[Big Fish and Seaweed] Administrator: Second-level security order! So, the seal of the Long Duan Ancient Tomb may be loose [I am not a real skin] Group owner 797: It is very likely! Be prepared, the day will come. , we must take our lives to fill it in...  

[Medicine Cheke Trouble] Group owner: All members! All members! The restricted area is loosened, and something big may happen in the near future. What is even more terrifying is that once the seal in the restricted area is completely broken, it will be the ultimate battle between us capable people and ancient evil spirits. War! Attention, this is going to be a war!... All the groups exploded.

And Jiang Che looked at the news and suddenly realized that the peace of this world is about to come to an end. Maybe what will start next will be a bloody feast, the hymn of the strong, and the lament of the weak! Because he logged in Lingtan.com found that not only the empire had an accident, the eagle empire, the polar bear empire, the pigeon empire, and even the idols and other countries next door..., unimaginable horrors have occurred, and some ancient restricted areas have been opened. , Some terrifying existences appeared in the world, setting off the beginning of this bloody feast.

In the bottom of Jiang Che's heart, he suddenly had a more urgent desire for strength.

He glanced at it, only 175 energy left.

Then he rummaged through the spirit detection network, found a few paranormal events, and then lay down and took a short rest.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Che set off, and this time he was going to a relatively remote event that the empire had no time to deal with.

The strength rating of this incident is very clear, there will be no additional incidents, and it will not delay Jiang Che's agreement with Lu Xiaoyuan after five days.

Jiang Che took a taxi.

"Master, go to Qushui Town."


Qushui Town, Huangjia Village, here is Dayuan City, the most important village, relying on a primitive rainforest, but because it is too remote, even cars are not accessible, so such good conditions have developed tourism.

But every now and then, in the rainforest, there will be young people who dare to explore and pass by this small village that has been forgotten by the world.

this day.

Four 44 young people walked out of the rainforest, Zhang Tao, Chen Shou, Liu Changming, Xu Meili.

Four young people just out of college, taking advantage of their last youth, made a very adventurous thing - traversing the virgin rainforest in Nanzhou. Below, came out.


Zhang Tao scolded: "Three days! I have eaten compressed biscuits for three days, and I want to eat meat!"

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult."

Chen Shou looked happy: "The supply is almost not enough."

A few people climbed over a sloping field, walked out of the last forest, and suddenly saw a small village appeared in front of them. There were more than [-] households in the village, but the strange thing was that the village seemed a little deserted.


Xu Meimei's eyes lit up: "I finally see a living person, I want to eat, eat meat!"


Zhang Tao waved his hand: "I brought the money, these poor peasants have to throw away two hundred yuan, and they can't even cook the dishes."

Liu Shou hesitated a little: "But I heard that poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people. What if I encounter bad people?"

Liu Changming was also a little arrogant and said, "Brother Zhang Tao, Sister Mei, why don't you just endure it and wait until you find a bigger town and then go to eat good food."

Clap! Zhang Tao slapped Liu Changming on the head.

"Use your words"

Then he took Xu Meili's hand: "Whether you go to eat meat or not, you will be sure to eat delicious and spicy food."

Xu Meili licked the corner of her mouth, and Yingying smiled: "Go!"

Liu Shou could only sigh.

"Oh, forget it, I happen to be a little hungry too."

Then followed up.

Liu Changming looked at the village in front of him for a long time, and always felt a little uneasy in his heart, but several companions went up, and he could only follow behind.

Zhang Tao had been out of the society at first glance, he was not an ordinary college student, and when he arrived in the village, he immediately knocked on the door of a household, and the door was opened by a thin old lady with eyes that were a little dazed.

Didn't wait for her to speak.

Zhang Tao directly took out a hundred yuan and shook it.

"Auntie, cook us a meal, there are vegetables and meat, this is our meal money."

The aunt opened her mouth, and a voice came out of her throat: "Okay, okay, come in."

Several people walked in.

The door was closed.

The light in the room was a little dim, and it seemed that there was an uncle, a little boy, and a little girl sitting around the table, as if waiting to eat, but in front of them, there were only a few large empty pots, and there was no food at all.


Xu Meili suddenly covered her nose in disgust: "What kind of smell! It smells so bad"

Liu Shou's face changed: "It seems to be the smell of carrion!"

He looked at the strange family in front of him and thought, this shouldn't be the kind of person who kills people and robs goods. "I'm afraid of shit."

Zhang Tao slapped him on the head: "It's just dead mice, these... Farmers don't have much in their homes. Dead mice and cockroaches are the most."

And this time.

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