Liu Changming quietly touched a few people, and said in a trembling voice, "Let's go out quickly, I always feel that this old man has two children, and looking at our eyes is like looking at food."

Chapter [-] How to get to Huangjia Village? (Please subscribe! The first one)

Hearing Liu Changming's penetrating words just like watching food, even Zhang Tao, who has always been irritable, felt a panic in his heart. He hurriedly glanced at the uncle and the two children sitting at the table, the uncle's eyes were deep. The two children also have heavy eye bags and pale skin, giving people a decadent feeling of staying up late every day.

But the problem is, an old man in his [-]s or [-]s, and two children under [-] years old, what can he do when he stays up all night and play with his mobile phone? Yes, obviously not possible.

Squeak...! At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and the old woman walked towards the door.

Zhang Tao was stunned and asked in a deep voice, "Madame, what are you doing?"

He instantly remembered the plots of some zombie movies where strangers were tricked into the house and used to raise relatives who turned into zombies.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tao deliberately turned his head to see if the uncle and the two children had... iron chains or something under their feet, and he was relieved when he found out that there was no such thing.

"I finally had a good meal at home, so I went to invite my neighbors and relatives over."

The old woman said from the door.

The three men who had a good meal were all surprised.

I swallowed my saliva, feeling a chill down my spine.

Only Xu Meili snorted and said in her heart, these...the villagers are...there are so many strange things, why don't you just kill a chicken and eat some meat?

But she's not a brainless person, and she didn't really talk nonsense.

Just a little dissatisfied: "Madam, we have agreed, one hundred yuan for food, not to mention how good it is, at least let the four of us have enough to eat, so many relatives and neighbors, please cook more. meal!"

"Well, don't worry, girl."

There was a bang from outside the door, which was suspected to be the sound of a knock on the door.

Zhang Tao's expression sank. At this time, if he can't see that something is wrong, then he is in his twenties, and his life is in vain.

Chen Shou and Liu Changming both trembled a little.


Zhang Tao let out a low cry, and the three of them pulled Xu Meili who didn't know what to do, turned around and wanted to leave.

However, he just turned his head.




Several people were startled and screamed.

I saw the two children who were sitting beside the table just now. I don't know when, they have already stood behind them. The little boy said sadly: "Brother and sister, come here, let's go after dinner."

Zhang Tao's face sank, and he said fiercely: "Don't eat it! You guys are not clean here, I don't want to eat it, get out of the way!"

As he said that, he immediately opened the two children and ran outside.

But suddenly, a cold hand squeezed Zhang Tao's shoulder, like a block of ice, making him hiss.

And this hand, like an iron pincer, directly clamped Zhang Tao, making him unable to break free at all.

"Young son, you want to bully my grandson"

The old man's gloomy voice sounded faintly.


Zhang Tao's body is shaking, uncle, you misunderstood, I just want to go out to the toilet..."

"To the restroom"

The uncle thought for a while: "Alright, there, go and pull it."

He pointed to the corner of the room, a toilet that was stained with objects.

Then let go of Zhang Tao.

Zhang Tao was instantly overjoyed and winked with a few classmates. Although they were shaking a little, they were people who dared to cross the virgin rainforest. They were much more courageous than ordinary people. At this time, In spite of fear, they can still act normally.

Zhang Tao pretended to walk towards the toilet, Liu Changming and Chen Shou also followed. At this time, Xu Meili, who had already reacted, also turned pale and moved towards the door.


Zhang Tao suddenly shouted and rushed to the table with Liu Changming, while Chen Shou rushed to a counter next to him. The three of them suddenly lifted the table and the counter, and smashed the old man hard.

Chi! Chi! With two piercing sounds, the uncle's two skinny claws actually penetrated the table and the counter like a steel gun.

When several people saw this scene, their faces turned pale with fright.

Fortunately, in the process, they bypassed the uncle and the two children and rushed to the door.

A few people opened the door, only to find that they were chained outside. A few people tried their best to slam into it, 'bang bang bang bang, the door was finally knocked open, their faces were happy, and they rushed out in unison .

But the scene in front of you.

The faces of the four of them instantly turned pale: they froze in place.

Outside the door, a group of villagers with pale skin and empty eyes, not like living people at all, were holding empty basins and chopsticks, showing incomparably penetrating smiles at them. Some villagers had their mouths cracked to their ears. Root: There seems to be some flesh and blood left between the teeth.

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