It seemed that the whole village was out.

It seems that this family is not really being tricked by Jiang Che's routine, they are also plotting against Jiang Che.

They saw that Jiang Che might be a little special, not an ordinary person, so they held him steady while calling out the same kind in the whole village. I can clean you up! But what the family of four didn't know was that this was exactly Jiang Che's purpose.

After all, although there are only more than [-] households in this village, the land is quite large, and some people's houses are on another hill.

You may see me Jiang on the first floor and you on the second floor, but I'm sorry, but I'm actually on the fifth floor.

The old man smiled sullenly at this time.

"Leader, halfway through the meal, his laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Jiang Che with a stunned expression. In Jiang Che's hand, that fiery sledgehammer was gradually blooming.

"Yes, it's time to eat.

Jiang Che grinned.

As soon as the hammer went down, in the terrified eyes of the old man, the flame engulfed his body.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 80 energy."

Then, Jiang Che strode out of the door.

Outside the door, the little boy surrounded the whole village with the living dead. All of them had pale skin and dark eye sockets. Some of them even had dark corpse spots on their bodies, and some of them had all their skin covered in corpses. A kind of stiff blue, this is the beauty of stepping into a copper corpse. Even with explosives, it is difficult to blow up these large groups of living corpses. All of them have stiff feet and empty eyes. Step forward, making a 'dong dong dong' footsteps.

The sound of heavy footsteps gave people a feeling of extreme depression, as if stepping on a person's heart, even the able ones would be shocked to the point of vomiting blood.

But at this time, Jiang Che's body armor radiated a layer of white light, wrapping his body. This kind of weird sound that can even affect the level of power, after touching this layer of white light, he was hit directly. Broken, without making any waves.

"Your village, the problem is too serious."

Jiang Che narrowed his eyes.

"To carry out such illegal cluster activities, form parties for personal gain, and collude with small groups."

"I can solemnly warn you that your behavior is a serious violation of imperial law!"

"On behalf of the enthusiastic citizens of Dayuan City, I will persuade and educate you!"

As he said that, Jiang Che slowly took out the sledgehammer. The hammer slowly expanded and cracked. In an instant, it became a giant hammer with a nine-meter handle and a three-meter diameter hammer head. Blazing lava flows.

All the corpses were stunned.

What about persuasion and education? After talking about it, I took out the hammer and...are you serious with such a big hammer! Are you making a movie!! Boom! The footsteps of the living corpse group stopped abruptly, that kind of... The sound of dong dong dong suddenly stopped. Some villagers had just started to take their steps and had not had time to put them down, but when they saw that others had stopped, it was not easy to continue to step on them. They raised their feet and kept still.

All the villagers swallowed hard.

In shock, he looked at the handle in front of him... the bigger and bigger hammer.

The surrounding air became hot and dry, and the cold aura on the bodies of dozens of living corpses was still unable to stop this... sledgehammer.

One after another, the vast Yang Qi poured out, covering the entire village in an instant.

Chi Chi Chi Chi originally had a vicious look on his face, the little boy who thought he could take revenge, as well as the rest of the children, as well as some weaker villagers, their skin was directly burnt, making a oozing sound.

Silence! Silence.

None of the villagers dared to take a step or speak.

Silence for three seconds 3.

Finally, some villagers could not resist this silent pressure.

Turn around and run.

A group of living corpses completely gave up the lineup, all of them were extremely tacit, and they turned their heads and slipped away.

Nonsense, other people's hammer head is like a small house. When this hammer comes down, I still have my own life. "Don't leave, aren't you just about to start dinner?"

Jiang Che rushed up with a smile.

Hold the sledgehammer high.

Roar loudly.

"Flame! Fall! Explosion!"

With a loud voice, a phantom of a giant seven or eight meters high appeared behind him, and at the same time, the terrifying high temperature on the hammer head soared instantly, reaching ten times the original terrifying high temperature!! The entire hammer rose up in an incomparable sense. Terrible flames, the flames spread from the hammer head, and directly covered Jiang Che's whole body.

The temperature of this flame is terribly high.

The yang energy is amazingly blazing.

A hammer blow.

Bang rumbling bang! An extremely terrifying explosion, as if dozens of bombs exploded among the corpses at the same time.

All the corpses were stunned.

A face full of horror.

Damn, is this Nima really exorcising ghosts!! Big brother, did you go to the wrong studio? We evil people should not bear this unbearable weight!! Please give me a chance to live! The flames spread, covering a radius of 35 meters in diameter. Within this range, all the houses were instantly annihilated, with no grass growing. Countless ordinary living corpses did not even utter a scream, and turned into flying ashes. Those... cyan-skinned living corpses let out a few screams. Only three or five villagers with silver-white skin and the most terrifying aura were able to roll around in a sea of ​​fire. They howled miserably for a few seconds, even though they were not directly hit by the sledgehammer.


"This row of noodles!"


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