"Quick, notify the technical department and lock the location of the mobile phone, I am afraid the person on the opposite side has already been controlled!"

"Quickly notify the director and deputy director!"

Soon some professionals made their voices heard, and the entire General Administration of Responding to Strange Incidents became operational in an instant, which shows that their professional abilities are very strong.

However this time.

There was a faint voice on the other end of the phone.

"Don't be too busy, I just want to ask, this person is in the bureau, do you have a task reward?"

This made everyone stunned.

Han Tian replied: "If you can kill it, ten elixir plants will be promoted two levels in a row."

"That's it, Lao Han, we are also old acquaintances, this cheap is given to you, you bring me fifteen spirit medicines, this head is even yours, promotion and salary increase, marry Bai Fumei The opportunity is at hand!"


This made everyone stunned for a long time.

Han Tian recalled: "Mr. Jiang, you killed her!"

The entire office of the Conspiracy Bureau fell into a dead silence.

Then it was as if a boulder was thrown into a clear spring, and it boiled instantly.


"real or fake"

"Things that the deputy director has no ability to kill, died at the hands of an unknown ability"

"Quick, technical department, confirm the location of the mobile phone, the person over there is likely to be controlled!"

Jiang Che: ... these days, to be honest, no one believes it. "Forget it, you should go to the scene with the instruments first, let's confirm, the location is Huangjiacun."

After Jiang Che finished speaking, he hung up the phone temporarily.

And half an hour later.

A group of two people, those with the ability of speed, holding detection instruments, returned to the bureau somewhat lost.

A group of people immediately gathered around.


"what's the result!"

"is that true"

The two opened their mouths, not knowing where to start.

At last one of the tall men asked.

"Have you all seen... fantasy movies?"

Everyone was stunned.

What does this have to do with fantasy movies?

Chapter [-]: Model Team Member Jiang Che (please subscribe to the first update)

"If you haven't seen a fantasy movie about this, I can't explain it to you at all."

The tall team member opened his hand and gestured: "That piece, such a big hole, just this big..."

He gestured his hands outward fiercely, seeing all the staff of the swindler being very speechless.

Brother, you are a professional scout! In the end, the short team members couldn't stand it any longer after describing the range by hand gestures, and said solemnly: "There is a 120-meter-diameter and nearly 300-meter-depth left on the spot. The huge pit, the soil in the pit has all become magma, the temperature peak is [-] degrees Celsius, the explosion temperature that is expected to cause such damage is [-] degrees or higher, or even higher!"


At the scene, there was a series of gasping sounds.

"A piece of lava left in the battle is something that humans can do!"

"Seven Nine, Seven"

"Fuck, my fire-type ability, I managed to exceed 00 degrees last month, and my rating was promoted. This is so special, it's not as good as someone else's aftermath of a battle."

"This Nima's, isn't it something that only a few hundred missiles can do?"

All the scammers.

All were stunned.

The short team member continued: "The impact range of the explosion was about [-] meters in diameter. The entire Huangjia Village was all gone, and none of the... recorded living corpses survived. At the scene, there were evil and different-level battles. The aftermath, according to the detectors and comparisons, was determined to be something from the Long Duan Ancient Tomb, no doubt, it should be the one half a year ago... slaughtered a town of [-] people, and then fought hard with the deputy director for six hours, and was beaten by the deputy director. Seriously wounded evil!"

"It's really her"

"That's great! Quickly inform the Deputy Bureau."

"Fuck! This bastard finally kicked the iron plate, and in that special battle, she killed twenty-seven of our brothers!"

A member of the Conspiracy Bureau slapped a table and smashed a table, feeling emotional.

Soon a call was connected.

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