down Slot, really, I packed up and went abroad.

[Rich woman look at me]: Clean up, the latest news from the Eagle Empire, a door in the sky garden was opened, and a so-called true god came out from it, I am afraid it is a devil, blood slaughtered half of the state! The Eagle Empire, the people of Sacred Shield were so busy that they dispatched a strategic force to stabilize the situation...  

[I'm not a real skin] Group owner: All members! There are ghosts in the ghostly place where the dragon's head is cut off, and they ran out, so be mentally prepared, there may be major events in the near future! [Please hammer me to death! 】: [Angel loves the eagle]: Damn it, it's over! [Four-meter fierce man]: Boss, the Empire and the Foundation, Spirit Detection Network, are there any... say, what level is the thing that came out? [I'm not real的皮] Group owner: There is no news for the time being, but the empire has issued a second-level security order. At the critical moment, everyone must be recruited.

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