The old man was stunned when he heard it.

What a god....Blind people can also see that this is our grandchildren! "Look, this child is so ugly, black, and his teeth are red, why is this! Who did it?"

Jiang Che didn't know when, he had already arrived in front of the little boy, looking at his head, left and right: observing, with a very professional look: "This is all because of you... irresponsible parents, children of such age. After giving birth, how do you ask him to find a girlfriend in the future?"

Jiang Che said, but he didn't turn his head away again, and couldn't bear it: "Oh, it's really ugly."

The little boy looked gloomy and sad.

Is it really okay for you to say that alone in front of me! "Cough"

The old man felt that he should stand up and explain: "Actually, these two children are our grandchildren."

Jiang Che glanced at him suspiciously.

"What about their parents?"

when referring to this issue.

A family of four, the old man, the old lady, the little boy, the little girl, all of a sudden, Qi Qiyin laughed, a gust of wind blew in the house, the door was closed with a 'pop', and the four people's bodies radiated There was a very cold air.

"My son and daughter-in-law are disobedient and always like to run outside. Once they came back from work, and the family ran out of food..."

The old man grinned, revealing a mouthful of black teeth, which were stained with blood. His expression was extremely gloomy, and his voice became even colder and lower: "I will kill them and invite the villagers to eat."

Grandpa finished.

The family of four all waited for Jiang Che's response.

I saw him pondering for three seconds 3.

"Then you son and daughter-in-law, have two children, report to our village committee?"

Four 44 corpses: what should you pay attention to! Are you here and shit village committee.

The members of our village committee are already dead, okay! Now it's the living corpse committee! "Leader, you haven't eaten yet, what do you want to say, or else you can finish lunch first."

said the old woman in a low voice.


Jiang Che promised, "It happened that I brought some good food."

Several living corpses were stunned.

Are you so polite? Come to check on Family Planning, and bring Cai Jiang Che to lift the clothes on the table, revealing a 1, a bloody middle-aged head.

"Ah! Ah!"


The uncle, the old lady, and the two children jumped up with fright. For a moment, they all forgot their identity as a living corpse.

Rentou won't be a murderer! "Old lady, run with Xiaoyu Xiaotian, I will fight him!"

The old man raised a stool, lifted it halfway, and suddenly 797 was stunned! I am a living corpse, and I am afraid of any murderous madman, no matter how vicious the homicidal madman, if I see Lao Tzu, don't I have to kneel! Thinking of this, the old man felt a little resentful, put down the stool, coughed dryly to hide his embarrassment, and pointed to the head on the table: "Old lady, do it, make a soup."

The old woman also responded.

He took his head and went to the kitchen.

at this time.

Jiang Che suddenly said: "It's hard to have a good meal, so I won't call some relatives and friends, and the neighbors will come and eat together."

The old man was stunned to hear this.

The rhythm was messed up by this person just now.

Confuse your own thinking.

In fact, the reason why he wanted to stabilize Jiang Che was also so that when he called the villagers over, he could eat the freshest delicious food. This was the rule in the village.

Hearing the reminder, the old man smiled grimly.

This is what you said yourself.

"Xiao Tian, ​​go and call the uncle and aunt in the village to come over."

The little boy responded and walked out the door.

Jiang Che didn't forget to instruct: "Go, little nephew, don't forget to cover your face, don't scare people."

The little boy froze.

What are you... WAIT!

Chapter [-] Is this unscientific? (Please subscribe~Chapter [-])

Wait for the little boy to leave.

Jiang Che sat down, extremely leisurely and happy, waiting for the prey to come by himself, and he even took out his mobile phone and flashed a short video.

The old man with green face and fangs next to him was taken aback for a moment.

Are you still a human being? Can you respect our evil spirits! You are so shameless! Accompanied by the sound of 'bang rumbling' footsteps.

The ground shook.

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